The next morning, Lu Cheng went out after breakfast, switched to his trumpet "Ezio", and took Camillo to the car dealership in the city to buy a black vintage car.

Although Syracuse is not a big city, it is still very developed, and many people in the city have private cars.

The price of a vintage car is basically between 20,000 and 100,000 liras. Ordinary people have to work for at least a few years and save money without eating or drinking to afford a car.

Lu Cheng bought a black 4-seater sedan, and then asked a younger brother who could drive to drive the car, taking Lu Cheng and some lipstick samples all the way north to Lentini City.

At present, although Lu Cheng already has more than 120 younger brothers, these people are all reckless men who like to fight and kill, and few of them can negotiate business. Moreover, they have not yet recruited suitable talents. As a boss, Lu Cheng sometimes has to do it himself.

Fortunately, Lu Cheng is also quite experienced in negotiating business. In addition, lipstick is also a scarce commodity nowadays. Lipstick on Sicily is often in short supply, so the business talks went smoothly.

After settling the store in Lentini, Lu Cheng continued to go north to Catania, Taormina, Messina and other places.

It took five or six days in a row to finally expand the business completely and negotiate cooperation with all the towns and cities on the east coast of Sicily.

Lipstick itself has a very high profit, and it is a consumable product with stable continuous consumption capacity. As long as the business is expanded, the reputation is promoted, and a certain customer stickiness is formed, the rest is to make money.

After negotiating these cooperations and returning to Syracuse, Lu Cheng immediately asked his brothers to continue posting recruitment notices in the city. On the one hand, he recruited some female workers to expand the scale of production, and on the other hand, he also recruited some accounting, purchasing, sales, management and other talents.

At this time in Sicily, many people lost their jobs due to the impact of the war. It was not difficult to recruit ordinary workers, but it was a management talent and sales talent that needed to be carefully selected.

In the next few days, Lu Cheng basically appeared as "Ezio", interviewed and assessed talents, and handled various aspects of the factory's business.

In order to further strengthen the construction of the management team, Lu Cheng also rented several houses in Syracuse, set up a special office, registered a cosmetics company, and established a complete organization.

The purchasing department, sales department, design department, logistics department, and publicity department all need to be set up.

After a busy period, when Lu Cheng returned home, Malena came to him immediately: "Mr. Lu, you are finally back. I have made all the clothes you wanted. Try them on. If there is anything that is not suitable, I will modify it."

"Okay, I will go back and try it. Please come to my house. After I try it, I will tell you the modification suggestions immediately."

"Okay, no problem."

Lu Cheng returned home, changed his clothes and tried them on. He also made some modification suggestions and gave Malena the labor fee directly. At the same time, he also took out two mouthpieces. Hong handed it to Malena: "Ms. Malena, you have worked hard to make clothes for me. Please accept these small gifts."

"This... Mr. Lu, I only want the labor fee, and I can't ask you for more gifts."

"Just accept it. I will often ask you to make clothes in the future. Giving you some small gifts is also to hope that you can be more attentive when making clothes in the future."

"Okay, thank you for your gifts, I like them very much."

That afternoon, Malena modified the clothes according to Lu Cheng's suggestions, and then sent the clothes to Lu Cheng's home.

When she arrived at Lu Cheng's house, she saw Lu Cheng walking out of the house with a violin in his hand.

"Mr. Lu, are you going to practice?"

"Yes, if you like, you can stay for a cup of coffee and listen to how I play this piece."

"Of course I do."

"Mrs. Moore, prepare a cup of coffee for Ms. Malena."

"Okay, sir."

Soon, Mrs. Moore brought a cup of coffee, and Lu Cheng's performance just started.

As Lu Cheng plucked the strings, a song "When It Rains" sounded, a thought of autumn rain falling, a thought of autumn thoughts, awakening the longing and sadness hidden in the heart.

Malena was immediately intoxicated by this song, and soon forgot the purpose of her coming. Memories emerged in her eyes, some beautiful, some sad.

Wait for a song

At the end, Malena applauded and praised: "Mr. Lu, your performance is really wonderful. Listening to this song, it seems like there is a light rain falling from the window, which makes people unconsciously recall some of the past."

"That's right, the name of this song is "When it rains". People are always more likely to recall the past when it rains. In fact, music can cleanse people's hearts and tell stories."

"Oh, really, can Mr. Lu also tell stories with music?"

"Of course, we have a sad love story in China, which is very suitable for expressing with violin. It's just that this story is quite long. I wonder if Ms. Malena is interested in listening to it."

"Of course."

Lu Cheng asked Mrs. Moore to get a flute from the house. He first played a light and lively prelude with the flute, and then switched to the violin, gradually entering the theme with a light tune.

As the melodious violin music resounded in the yard, everything around seemed to be quiet, as if telling the story of two people from meeting, knowing each other to falling in love, experiencing the beauty of love, facing the setbacks of love, experiencing the hardships of love, enduring the obstruction of family members, the obstruction of the world, and finally both died for love.

When the rhythm entered the second half, the song became like a complaint, endless sadness, as if the two people tried their best to resist everything, but in the end they could only achieve love through death, and both turned into butterflies.

When the performance of nearly half an hour ended, tears had already fallen from the corners of Malena's eyes.

After the song ended, Malena was still immersed in it.

After a long while, Marlena finally spoke: "Lu, is this the love story of Romeo and Juliet?"

"Very similar, but our Chinese story is more classic."

"Can you tell me about this story?"

"Of course, the name of this story is "Liang Zhu"..."

Then, Marlena sat opposite Lu Cheng and listened quietly to Lu Cheng telling a classic love story that has been passed down through the ages.

As both widely circulated tragic love stories, the Western "Romeo and Juliet" and the Eastern "Liang Zhu" do have many similarities.

"Romeo and Juliet" focuses more on depicting personal inner contradictions and social conflicts. "Liang Zhu" focuses more on describing the persistence and belief of two lovers in love.

Judging from the ending, the Western story is more tragic and is a strong call for the liberation of human nature.

The Eastern "Liang Zhu" has two people dying together and turning into butterflies together to achieve eternal reunion, which is tragic and romantic.

It is impossible to say which one is better or worse, it can only be said to be the result of cultural differences.

However, after hearing this story, Malena shed a lot of tears, and Lu Cheng had to comfort her: "Stories are always stories. People in real life should be more cheerful. Malena, you should smile more. Smiles can heal everything."

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