After a long time, the two of them were in a mess.


That night, after having dinner and washing up, Marlena was about to go back to her room to rest when she heard a knock on the door. She thought it was Lu Cheng coming and hurried to open the door. However, after opening the door, she found that the person was not Lu Cheng, but the short, fat and wretched old dentist in the city.

Malena was about to close the door, but was stopped by the dentist: "Ms. Malena, I'm just here to deliver medicine to your father."

"Mr. Kasimalu, my father lives in the city. If you want to deliver medicine to him, you should go to the city to find him, not to me."

"Ms. Malena, your father is deaf, you should know that it is not convenient for me to deliver medicine to him."

"Then you shouldn't come to me so late."

"I'm here, why don't you let me in and sit down?"

"You are not welcome here."

"Ms. Malena, you are so rude."

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from the side: "Mr. Dentist, you are not welcome here. If you don't leave, I don't mind making a hole in your head."

The dentist turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a double-barreled shotgun directly against his forehead. He was so scared that he stepped back and ran away.

After the dentist ran away, Malena could see clearly that it was Lu Cheng who came out of the darkness. The shock and grievance of being harassed by the dentist just now came to her mind, and Malena threw herself directly into Lu Cheng's arms.

Lu Cheng hugged Malena with one hand, walked into the house, closed the door with his foot, and then comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, it's okay, I'm here."

As he said, Lu Cheng gently patted Malena's back.

Feeling the warmth in Lu Cheng's arms and the comfort of his words, Malena couldn't help but think of the grievances and cold words she had suffered during this period of time, and tears couldn't stop flowing.

Lu Cheng held her in his arms, stroked her hair with his right hand, like stroking a cat, and let her tears wet the clothes on his chest.

Malena cried for a long time, and only after venting all her emotions did she gradually calm down. She looked up at Lu Cheng, and seeing the tenderness and concern in Lu Cheng's eyes, Malena's heart surged, and she took the initiative to kiss him.

Lu Cheng responded immediately and taught her the most skilled "verbal battle" skills.

Compared with the implicitness of oriental women, Western women are often more direct and bold. Once they are moved and the timing is right, they will take action without hesitation.

Lu Cheng will naturally not be polite to the prey that comes to his door.

Malena is 1.73 meters tall and has a big frame. Compared with ordinary oriental women, she is like an off-road vehicle and a sedan.

Off-road vehicles have a larger body, stronger climbing ability, and naturally stronger power and endurance.

Sedan has a more silky appearance and a better humanized experience.

Of course, the two cars have two feelings, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, Lu Cheng's garage always has both off-road vehicles, sedans, and supercars.

After tossing and turning for most of the night, Malena finally fell asleep with Lu Cheng in her arms.

Maybe it was because she hadn't slept so soundly for a long time, or maybe she had consumed too much energy last night. Malena didn't wake up until near noon.

After opening her eyes, she found that Lu Cheng was no longer around her. Malena suddenly felt a little panicked. She quickly put on her clothes, walked out of the room, and went downstairs. She saw Lu Cheng sitting on the sofa flipping through a book. Lunch was already on the table.

After seeing Lu Cheng, Malena's heart suddenly settled down. This was because she recalled everything that happened last night, and her heart felt a little numb, as if she had been electrified.

"Are you up? Wash up. Mrs. Moore has prepared lunch."


After washing up, Malena suddenly felt a little thirsty. Before she had time to eat, she picked up a glass of cold boiled water on the table that had been poured in advance and drank it all up.

After drinking the water, Malena felt much better and started to eat.

After excessive physical exertion and a long sleep, she was really hungry and felt that today's meal was really delicious.

After the two finished their meal, Mrs. Moore showed up in time to clean up the dishes, and Lu Cheng took Malena upstairs.

Seeing the messy bed next to her, Malena's heart was a little flustered again: "Lu, I... I may need to rest for a while."

"What are you thinking about? I have

I have something to tell you. Since you are with me, you are my woman. I will protect your safety and provide you with food and clothing in the future. "

"Well, I believe you."

At the most helpless time, there is a man to rely on, not to mention that this man is still her favorite, Malena is already very satisfied.

"Since you are already mine, I have something to tell you in advance. I recently learned about the war situation in Africa and Europe, and found that the situation is not good. Sicily has developed transportation and is close to the Apennine Peninsula. In the future, war may break out here, and it may even become a place for the Allied Forces and the Italian Army to fight.

In short, this place may not be safe in the future. Therefore, I plan to move after a while. Are you willing to go with me then? "

"Of course I am willing, and I don't like it here very much. It's just that my father is old and he may need someone to take care of him..."

"Then take him with you."

"My father is very stubborn, he may not want to go far away. "

"Then take him away by force, it's better than leaving him here."

"Then I'll listen to you."

"Just listen to me, you should rest at home first, let Mrs. Moore accompany you. I have some things to deal with in the afternoon, and I will come back to accompany you in the evening."

"Then be careful."

After that, Lu Cheng rode his bicycle all the way west, and after passing through the city of Syracuse, he had switched to the trumpet "Ezio".

In the tavern newly built by Enrique, Lu Cheng called several leaders under his command together and explained the situation to them: "Brothers, some news has been sent back from the front line recently, and the war is not good for us. In the future, Sicily may not be very safe. Therefore, I plan to go to America to develop. Who of you is willing to go with me?"

Camilo and Eric immediately stood up and said: "Sir, we are willing to pursue you to the death."

"Sir, we are willing to do so too."

"Sir, I... my family is here, I want to stay. ”

“Those who are willing to go with me can take all their families with them. I will not force those who want to stay. Besides, Sicily does need some people to stay and garrison. There is no rush for this matter. I will leave before the end of the year, and you still have some time to consider.

In addition, there is one more thing you need to do. I don’t like the dentist Kasimalu and the lawyer in the city. ”

“Then let’s kill them tonight.”

“Killing them is too easy for them. Pull out all the teeth of the dentist, break his legs, and let him never stand up again in his life. You also need to take care of the dentist’s wife and the lawyer. If you can’t satisfy me, I will double your training. ”

When everyone heard about the double training, they all shuddered and promised: “Don’t worry, sir, we promise to make them all live a life worse than death.”

“Okay, do it cleanly and don’t leave any trouble.”

“No problem, sir. We have been training for so long, and we will never cause you any trouble. "

In the original drama, the dentist was obsessed with Malena, and even though he had a family, he still claimed that Malena was his fiancée. Moreover, the dentist's wife was also the main person who slandered Malena, and finally took the lead in beating Malena and cutting Malena's hair.

As for the lawyer, he was also the first guy in the original drama who forcibly attacked Malena.

Now that he is leaving, he will naturally not let them go...

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