The next morning, two big news happened in Syracuse. The dentist in the city had all his teeth pulled out and his legs broken, and the dentist's wife had her tongue cut and her arms broken. As for the lawyer, he was castrated and his ears were cut off. It has to be said that these gang members are very professional when doing bad things. At noon, Malena returned from the city, and her face was obviously not very good. After that, Malena came directly to Lu Cheng's house. After seeing Lu Cheng, she threw herself into Lu Cheng's arms with grievance. "What happened? Did someone make you angry?"

"My father...he changed the locks of the house and didn't want to see me."

"Malena, don't be sad. Let me tell you what happened first. Do you know the reason?"

"I heard from some people in the city that someone went to the school to deliver a letter to my father, saying...saying..."

Lu Cheng patted Malena on the back: "Leave it to me, I will take care of it."


After comforting Malena and having lunch with her, Lu Cheng went out, turned an alley, changed into Ezio's identity, and came to a yard on the real east side.

Several guys who were drinking and chatting in the yard saw Lu Cheng coming and stood up and saluted respectfully: "Sir."

Lu Cheng nodded, and then ordered: "You go to the city to investigate a matter... Find out who sent the letter to the Latin teacher, find the person behind the scenes, and deal with it directly."

"Yes, sir."

"Also, let Camilo and the others come here to see me in the evening."

After giving the order, Lu Cheng got up and left.

This contact point was just established not long ago, just to facilitate Lu Cheng to arrange his men to do things.

This investigation task was not difficult. The younger brothers submitted the news and the results of the handling the next day. It turned out that the postman in the city sent a letter to Malena's father, slandering Malena for having affairs with many men in the city, and publicized this matter.

As for the purpose, it was to drive Malena into the abyss so that he could take the opportunity to succeed.

Last night, Lu Cheng's men sneaked into the postman's house and stabbed the postman.

Several incidents happened in the city one after another. The police investigated everywhere but found nothing.

For a time, the people of Syracuse were in a panic. At night, everyone turned off the lights early, closed the doors and windows, and dared not make any noise.

Even the police patrolling the streets were in groups of seven or eight, and dared not be careless.

As for Malena's father, the deaf and stubborn old man, Lu Cheng did not care about him for the time being, but Malena would go to see him from time to time.

As a father, when his daughter was in trouble, he could not stand up to protect her, and he also listened to the slander and cut off relations with his daughter. This was because Malena was more filial, otherwise who would care about his life or death?

The turmoil in the city soon faded away, and people's fear did not last long.

In this era, it is normal for several people to die every month. That is to say, the postman, dentist, and lawyer all had problems at home, which caused such a big fuss.

On the other hand, Lu Cheng also mobilized his subordinates and quickly arranged for the first group of people to go to the United States to prepare for the battle.

At the same time, the factory has been working overtime recently to complete the previous orders.

Lu Cheng and Malena also sold the two houses here at a low price.

Mrs. Moore heard that Lu Cheng was leaving and took the initiative to offer to follow Lu Cheng.

Mrs. Moore had no one else in her family, and she was more efficient in doing things and had recently learned some Chinese food, so Lu Cheng decided to take her with him.

Anyway, someone had to be found to wash clothes, cook, and handle housework when they got there.

In December 1940, Lu Cheng, who had lived in Sicily for half a year, boarded a cargo ship to the United States with Malena.

At the same time, Malena's old father was also tied up by Lu Cheng's subordinates and sent on board together.

It was not until the ship sailed out of Sicily that Malena saw her father and explained everything to him.

Of course, Lu Cheng did not go to see the old man, and the old man did not deserve his respect.

Lu Cheng's original identity was to go to the United States as a friend of "Ezio" under the escort of a dozen younger brothers.

As for the small "Ezio", he would go to the United States alone, and

The younger brothers reunited. The younger brothers all went to America with their families in batches.

More than half of the more than 120 younger brothers were willing to leave with Lu Cheng, and only about 30 people stayed on Sicily.

Before leaving, several of the younger brothers went to greet the toothless dentist and the castrated lawyer again, and beat the two guys half to death, and they had to lie in bed for at least a year and a half.

At the same time, the younger brothers who stayed in Sicily also received a task to teach the two guys a lesson every six months, and first arranged for them to be paralyzed for three years and dementia for five years.

Because it was a war period at this time, and Mexico had declared war on Britain and France, Lu Cheng and others took a merchant ship and went through many twists and turns before finally boarding a plane to the United States.

When they arrived in New York, it was already the beginning of 1941.

After arriving in New York, Lu Cheng took Malena directly to New York's Chinatown.

In fact, as early as 1890, Chinatown was formed in Manhattan. A large number of Chinese people gathered here. The main population is Chinese from Fujian, Guangdong, Hong Kong and other places, and the main languages ​​are Mandarin, Minnan dialect and Cantonese.

Lu Cheng quickly got along with the residents here with his authentic Mandarin, fluent Cantonese and Minnan dialect, and opened a Chinese medicine clinic.

Of course, Lu Cheng's Chinese medicine clinic is only open 4 days a week, and he often goes out for the rest of the time.

As for the reason for going out, it is naturally to switch to another small account, under the name of "Ezio", to re-establish a cosmetics company, and set up a factory to start producing various cosmetics.

Although the two identities cannot appear at the same time, Lu Cheng also relies on his superb time management ability to arrange everything quite well.

On the Ezio side, Lu Cheng does not often show up, and most of the time he leaves it to his younger brother to manage, and he only needs to sit behind the scenes.

Not long after, the lawyer of "Ezio" signed a formula purchase contract with Lu Cheng, and sent a sum of money to Lu Cheng through the left hand to the right hand, which can be regarded as establishing a channel for funds between his two identities.

Of course, since both identities are Lu Cheng, it is easy to launder some money. Buying and selling antiques, secret recipes, etc. are all possible.

After arriving in the United States, Lu Cheng initially established a foothold here in just two or three months.

Since it was a time of war, a large number of foreigners entered the United States almost every day. It was not difficult to get a legal identity, as long as you had money.

After everything settled down, Lu Cheng quickly made friends with a group of people from all walks of life with his extraordinary medical skills. Among them were serious businessmen, gang leaders in Chinatown, and even some figures in the American mafia.

At this time, the American mafia had grown stronger, not only engaging in various illegal transactions, but also involved in politics. Gang fights and gun battles were also common.

Those gang members who were shot naturally could not go to the hospital for treatment, which required a special black clinic...

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