In fact, the reason why He Fengying mentioned He Xiulian was not just to introduce a date to Lu Cheng. Even if she didn't meet Lu Cheng today, she planned to go back to her parents' home soon.

Sun Yuting and his wife were not people who lived a down-to-earth life. They spent almost all the money saved at home after the Chinese New Year. Now that spring has just begun and the family is in a tight spot, He Fengying is going to go back to her parents' home and borrow some money.

He Fengying had some small calculations to become the director of women's affairs. Just when the words came to her lips, she thought about whether she could make some benefits.

Although Lu Cheng didn't know the details, he didn't care about them. As long as he could successfully contact He Xiulian who was far away in Shanxi Province, spending a little money was nothing.

At this moment, Lu Cheng's storage space also contains all his belongings, 288.76 yuan, which can be regarded as another novice benefit of the system.

In an ordinary rural family, one or two strong laborers have to support a large family. How much money can they save in a year? It is very good for a family to have a savings of several dozen yuan and not fall into famine.

Although Lu Cheng is better than ordinary people, he does not have any extra income. He may have to pay a little for his medical treatment for poor families.

In addition, Lu Cheng has a lot of food and clothing expenses. From time to time, he has to eat eggs and meat to supplement nutrition, which is not easy.

If Lu Cheng is asked to save money by himself, it is not so easy to save these two or three hundred yuan.

After leaving Sun Yuting's house, Lu Cheng went around the village again, and only returned home after finding out the general situation of the village.

The weather is still relatively cold now, there is not much farm work, and it is rare to have free time. Lu Cheng naturally has to seize the time to read more books and study to improve his medical skills.

Since he is a barefoot doctor, he must be responsible for the patients and cannot be content with being a half-baked mediocre doctor.

Moreover, now people eat from the big pot, and Lu Cheng, a barefoot doctor, can rely on the brigade to support him and have no worries about food and drink.

After a few years, the responsibility contract system for linking output to production will be implemented, and barefoot doctors will lose the work point subsidy of the brigade. They have to treat patients and save lives while working in the fields, and their income will drop significantly.

When rural medical conditions gradually improve, barefoot doctors will also transform into rural doctors. Many barefoot doctors with low education and low medical skills will be eliminated.

As for whether to be a doctor for life in the future, Lu Cheng has not yet decided. But the skill of medical skills is very important no matter which world he is in, and Lu Cheng is ready to improve it well.

With the system, it is much easier for Lu Cheng to improve his medical skills than ordinary people.

Reading and self-studying, curing patients, asking famous teachers, and observing and learning can all increase medical experience. When the experience bar is full, you can upgrade directly.

With the first-level medical skills, one can only be an ordinary barefoot doctor.

With the second-level medical skills, one is equivalent to an excellent doctor in a township health center.

With the third-level medical skills, one can be an attending physician in a county-level hospital.

With the fourth-level medical skills, one can be a chief physician in a city-level hospital.

As for the fifth- and sixth-level medical skills, one needs to have unique achievements in a certain field and be an expert or a well-known expert at the provincial level.

As for the seventh- and eighth-level medical skills, one is a well-known expert in the country, or even a master of traditional Chinese medicine, and is a national treasure-level doctor.

Going up to the ninth-level medical skills, one is a well-deserved national treasure, an absolute authority in a certain field, and an existence that is worthy of being recorded in history.

The tenth-level medical skills belong to the legendary level, which is rare in thousands of years of history.

Lu Cheng's medical skills at this time have just entered the door, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

In addition to a "Barefoot Doctor Handbook", there are three other medical books at home, namely "Concise Chinese Medicine", "Hygiene", and "First Aid".

Learning medicine is different from learning other things. It cannot be sloppy. Lu Cheng was very serious when he was self-studying. He first learned all the most common diseases in rural areas, one by one, without omission, and then learned some relatively important ones.

While studying, thinking, and taking notes, half a day passed unknowingly.

In this era without computers, televisions, mobile phones, and the Internet, entertainment methods are extremely scarce. Apart from reading books and newspapers, rural people rarely have the opportunity to contact the outside world.

Shuangshui Village has not yet been widely electrified. Only the village brigade and the village party secretary have electricity. The rest of the villagers basically use kerosene lamps as lighting, and candles are rarely used.

Lu Cheng's family is no exception. The only family

The electrical appliance was the old-fashioned iron flashlight, which was mainly used for night visits.

After a simple dinner, Lu Cheng wanted to continue reading and studying, but the light of the kerosene lamp was indeed a little dim, and reading was a bit straining on the eyes. Lu Cheng put down the book, moved his body in the yard, and prepared to rest.

At night on the Loess Plateau, the starry sky was particularly bright, and the earth was quiet. Only a few barking dogs and the sound of the north wind blowing through the branches on the hillside were heard from the village occasionally.

Ordinary villagers rarely go out at night, and only the militia will patrol together.

The militia of this era is not vague at all. They are all trained by veterans, have mastered certain combat skills, and are equipped with real guns and live ammunition.

Shooting, throwing bombs, digging trenches, disassembling and maintaining firearms are just the most basic.

In some places, the militia is also equipped with heavy machine guns, submachine guns, recoilless guns, etc., and they will also train how to shoot down planes with light weapons.

At the peak of the militia, there were 30 million militiamen in the country.

It is said that a county in Shandong Province had 11 militia divisions, hundreds of battalions, and 160,000 militiamen at its peak.

All the people are soldiers, and this is not just an empty phrase.

The real fighting nation is not just the Russian bear.

The only time Lu Cheng came into contact with a real gun in his previous life was during the military training in college. And he only came into contact with a 56-type semi-automatic rifle without bullets, and the bayonet on the gun had to be wrapped with newspaper to prevent hurting his classmates.

At that time, Lu Cheng thought there would be a chance to shoot live ammunition, but in the end he just carried a rusty rifle and marched.

Even so, Lu Cheng was very excited.

Now, every three militiamen in Shuangshui Village are given a 56-type semi-automatic rifle, and the militia captain has a 63-type fully automatic rifle in his hand.

Lu Cheng has already planned in his mind to find an opportunity to talk to the militia captain with a pack of cigarettes so that he can also shoot a few live ammunition.

Because there was no clock at home, let alone a watch, Lu Cheng estimated that he went to bed at about eight or nine o'clock.

The next morning, Lu Cheng got up before dawn and exercised in the yard.

Lu Cheng didn't want to experience the sudden death experience in his previous life again.

In the next two or three days, the weather was not very good, and several elderly people and children in the village caught colds. Lu Cheng went to their homes to diagnose and prescribe medicine for them.

After three days of self-study, he only gained a little medical experience.

On the contrary, every time he cured a patient, he gained a little experience.

In addition to the patients in Shuangshui Village, a villager from the neighboring Guanzi Village also came to Lu Cheng for treatment.

Guanzi Village did not have its own barefoot doctor, but their village was closer to Shigejie Commune. If the villagers were sick, they would survive if they could, and if they couldn't, they would go to Shigejie Commune.

Only a few villagers would go to Shuangshui Village to see Lu Cheng for treatment.

On the one hand, Lu Cheng is young and his medical skills are not widely recognized.

On the other hand, Guanzi Village and Shuangshui Village often have conflicts over water sources, and their relationship is not good.

Moreover, Lu Cheng is supported by the Shuangshui Village Brigade, and usually uses the money of the Shuangshui Village Brigade to buy various medicines.

The villagers of Guanzi Village naturally have to pay normally when they come to see a doctor.

As a result, the villagers of Guanzi Village rarely come to Shuangshui Village for medical treatment.

After three days, Lu Cheng's medical experience increased by four points.

There are still two or three patients who have not fully recovered, and the experience has not been credited.

This is because the weather has been bad recently, and there are more patients.

If it were normal times, there would not be so many patients in the village.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also sent He Fengying the round-trip ticket money back to Jin Province, and gave her an extra two yuan.

He Fengying didn't expect Lu Cheng to be so generous. She promised: "Lu Cheng, don't worry. When I see my relative, I will talk to him. Just wait for my good news. As long as they agree, I will write to you and you can go directly."

"Then thank you for your help, auntie."

No matter what time it is, money is always easier to get things done.

The extra 2 yuan Lu Cheng gave was enough to buy more than 10 to 20 kilograms of wheat, and pork was only 70 or 80 cents per kilogram.

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