The weather was very sunny, but the weather was very warm.

It was a rare sunny day, with the sun shining brightly and the temperature rising. It seemed that the cold winter had finally passed and the warm spring had arrived.

After getting up early to exercise and having breakfast, Lu Cheng sorted out the medicines stored at home. He found that there were not many anti-inflammatory and cold medicines left, so he went to the brigade headquarters and asked the accountant for some money to buy some medicines.

Of course, Lu Cheng also planned to go to the county seat of Yuanxi County to see if there were any other medical books in the Cultural Bureau and borrow two to read.

In addition, Lu Cheng also had an idea in his mind, and planned to buy two notebooks to create a file for every household in Shuangshui Village.

Carrying a military green shoulder bag, Lu Cheng sat on the tractor heading to Shigejie Commune and chatted with Tian Fugao.

Shuangshui Village was divided into two teams. The first team was mainly composed of the Sun family, the Tian family, and Lu Cheng's Lu family. The team leader was Sun Shaoan.

The second team was mainly composed of the Jin family, and there were several families with other surnames. The team leader was Jin Junwu.

Although they were from the same village, there were often small frictions between the two teams.

As the youngest team leader who was famous in the villages, Sun Shaoan had a high prestige in Shuangshui Village and was very popular with the villagers of the first team.

The Jin family had more people, and the relationship between Jin Junwu, Jin Junshan and others and Sun Shaoan was also good and bad.

In the final analysis, it was because of some friction of interests and power struggles.

Tian Futang, the village party secretary of Shuangshui Village, was already old. In the future, the people who were able to compete for the position of the village leader were Sun Shaoan and Jin Junwu.

The villagers of the two brigades naturally supported their own captains and disliked each other.

As for Lu Cheng, he was an exception. Although he was in the first brigade, the second brigade would not exclude him as the only barefoot doctor.

After all, if the two sides fought and broke their heads and blood one day, they would have to ask Lu Cheng to treat them in the end.

The tractor was driving on the uneven dirt road of the Loess Plateau, and it was inevitable that it would be bumpy.

Lu Cheng sat in the hood of the car, looking at the ups and downs of the Loess Plateau, and a sense of desolation rose in his heart for no reason.

At this time, Tian Fugao said to Tian Wanyou, the fifth uncle of the Tian family, who was sitting on the other side: "Fifth uncle, you are free anyway, sing a song for us."

"Haha, good. White fog rises in the blue sky, and we are stuck without money. Facing the loess and back to the sky, the world has its own sufferings for us farmers. Sweat flows all year round..."

A loud Xintianyou song resounded over the Loess Plateau, adding a bit of fun to this vast and barren land.

The farmers on this land have long been accustomed to suffering and finding joy in suffering.

Digging for food in the soil and begging for food from the sky, working hard for a year, but still can't eat enough and wear warm clothes.

Every generation has its own sufferings.

All the way to the fork in the road east of Shigejie Commune, Lu Cheng got off the car directly and did not go to Shigejie Commune again.

The bus between Yuanxi County and Huangyuan City will pass through this fork in the road. Lu Cheng only needs to stand by the road and wait to catch the bus to Yuanxi County, or take the bus in the opposite direction and go directly to Huangyuan City.

The system is very considerate, and the memory implanted in Lu Cheng is very sufficient, as if Lu Cheng himself has lived in this world for more than 20 years, so that Lu Cheng will not feel too much unfamiliarity.

Lu Cheng waited for about ten minutes, and saw a small bus with a red bottom and a white top, heading towards this fork in the road.

When he arrived at the intersection, the driver saw Lu Cheng carrying a bag and stopped on his own initiative.

Lu Cheng got on the bus, walked to the female conductor sitting in the middle, and took out a dime: "Comrade, a ticket to Yuanxi County."

The female conductor tore off a small ticket, changed back three cents, and handed it back to Lu Cheng.

When she looked up and saw Lu Cheng's appearance, the originally nonchalant female ticket seller smiled kindly: "Comrade, are you from Shigejie Commune? Which village are you from?"

"Shuangshui Village, thank you."

"Why haven't I seen you before? Don't you take the bus often?"

The driver looked back and smiled slightly: "Xiao Wang, this is Lu Cheng, a doctor from Shuangshui Village. He used to go to high school in Yuanxi County. You have just started working for a few months, so I don't know you."

Lu Cheng also smiled and greeted the driver, then walked to the back and found a seat to sit down.

Lu Cheng's 15 points of charm value + are certified by the system, and are biased towards appearance. He is a rare handsome guy in the whole Yuanxi County.

The young female ticket seller naturally couldn't help but take a few more glances and wanted to get to know him.

Everyone loves beauty.

No matter what era, being handsome is an advantage.

But Lu Cheng didn't care too much. He took out the "Concise Chinese Medicine" from his bag and started reading it.

The dirt road on the Loess Plateau is not very flat, and the shock absorption ability of the minibus is also average, which is only slightly better than the previous tractor.

Accompanied by the flying dust all the way, the minibus finally arrived at Yuanxi County.

Although Lu Cheng has some memories of Yuanxi County implanted by the system, it is another situation when he sees it in real life.

Although Yuanxi County is a county town, most of the roads are still loess roads, but they are relatively flat, unlike the bumpy roads in the countryside.

Lu Cheng followed the route in his memory and first came to the library of the Cultural Bureau of the county to borrow two medical books.

"Comrade, hello. Which bookshelf are the medical books on?"

"Just look for the third row of bookshelves over there."

"Thank you."

Lu Cheng walked into the library and quickly found the bookshelf where various medical books and classics were stored.

Lu Cheng looked all the way and saw quite a few basic medical books: "Common Chinese Medicine", "Massage Techniques for Common Rural Diseases", "Talking about Taking the Pulse", etc.

Many of these medical books are very suitable for barefoot doctors to learn by themselves. The content above is explained in plain language, easy to understand, and accompanied by pictures and texts. Even if you are completely unfamiliar with medicine, you can learn a lot of useful knowledge from it.

In addition to these, there are some new medical books handed down from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, such as "Treatise on Warm Diseases" in the Qing Dynasty.

Lu Cheng did not aim too high. He took two or three books suitable for his current study and prepared to go to the level.

When passing by a bookshelf on the way, Lu Cheng glanced at a group of books and stopped immediately.

That was not some strange book, but a whole series of self-study books on mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Lu Cheng had heard of this set of books in his previous life.

This set of books has a total of 17 volumes, including algebra, physics, chemistry, solid geometry, plane geometry, etc., and was first published in 1963.

When the college entrance examination was resumed a few years later, many educated youth who went to the countryside relied on this set of self-study books on mathematics, physics and chemistry to prepare for the exam, and finally passed the college entrance examination successfully, realizing the leap from a carp to a dragon.

Although Lu Cheng did not complete high school graduation at the beginning, in the first college entrance examination after the resumption of the college entrance examination, workers, farmers, and soldiers can apply for the exam, and it is not restricted to high school graduates.

In other words, when the college entrance examination is resumed in the future, Lu Cheng can also apply to participate.

If you can get into a good university in the first college entrance examination, you can directly achieve class crossing and change your life.

The college entrance examination will not be resumed until 1978, and the time of the college entrance examination is also at the end of 1977.

It is still the spring of 1975. If Lu Cheng starts to prepare by himself now, he will have more than two years advantage over the average person.

In addition to Lu Cheng's already good mental strength, it is not a dream for him to go to Tsinghua or Peking University in the future.

Even if he travels to this world and this era, who would not be tempted if he has the opportunity to go to Tsinghua or Peking University?

Moreover, if Lu Cheng plans to improve his medical skills to a high level in the future, he will also need guidance from famous teachers.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng walked straight to the administrator and asked, "Hello, comrade. If you want to buy this set of "Self-study Series of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry", how much does it cost?"

"We don't sell books here. You can go to the Xinhua Bookstore across the street, where they sell them. A set of "Self-study Series of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry" costs less than 20 yuan."

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