The old man was very busy, but he was still busy.

Lu Cheng registered the medical books he wanted to borrow and was about to go to the Xinhua Bookstore opposite when he heard a voice: "Are you... Lu Cheng?"

Lu Cheng looked up and saw a girl wearing a red floral cotton jacket, carrying a military green backpack, and with two pigtails smiling at him.

This girl was none other than Tian Runye, the daughter of Tian Futang, the village party secretary of Shuangshui Village. She was also the childhood sweetheart of Sun Shaoan, the hammer king of the Northwest, and they loved each other.

"It's Runye, are you also here to borrow books from the library?"

"Yes, I didn't expect to meet you here today. By the way, let me introduce you, this is the girl from my second uncle's family, Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia, this is the doctor of our Shuangshui Village, Lu Cheng."

Tian Runye gave up her seat and introduced the girl behind her to Lu Cheng.

This girl also had two braids, a military green coat on her upper body, a blue striped sweater inside, and a white shirt collar exposed outside, dressed like a boy.

"Hello, my name is Tian Xiaoxia, and I am also from our Shuangshui Village. However, I am already seventeen years old, and I have rarely been back to our Shuangshui Village, and I don't know you. However, we have met today. Brother Lu Cheng, I have heard my sister mention your name."

Tian Xiaoxia's father, Tian Fujun, is the younger brother of Tian Futang, the village party secretary.

But Tian Fujun passed the National People's Congress that year, truly realizing the leap from a carp to a dragon, and is now a top leader in Yuanxi County.

Moreover, Tian Fujun is also a good official who is dedicated to the people. In the future, he will be promoted all the way to a high position at the vice-provincial level.

"Hello, I'm Lu Cheng."

Tian Runye glanced at the book in Lu Cheng's hand and said with a smile: "Are you done with your work? It's almost noon now, why don't you go home with us for dinner? It's just right, I also want to ask you about your village."

Tian Xiaoxia also said: "Yes, this is the first time I meet you, a fellow villager, you have to come to our house and sit for a while."

"Don't bother so much, I have to go to Xinhua Bookstore to buy some books and purchase some medicines later."

"These are not urgent, you finally came to the county town, you can go in the afternoon. Xiaoxia, go and choose the books you want to borrow first, I will talk to Lu Cheng."

Tian Xiaoxia agreed, looked back at Lu Cheng, and then walked into the library.

Tian Runye and Lu Cheng walked outside the bookstore and asked, "Lu Cheng, is everything okay in our village? Has anything happened recently?"

"Everything is fine, nothing serious has happened."

"Have you seen my dad these two days?"

"I saw Uncle Fu and Aunt Liu yesterday. Everything is fine at home. You don't have to worry."

"Then... Is Brother Shaoan okay?"

Lu Cheng knew that Tian Runye stopped him because she must want to ask about Sun Shaoan's situation.

"Shaoan is also fine. He caught a cold a few days ago and had a small cold, but he has recovered now."

"Brother Shaoan has a cold? What happened? Can you tell me about it?"

"It's not a big deal. It was just before..."

Lu Cheng also knew what the other party was interested in, so he took the initiative to say a few words.

Tian Runye was relieved after hearing everything: "So that's how it is. By the way, when you go back, can you bring something to Brother Shaoan for me?"

"No problem."

While the two were talking, Tian Xiaoxia also came out holding two books.

Tian Runye pushed the bicycle tied to the side and said, "Lu Cheng, you come with us first, I'll go back and get you something I asked you to bring."

"Okay, you lead the way."

When Lu Cheng traveled to this world, he still used his original body, but the system made him return to his peak state at the age of 22, and forged a real and verifiable identity for him in this world.

While implanting relevant memories for Lu Cheng, memories about Lu Cheng were also implanted for everyone around him.

For example, Tian Runye, who is the same age as Lu Cheng, has the memory of growing up together in the village.

Of course, these implanted memories will not affect the experiences and emotions of others.

For example, Tian Runye is still in love with Sun Shaoan, just like in the original novel, and her heart is all on Sun Shaoan, but she has more memories of Lu Cheng.

Tian Runye is a quiet girl, while Tian Xiaoxia is much more lively and cheerful.

Although it was the first time she met Lu Cheng, Tian Xiaoxia was not shy at all and took the initiative to talk to him: "Lu

Brother Cheng, do you like reading books? What kind of books do you like to read? "

"I usually read some medical books. There are not many books at home. I have to work in the fields and treat the villagers. I don't have much time to read. I can only study medical skills and improve my level. In order to avoid mistakes when treating the villagers in the future."

"It can be seen that Brother Lu Cheng must be a good doctor. My mother is also a doctor, working in our county hospital..."

While talking, Tian Runye stopped at the door of the supply and marketing cooperative on the way: "Wait for me, I'm going to buy something."

Lu Cheng nodded slightly: "It's just right, I'll go in and take a look. "

Seeing this, Tian Xiaoxia followed him in.

Lu Cheng glanced at the counters and quickly locked onto the stationery counter.

Walked up, bought two blue plastic notebooks, a Yongsheng brand fountain pen, and a bottle of blue ink, and put them in his shoulder bag.

When he came out after shopping, he saw Tian Runye carrying a few bags of snacks.

Seeing Lu Cheng looking at the snacks, Tian Runye was a little embarrassed: "Well, Shaoan's grandmother likes to eat snacks, I'll trouble you to bring them back for me later. "

It must be said that Tian Runye is really devoted to Sun Shaoan, and is especially good to his family, not at all disdaining their poverty.

But Lu Cheng is not optimistic about the relationship between Tian Runye and Sun Shaoan, as the obstacles are too great to be overcome by the two young people.

Sun Shaoan's family is too poor, and he is a real farmer.

But Tian Runye is a formal county teacher, and Tian Futang will never let his daughter marry Sun Shaoan and become a farmer again.

In addition, Tian Runye's second mother Xu Aiyun has already chosen a suitable partner for Tian Runye, that is, the son of another county leader, Li Xiangqian.

Although Tian Fujun is now the second-in-command of Yuanxi County, he is excluded because of his political disagreement with the first-in-command Feng Shikuan.

Xu Aiyun is preparing to match her niece Tian Runye with Li Xiangqian to achieve the purpose of a political marriage, so that Li Xiangqian's father Li Dengyun will support Tian Fujun and compete with Feng Shikuan.

If Sun Shaoan wants to get together with Tian Runye, he has to overcome the two mountains of Tian Futang and Xu Aiyun. The difficulty can be imagined.

Of course, Lu Cheng will not say anything, let alone intervene. He is just a small barefoot doctor with no power or influence. Why should he interfere in other people's lives?

(Chart of character relationships in Shuangshui Village)

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