In the back hall of the county magistrate's office, the magistrate of Yuncheng County sat at the head of the table, and there were two other people sitting beside him. Lu Cheng also knew them. One of them was the magistrate's teacher, and the other was the academic official of the county school.

"Are you Lu Cheng? I heard that you just tamed a tiger not long ago. Is that true?"

"It is true. The tiger is currently being fostered outside Lujia Village."

"Is the tiger really tamed and will not hurt anyone?"

"I have completely tamed it and I check it day and night to ensure that it will not hurt anyone."

"If that is true, you have done a good thing for the people. I heard that you are still studying in the county school. You have a good heart. But why haven't you been to school recently?"

"I have to take care of the affairs of my family. I am busy with everything. I only have the opportunity to study in my spare time. However, I have never slacked off and have always insisted on studying."

The Yuncheng academician on the side heard this and asked casually: "Since you often study at home, have you read the Four Books and Five Classics?"

"I have read them all. . "

"Then I want to test you. First recite a passage from the "University" in the Four Books. "

"The way of the university is to manifest the bright virtue, to be close to the people, and to stop at the highest good..."

As Lu Cheng recited it very skillfully and fluently, the academician nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to ask: "The "University" says: The gentleman honors the virtuous and is close to his relatives, while the villain enjoys his pleasure and benefits his profit. This is so that he will never forget it. How should this sentence be interpreted?"

"The gentlemen of later generations should respect what the wise kings of previous generations respected and be close to what the wise kings of previous generations loved. The people of later generations enjoy their happiness and benefit a lot from the wise kings of previous generations. In this way, even if the wise kings of previous generations are no longer in the world, people of later generations will not forget them..."

After that, the academician examined some of the contents of the remaining Four Books and Five Classics, and Lu Cheng was able to answer them fluently without any mistakes.

After the inspection, the academician sent someone to bring pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and asked Lu Cheng to write a passage of scriptures on the spot. Then he said: "Student Lu Cheng has the talent of a scholar, and can be selected for the list of tribute in a few years."

Hearing this, County Magistrate Li nodded and said: "Yes, I thought you only had some courage, but I never thought you could study with peace of mind. It is not easy. Lu Cheng, considering that you have subdued the tiger, have been kind to the people, and are diligent and studious, it is rare. In theory, this county should recommend you to the provincial academy to continue studying.

But this year's list of tribute has already been determined, and the people on the list The selected students are all outstanding students in our Yuncheng County School. If you are asked to replace one of them, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction. "

At this point, the county magistrate deliberately paused, and then continued: "However, as the head of a county, this county also has the responsibility to recommend talented people and can recommend additional students with talent. However, such recommended students must have real virtues. Although you have subdued a tiger, this matter is too unexpected, and it is inevitable that some people will not believe it, so..."

At this point, the county magistrate stopped again and looked at Lu Cheng.

Of course, Lu Cheng understood what the other party meant, and he immediately said: "County Magistrate Li, Zhou Xuezheng, I have been wandering around the county recently and saw some elderly widows and widows with dilapidated houses that no one has repaired, the county school has also been in disrepair for many years, and the river outside the city has also been silted up. Winter is coming, and the water level of the river is dropping. It is a good time to repair houses and clean up the river.

I am not talented, but my family business is doing well recently, and I have saved some money. I am willing to take out some money to repair the school for the county, clean up the river, and build houses for some widows and widows..."

The county magistrate nodded with satisfaction when he heard this: "Lu Cheng studied hard, achieved academic success, subdued the tiger, and benefited the people. He is both virtuous and talented, and should be recommended. What do you think, Xuezheng?"


When Lu Cheng walked out of the county government, he laughed in his heart, and he knew exactly what the county magistrate was thinking.

Since the imperial examination has been abolished, the whole country has implemented the school promotion system. The early stage of scholars' promotion is completely controlled by local education officials and county magistrates. Whoever they say is good and talented is a talent. Whoever they say is not a talent is useless, no matter how outstanding that person is.

Therefore, today, Lu Cheng was asked to come here to see if Lu Cheng is sensible and how much money can be squeezed out of him.

If Lu Cheng performs well and is knowledgeable and interesting, they will make some operations in the future, and may even hype him up to make Lu Cheng a talent who is both civil and military and can subdue tigers.

As the recommender of such an outstanding talent,

The county magistrate can also get some benefits. Moreover, he can use Lu Cheng's money to do some practical things for the county, make some political achievements, make the county magistrate's resume more attractive, etc.

Of course, even if Lu Cheng sees through all this and understands the key, he will still take the initiative to cooperate and give money and political achievements.

After all, this is also very beneficial to himself, it can be said that he is spending money to buy a future.

For Lu Cheng, things that can be done with money are not a problem.

After returning, Lu Cheng immediately greeted the housekeeper Sun and asked him to prepare some money and send it to the county government office, and then summon a group of craftsmen and recruit a group of people to assist the county government office in some work.

Since the money has been spent, some practical things must be done, and it cannot be embezzled by those people in the county government office.

After arranging all this, Lu Cheng turned around and continued to study the tiger breathing method that he had just figured out recently.

The future is certainly important to Lu Cheng, but it is the top priority to his own strength and explore the way of martial arts.

On the other hand, after receiving the money, County Magistrate Li did some things. On the one hand, he used Lu Cheng's money to improve his political achievements, and on the other hand, he began to promote Lu Cheng and reported Lu Cheng's deeds of taming the tiger to his superiors. He also exaggerated the matter, saying that Lu Cheng tamed the tiger and indirectly saved many people.

Soon, Lu Cheng's name spread completely, and some people from the nearby rivers and lakes and idle people came to Lujiazhuang to meet the owner Lu and the tiger he tamed.

However, Lu Cheng did not have so much time to pay attention to these people. He just asked Wu Song, Lai Fu and others to be responsible for the reception. Lujiazhuang naturally warmly welcomed those guests who came to the door with gifts and were polite.

Lujiazhuang ignored those idle people who came to watch the fun. As for some guys who wanted to challenge Lu Cheng and take the opportunity to become famous, Lujiazhuang was also very direct. They opened the door and released Wu Song.

Wu Song has been having a lot of fun recently. He has endless good wine to drink, endless fights to fight, and he can make friends with some Jianghu people every day. His life is quite comfortable.

In a forest in the south of Yuncheng County, Lu Cheng quietly lurked in the grass and approached several hares carefully. When the distance between the two sides was less than 10 steps, Lu Cheng suddenly roared, shaking the entire forest, and frightened the birds and beasts to flee.

"Pah", a little sparrow fell from the branch stiffly, struggling for a long time before flying away again. The hare closest to Lu Cheng in front also seemed to have drunk low-quality strong alcohol. It staggered a few steps and hit the tree headfirst, knocking itself unconscious.

After nearly a month of practice, Lu Cheng's tiger roar has acquired some charm and even produced some lethality.

Although the lethality is still very limited at present, it is a very good start.

Moreover, in the long-term process of imitating the tiger's breathing, Lu Cheng's bones and internal organs have been slightly strengthened, and his strength, reaction speed and jumping ability have been slightly improved.

The external strength and internal training in the internal boxing have allowed Lu Cheng to touch the threshold...

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