In the blink of an eye, it is already the coldest month of winter, and the New Year is approaching.

Not long ago, Lu Cheng had obtained the admission qualification of Jeju Prefecture College, became a student of the state school, and also had a reputation.

The imperial examination system of the Song Dynasty inherited the Tang Dynasty, and was more perfect and formal than that of the Tang Dynasty. However, the imperial examination system was abolished at this time, and the school promotion system was implemented, which was somewhat similar to the junior high school to high school and high school to university in later generations.

Students first entered the county school at the county level, and then entered the state school and became state school students. Then from the state school, they were admitted to the Imperial College under the central government of the Song Dynasty.

After becoming a student of the Imperial College, one is qualified to be an official, and can start from the bottom of the Song Dynasty and move towards a career in the government.

The current system of further education has also led to overcrowding in colleges and universities across the country. Many people have fought hard to get a place in a county or state school, and even fights and murders have occurred repeatedly.

In fact, it is normal for such things to happen. Even in later times, if a school has a quota for admission to Tsinghua or Peking University, the competition for the quota is also quite fierce.

After becoming a student of the state school, Lu Cheng also enjoyed some privileges of scholars, and could be exempted from personal corvée and taxes.

Of course, if it was in the Ming and Qing dynasties, with clear levels of scholars, juren, and jinshi, the power of juren would be greater, and all the land under their name would not have to pay taxes. Many landlords would register their land under the name of juren to evade the taxes of the court, and juren could also benefit from this.

There was no specific title of Juren in the Song Dynasty. In the Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties, all students recommended by local governments to go to the capital for examinations could be called Juzi or Juren.

Of course, the powerful landlords in the Song Dynasty also had their own means to evade taxes from the court.

After Lu Cheng made friends with the county magistrate, the academician and others, he also got another additional benefit, which was to falsely report the number of acres of land and evade some taxes from the court.

In fact, when the Song Dynasty was founded, the tax was not high. It was implemented as 30 to 2, or 20 to 1, that is, 20 acres of land were collected for the output of one acre of land, equivalent to 5%.

But as time went on, the court's taxes became heavier and heavier, and various taxes came one after another, making the people miserable.

Moreover, the land annexation in the Song Dynasty was quite serious. After the powerful landlords in those places annexed most of the land, they would naturally not pay taxes to the court honestly, and would find ways to evade taxes.

The court could not collect taxes from those powerful landlords, so these taxes naturally transferred to other ordinary people, making their lives more difficult.

Some people could not survive and could only flee into the mountains and forests and become bandits. And the part of the tax gap they left fell on the remaining people.

In this way, a vicious circle was formed.

The court had also tried many times to remeasure the land and sort out the taxes through reforms and other means. But this policy could not be implemented in the local area. The local powerful landlords had already formed a big network. Unless the court could send a large army to carry out a massacre, it would be possible to re-clear the land.

However, if the court really implemented the policy by force, it would surely arouse civil unrest.

It can be said that the rise and fall of every dynasty is basically a process of continuous annexation of land, and after reaching a certain level, it will be overthrown and rebuilt.

Of course, such a dynasty event has nothing to do with Lu Cheng for the time being.

No matter what happens outside, Lu Cheng has to take care of the people who follow him, the tenants and servants in Lujiazhuang.

Confucianism's self-cultivation, family management, governance, and peace in the world may have another explanation in Lu Cheng, which is to strengthen oneself, expand the family, participate in national affairs, and then annex the world.

"Master, the gifts for the county magistrate, the education commissioner and other county officials have been sent, and the monthly allowance for all the people in the village has also been increased. Do you have any other instructions?"

"Use the silver in the account to buy a few more big fat pigs and some fish. For all the shops in Lujiazhuang, I will give each person a pound of pork and two fish to each household, so that the tenants can have a good year."

"Yes, Master. The tenants of Lujiazhuang are really blessed to meet a living Bodhisattva like you."

"Okay, okay, do it quickly, don't cut corners."


Capitalists in later generations all know to give benefits to employees at the end of the year, and Lu Cheng will naturally not miss this opportunity to win people's hearts.

Good opportunity.

If you want your subordinates to be loyal to you, you must feed them and clothe them warmly, and even have meat to eat occasionally.

Lu Cheng also plans to visit every household during the Chinese New Year, solve some practical difficulties for the tenants, give some New Year's money to the children, send blessings to the elderly, etc.

Anyway, Lu Cheng did not expect to get rich by farming, and the most important purpose was to raise a group of available people.

During the Chinese New Year, Lu Cheng also specially asked the housekeeper Sun to find two famous matchmakers in Yuncheng County to matchmake for Wu Song and his brothers.

Wu Song's conditions are not bad. Although his body is far beyond ordinary people, he has a handsome appearance and a majestic demeanor. He is a good man and it is not difficult to marry a good wife.

In comparison, Wu Dalang's height is a flaw.

However, since Wu Dalang came to Yuncheng County, he has reopened his pancake shop with his savings and hired two people to help him. With the care of Lujiazhuang, his business is getting better and better, and he has a lot of income every month.

Moreover, now that Wu Song follows Lu Cheng, he doesn't cause trouble everywhere like before, so Wu Dalang doesn't have to clean up the mess every day and spend money to settle things.

In this way, Wu Dalang can save all the money he earns, and his life is getting better and better.

Moreover, Wu Song will also give part of the monthly salary he gets from Lu Cheng to his brother. Of course, Wu Dalang also saved his brother's part of the money for him, preparing to keep it for him to marry a wife.

No matter what era, as long as a man has money, no matter how ugly he looks, he can still find a beautiful wife.

The matchmaker selected more than 20 women of the right age for Wu Dalang to date. Except for some who withdrew voluntarily because of Wu Dalang's appearance, there were still many who stayed. Among them, two were pretty good-looking, with good looks and good figures.

But Wu Dalang finally chose a farmer's girl with average looks, hardworking and simple as his wife, and did not choose the two beautiful ones.

After the blind date, the wedding was held before the end of the year, and Wu Dalang was considered to have a family and a career.

After that, Wu Song also looked at many good girls and chose a girl with a plump figure, almond eyes and round face, and decided to marry her.

After the two got married, they would arrange for their descendants in the future. These two brothers were Lu Cheng's diehards.

In fact, the treatment of keeping dead soldiers in ancient times was quite generous, with good wine and meat, high money and high profits, beautiful cars and beautiful women, and arranged for their descendants, so that people had no worries. Those people would stand up at the critical moment and sacrifice their lives for their masters.

In later times, many company bosses always wanted to create corporate culture, team building, brainwash employees, and make them loyal to the company, but in fact, it was all a mess.

Employees earn a salary of 1,000 yuan, but endure the hardship of 10,000 yuan. How can they afford to eat the boss's big cake?

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