After the New Year, the earth returns to spring. As the two solar terms of Lichun and Yushui have passed, Jingzhe is about to come.

On this day, Lu Cheng and the tiger Liefeng finished hunting and returned to the tiger's nest. They were resting in the same lying position when a thunderclap suddenly came from the horizon. The first spring thunder came suddenly.

Lu Cheng, who was practicing breathing, suddenly felt something in his heart. He emptied his body and mind, carefully sensed the rolling thunder in the horizon, and adjusted his breathing rhythm appropriately, echoing with the rolling thunder in the horizon, and inadvertently produced some kind of magical resonance.

Then, Lu Cheng's body began to make a dull sound, like a tiger's roar, like thunder, and like the roar of a car engine.

This sound is almost inaudible to outsiders, and even the strong wind close at hand can only hear some slight noises.

But in Lu Cheng's ears, this sound is like a huge bell, shaking his mind and enlightening him.

In an instant, Lu Cheng's accumulation and understanding of breathing techniques in the past six months all burst out, and he fell into a kind of epiphany. The whole person's spirit entered a mysterious state, as if he could clearly sense his internal organs, the powerful beating of his heart, and the blood in his blood vessels surging like lead and mercury, with a strong sense of power.

It is difficult to describe this feeling in words. It seems that the whole person has begun to transform from the inside out, and the level of life is also leaping with it. The whole person seems to have taken a step and arrived in a new world.

It's like humans have just rushed out of the earth, standing outside the atmosphere and looking down at the earth and looking up at the stars. The shock is beyond words.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment, and everything around became so clear. The vibrations in the body of the tiger Liefeng, the vibrations in Lu Cheng's own body, the breeze blowing through the grass, and even blowing through the skin on the body, the subtle movements of every hair, were all magnified many times.

Lu Cheng's perception ability was already far superior to that of ordinary people. At this moment, it seemed to be buffed and he broke through to a new realm.

If Lu Cheng opened his attribute panel at this time, he would see that the numbers on the attribute panel were changing. The mental power number changed from the original 28 to 28+2, 28+2.5...

But at this time, Lu Cheng was completely immersed in that mysterious feeling, savoring the little changes in his body, feeling that wonderful rhythm, and had no time to care about anything else.

After an unknown amount of time, the tiger Liefeng, who was resting, suddenly shuddered, stood up, and looked at his master Lu Cheng.

Just at that moment, Liefeng felt that he heard a thunder in his master's body, which scared him. But when it listened again, nothing seemed to have happened.

Liefeng circled Lu Cheng a few times with some doubts, and confirmed that there was no problem, then turned around and lay aside, continuing to guard his master.

The sky gradually darkened, and a spring rain fell on the ground, on Lu Cheng's body, and on Lu Cheng's heart.

Spring thunder and spring rain mean a new beginning, vitality and life, creation and rebirth.

When Lu Cheng opened his eyes, sat up, and felt the spring rain falling on the mountain, he felt extremely happy: "Good rain knows the season, it happens in spring. It sneaks into the night with the wind, moistening things silently."

This spring rain brought a perfect end to Lu Cheng's epiphany, allowing him to take a new step in martial arts.

This small step is also a big step to a higher level.

Lu Cheng truly comprehended the "Tiger and Leopard Thunder Body Refining Method", and could use it to train his internal organs, strengthen his muscles and bones, and increase his strength.

Lu Cheng's previous physical improvement was somewhat similar to the change of the essence of objects, such as soil turning into wood, wood turning into stone, and stone turning into copper and iron.

Further training through the method of external strengthening and internal training is like forging iron, turning the already very hard steel into refined steel, or even special steel, with higher strength and stronger toughness.

Moreover, during this training process, Lu Cheng's control over his body was further strengthened, allowing every part of the body to burst out with more powerful lethality.

If we use the words in Chinese martial arts novels, this is a process from "bright strength" to "dark strength" to "transformation strength", which can make the whole body into a rope, and burst out all the strength of the whole body between one move and one style, just like adrenaline can be actively controlled.

In the following days, Lu Cheng returned to the manor and began to not see outsiders and closed the door.

Carefully study the previous experience, constantly review the enlightenment, sort out all of this, and try to present it in the form of text.

It was not until half a month later that Lu Cheng finally sorted out his own experience and summarized a relatively complete set of internal training breathing methods, and named it "Tiger Roaring Thunder Sound Internal Training Method".

Although the name of this set of breathing methods has explained the origin of this set of breathing methods, if someone attempts to deduce such a set of breathing methods based on Lu Cheng's experience, the possibility is almost zero.

On the one hand, Lu Cheng's physique and mental strength are far superior to ordinary people, and he has top medical skills and hundreds of years of uninterrupted martial arts training experience, which allows him to grasp the trick of "Tiger Roaring Thunder Sound", and thus continuously optimize and improve it to become such a set of exercises.

Others do not have Lu Cheng's conditions, so they cannot have such great gains like Lu Cheng.

Later, Lu Cheng discovered that this "Tiger Roaring Thunder Sound Internal Training Method" also requires high strength of the body itself. If an ordinary person practices this method rashly, it will not only fail to exercise the internal organs and tendons, but may also hurt the internal organs.

In layman's terms, if you want to forge a piece of special steel, you must use a piece of good iron. If the material itself is stone, it may break before it even starts.

Moreover, this method of internal training consumes a lot of human body, and it is necessary to maintain adequate nutrition and take some medicines continuously to repair the internal organ damage caused during training.

For Lu Cheng, the body-strengthening pills can just be used as the medicine needed for practicing.

After sorting out this set of exercises, Lu Cheng began to practice every day without interruption. Sometimes he would ask people to beat his body with sticks, and the whole person was tempered from the inside out.

In this process, Lu Cheng's strength, speed, explosive power, ability to resist blows, and self-recovery ability are constantly improving.

Wu Song saw Lu Cheng practicing in this way and also expressed his desire to learn. Lu Cheng gave him a set of body-strengthening pills and instructed Wu Song to practice from the basic breathing method.

It must be said that Wu Song was born with a good physique. He was very adaptable to the set of exercises created by Lu Cheng. The effect of the training was also very obvious, and his combat effectiveness was also rising sharply.

In a blink of an eye, another three or four months had passed. Lu Cheng's practice had made some progress, but he also reached a bottleneck.

After many days of slow progress, Lu Cheng knew that he should go out for a walk.

In martial arts, you can't always work behind closed doors, but you have to communicate more with others.

The next target chosen by Lu Cheng was naturally the mission target, Lu Dalu Tixia...

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