The old man was very happy, but he was not very happy.

(Maid Xia He)

In the next few days, Lu Cheng went to the Imperial Academy or the Golden Spear Squad of the Palace Front Department during the day to experience the working life of a civil servant in the Song Dynasty.

But after a few days, Lu Cheng got a little tired of this kind of life. It was not interesting to deal with a group of students who were studying hard or a group of soldiers.

So Lu Cheng was ready to do something else, make a contribution, and let Song Huizong give him a higher official position.

It was summer, and the weather was hot. Lu Cheng took advantage of the afternoon to swim in the Huiji River outside the city. He also took a few dives. Finally, he seemed to have fished something out of the river, held it in his arms, and hurried back to the capital, heading straight for the palace.

The guards at the gate recognized Lu Cheng, the new coach, and simply took a quick look at Lu Cheng's gold medal before letting him in.

After crossing the Xuande Gate, if you want to enter the palace, you need someone to report.

Lu Cheng found a passing eunuch and asked him to quickly inform the chief eunuch Yang Jian, saying that he had an important treasure to present to His Majesty and could not delay for a moment.

The young eunuch also immediately went to find Yang Jian, who did not delay upon hearing this and came directly to Lu Cheng.

"Shouxin, what's wrong with you? You came to see the emperor all wet, isn't it a bit indecent?"

"Eunuch, I have to do what I can to save my life. It's hot today, so I went to swim in the Huiji River in the afternoon. I found something glowing underwater, so I fished it out of curiosity. I didn't expect it to be a treasure. I didn't dare to delay and hurried to the palace."

Yang Jian was interested after hearing this: "What kind of treasure is it? Why do you value it so much?"

Lu Cheng stepped forward, took out a ball wrapped in his sleeves from his arms, and unfolded it for Yang Jian to take a look.

After seeing the treasure, Yang Jian was also stunned, and took a closer look, and quickly covered the ball again: "Come with me to see His Majesty."

Soon, the two came to the back garden and saw Song Huizong who was taking Concubine Liu to enjoy the flowers together.

Seeing that Lu Cheng's body was wet, his hair was messy, and one sleeve was missing, Song Huizong was also a little curious: "Shouxin, how did you get so embarrassed?"

Lu Cheng stepped forward and opened the ball wrapped in his sleeve: "Your Majesty, I have a treasure to offer."

When Song Huizong Zhao Ji saw the treasure in Lu Cheng's hand, he was also stunned for a moment, and then immediately walked forward excitedly, carefully took the treasure from Lu Cheng's hand, and carefully looked at it in the sun.

Seeing this, Concubine Liu on the side also hurriedly came up: "What kind of treasure is it that makes the emperor so concerned?"

After seeing the treasure in Zhao Ji's hand clearly, Concubine Liu also exclaimed: "There is such a treasure in the world? Is it a divine gift from heaven?"

If Lu Wenzhao in the world of "Embroidered Spring Blade" saw this treasure, he would definitely feel quite familiar. There is no doubt that this is a round and transparent glass ball with a dragon inside.

However, compared to the glass ball in the world of Embroidered Spring Blade, which was priced at 9.9 yuan with free shipping, this glass ball is larger, the dragon-shaped carvings inside are more delicate, and the price is more expensive, at least a few hundred yuan.

Yang Jian stepped forward and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, this is a gift from heaven, and it is a sign of good fortune."

Zhao Ji came back to his senses and nodded immediately, smiling happily: "Such a treasure is definitely not something that can be made by human craftsmen. It must be a gift from heaven, and it is really a sign of good fortune. Keep your promise, you have made a great contribution by offering the treasure, and I will definitely reward you heavily! Yang Jian, go and get a dragon handkerchief quickly, I want to wrap this treasure well, and let all the ministers see it in the morning court tomorrow."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Seeing Zhao Ji like this, Lu Cheng laughed in his heart, but congratulated him: "Your Majesty, this auspicious sign from heaven must be a sign of the prosperity of our dynasty , Your Majesty can obtain such a treasure, and God bless the Song Dynasty and Your Majesty. "

"Haha, keep your word, tell me quickly, where did you find this treasure?"

Lu Cheng made up the story of how he went down to the river to take a bath and found the treasure. Song Huizong looked at the half sleeve that Lu Cheng had lost and immediately said, "Your clothes were damaged for me. I will first give you ten pieces of brocade and one hundred taels of gold. What other rewards do you want?"

"Your Majesty, this treasure appeared in the river. Even if no humble minister fished it out, there would definitely be someone else who fished it out. How dare I ask for any reward for my little contribution?

“Others may not be as loyal as you. After getting the treasure, you came to offer it to me without hesitation. You must be rewarded! Let me think about what reward is appropriate for you. My beloved minister has not married yet, but my eldest princess is not even thirteen years old…”

Song Huizong had many children in his life, adding up to seventy or eighty, and more than 30 daughters. The eldest princess, Zhao Yupan, is thirteen years old this year. She was named Princess Jiafu three years ago and will be named Princess Jiafu next year.

Lu Cheng is still practicing martial arts and does not want to marry a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl. He quickly said, “Your Majesty, I heard that the Sutra Bureau was just established last year to search for Taoist relics and compile Taoist scriptures. I also love Taoist scriptures very much and am willing to compile Taoist scriptures for your majesty.”

“Oh? You actually have this idea, not bad. How about this, I will make you a writer and give you a waist badge so that you can enter and exit the Sutra Bureau at will and read various Taoist scriptures. ”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

The position of Zuozhulang first appeared in the Three Kingdoms period and was established by Emperor Ming of Wei. It was mainly responsible for compiling national history. After the Song Dynasty, since the Song Dynasty had a special National History Institute, the duty of Zuozhulang became an official who compiled calendars and recorded daily current affairs.

This official position is from the seventh rank, and is an idle official with generous treatment. It seems to be of no importance, but it can be in daily contact with the emperor, which is a position with a very bright future.

Many important officials, literary masters, and even prime ministers of the Song Dynasty have served as Zuozhulang.

Of course, Lu Cheng’s main purpose is not for the official position, but to participate in the work of revising the Taoist Canon and read the Taoist scriptures all over the world.

In fact, the tablet in Lu Cheng’s cross-border backpack , which stored many classic works of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, but many classics of this era have been lost in later generations, and many of the contents in Lu Cheng's tablet are incomplete.

According to historical records, during the Zhenghe period (1111-1118), Song Huizong ordered the world to collect various Taoist classics, and ordered Taoists Yuan Miaozong and Wang Daojian to revise the classics, and then sent them to Min County, Fuzhou. Huang Shang, a direct scholar of Longtu Pavilion and the governor of Fuzhou County, was responsible for the printing of the plates, a total of 540 boxes, 5,481 volumes, called "Wanshou Daozang".

As for whether Huang Shang realized the "Nine Yin Manual", it is not important. What is important is that Lu Cheng has a hunch that in the Daozang, there may be a way forward for martial arts and a future for medicine...

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