The emperor's son, Qiu Lan, was born in a wealthy family.

(Maid Qiu Lan)

Since Lu Cheng arrived in Bianjing, it took only half a year for him to rise from an outsider of the Imperial Academy to a seventh-rank writer, which was higher than the magistrate of Yuncheng County.

The county magistrates of the Song Dynasty were also divided into different levels, including Chi County Magistrate, Ji County Magistrate, and County Magistrates of various states.

Chi County Magistrate, a county directly under the capital, was of the seventh rank.

Ji County Magistrate: a county near the capital, of the eighth rank.

As for the county magistrates of the counties under the various states, they belonged to the eighth rank.

When Lu Cheng came to the Sutra Bureau, the Taoist priests who were responsible for revising the Daoist Canon all respectfully addressed him as Shangguan or Lu Zuoshu.

Lu Cheng greeted everyone and did not point fingers at the work of these Taoist priests. He just asked about their revision progress, then picked up some Daoist Canons and started reading. When he encountered some terms he did not understand, he would directly ask the Taoist priests here.

Many terms in the Taoist scriptures are obscure and have specific directional meanings. If outsiders do not understand the meaning, they cannot understand them at all.

For example, the Taoist lead and mercury, water and fire, dragon and tiger, men and women, and each other all have special meanings.

Many interpretations of the Taoist scriptures in later generations are not completely accurate.

Lu Cheng also gained a lot of knowledge from these representative Taoist priests of this era, and soon immersed himself in the in-depth study of the Taoist scriptures.

Of course, compared with the Taoist priests of this era, Lu Cheng has studied astronomy, philosophy, and human biology in later generations, and has his own views on the understanding of the human body and the philosophical relationship between man and the universe.

Combined with the interpretation of Taoist classics and the inheritance of the wisdom of the predecessors, Lu Cheng also gained a deeper understanding of martial arts practice.

Unconsciously, three or four months had passed, and Lu Cheng's kung fu had been trained to Huajin, and the dark power was completely penetrated through the five internal organs and six internal organs, and even trained to the lower limbs.

At this point, Lu Cheng's muscles and bones were strong, his bone marrow was full, and his internal organs were clean and tidy. Living to 130 or 140 years old was no problem.

Moreover, after training the qi and blood to the buttocks of the lower limbs, the two large muscles in the buttocks were soft as cotton and hard as iron. When punching, the buttocks were added, and the whole body's strength went up along the coccyx, bursting out all the fist force, which could cause amazing destructive power. With a random punch, the bright power could produce the effect of dark power, which is called tiger intertwining buttocks and dragon swinging tail.

When ordinary people reach this step, a punch will have a force of 1,500 kilograms, and the physical strength is three to four horses.

Lu Cheng's physique is far superior to that of ordinary people, and his foundation is solid. After reaching this stage, he can punch with more than 2,000 kilograms of force.

The force of a punch of an ordinary adult man is about 40 to 80 kilograms. Later boxing champion Tyson can punch with a force of 500 kilograms.

One thousand kilograms is equivalent to a car at a speed of 90 km/h.

Normal human bones will be directly cracked when hit by a force of 500 kilograms.

A punch of one thousand kilograms will hurt you if you touch it, and you will die if you touch it.

Even in the universe of "Swallowed Star", the standard punch force of a primary fighter is 900 kilograms and the speed is 25 meters per second.

At this stage, Lu Cheng can be said to be a little superman.

At this time, on Lu Cheng's attribute panel, the following data is also displayed:

Lu Cheng:

Physique: 28+2

Spirit: 28

With a physique of 30 points and terrifying explosive power, no human can withstand Lu Cheng's punch.

After several months of in-depth study of the Taoist scriptures, Lu Cheng's mind and temperament have changed. His appearance looks more ethereal, but his inner body is like a furnace, containing terrifying power.

If he had not read the Taoist scriptures, coupled with Lu Cheng's high mental power and strong control, he might not be able to control such a powerful force.

I don't know what kind of style the King of Chu in history was.

Lu Cheng wanted to compete with the King of Chu to see whether "Yu's bravery is unparalleled in the ages" or "Cheng's divine power is unprecedented in the past."

After several months of reading and practicing, even the women around him were a little cold, not to mention Li Shishi and Zhao Yuannu in the Imperial Fragrance Tower.

As for Zhang Zhenniang from the Zhang coach's family, she has recovered in the past few months, and with the persuasion of her father and the consolation of the maids around her, she has developed a good impression of Lu Cheng who appears from time to time.

If Lu Cheng hadn't been busy studying Taoist scriptures recently and rarely visited the Zhang family, Zhang Zhenniang would have been taken home by him a long time ago.


In the evening, just as Lu Cheng reached the entrance of the alley where Zhang's family lived, he was stopped by Coach Zhang.

"Mr. Lu, I haven't seen you recently. My daughter Zhenniang has been thinking about you all the time. You must come to my house today."

"Coach Zhang, I'm really sorry. I've been ordered to revise the Taoist Canon recently. I've been very busy every day, so I haven't come much."

"It's a great blessing to be valued by your majesty."

In fact, Coach Zhang was a little worried that Lu Cheng would change his mind. After all, Lu Cheng's promotion was too fast. He became a writer at a young age. He might continue to be promoted after a while. If he didn't like their daughter Zhenniang at that time, it would be bad.

After all, now Zhang Zhenniang finally forgot about Lin Chong and had feelings for Lu Cheng. If she changed her mind again, he really didn't know what would happen to his daughter.

When Lu Cheng came to the Zhang family's small building and saw Zhang Zhenniang, he saw that her mental state had become completely rich, her body was also plump, but there was still a little sadness between her eyebrows.

However, after seeing Lu Cheng, the sadness between Zhang Zhenniang's eyebrows disappeared in an instant, and she quickly stood up to greet him: "I have seen... I have seen the master."

"No need to be polite, what are you doing?"

"Now that winter is coming and the weather is getting colder, I want to make a robe for the master."

Lu Cheng reached out and touched the material that had been placed, and looked at the fine stitches and exquisite patterns on it, and couldn't help nodding repeatedly: "The craftsmanship is really good, I like it."

"If the master likes it, I can make a few more for you to wear in turn."

"That can't be It's too hard. It's not good to tire your eyes and hands. Look at this hand. Do you want me to rub it for you? "


Seeing that the other party did not refuse, Lu Cheng took the other party's hand and rubbed it for her. Then he took out a box of cream with a faint floral fragrance from his sleeve and handed it to the other party: "It's dry today, and the skin is also prone to dryness. This thing is called hand cream. Apply it on your hands to keep your hands moist. Come, I will teach you how to use it."

As he said, Lu Cheng took out some hand cream, applied some to Zhang Zhenniang's little hand, and rubbed it for her.

It was the first time for the two to do such an intimate action. Zhang Zhenniang was a little afraid to look at Lu Cheng, but her heart was warm.

After applying the hand cream, Lu Cheng casually said, "I've been busy recently and rarely come to see you. If you are willing, I will discuss with your father and choose an auspicious day to take you to my house."

"I will listen to my father."

"I have Jinlian, Cuilian, Xiahe, Qiulan and others in my house. You can sit together and have something to say."


Taking a concubine is not like marrying a wife. The process is much simpler. You can even not hold a banquet or any ceremony. Just hire a sedan chair and carry the person over.

Even if you take a concubine according to etiquette, you can't go through the front door, but only the side door or the back door.

Lu Cheng is now an official of the Song Dynasty. He must abide by the rules in etiquette. For the time being, he can't do anything too different to avoid being criticized.

However, Lu Cheng privately gave Zhang Jiaotou a heavy betrothal gift, which is enough for Zhang Jiaotou to live out his life.

After Zhang Zhenniang was taken over, there was one more person in the family who was eager to make clothes and cook for Lu Cheng. In terms of taking care of people, Zhang Zhenniang was indeed more experienced and more attentive.

As winter approached and the end of the year was approaching, Lu Cheng was ready to meet Song Huizong and do some tricks to gain more benefits for himself.

Over the past year, Yongchang Escort Company under Lu's Business has developed into a large escort agency. With Lu Cheng, a close minister of the emperor, as the cover, and officials from all sides giving the green light all the way, Yongchang Escort Agency has opened branches in 20 to 30 prefectures around Bianjing City, and there are already 700 to 800 escorts and porters distributed in various places, not to mention some peripheral personnel.

With the support of Lu Cheng, Wu Song also went from a militia to an eighth-rank militia deputy envoy, managing more than 2,000 wing troops and training some capable personnel.

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