The 1978 Quanjude menu

This time, not only Tian Xiaoxia but also Xu Aiyun came with Xiulian and her son.

As a commissioner of the prefectural party committee and the administrative office, Tian Fujun had a heavy responsibility and could not easily leave Huangyuan City. Only Xu Aiyun, the mother, could send him off.

After Lu Cheng received a few people, he took them on the bus and headed towards the small courtyard he rented.

The straight-line distance between Yenching Normal University and the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is only five kilometers, which is not too far.

The courtyard that Lu Cheng rented was just a little north of the two schools.

After entering the yard, Xu Aiyun looked around and nodded: "Lu Cheng, the yard you rented is very good. How much did it cost?"

"Not expensive, twenty yuan a month."

Xiu Lian was shocked: "Ah? Twenty yuan a month? This is really not cheap."

Xu Aiyun said: "Xiu Lian, such a yard, and it is in Yanjing, it is really not expensive."

After sitting on the train for more than two days, Xiu Lian and Xu Aiyun became more familiar with each other.

Tian Xiaoxia was very excited: "Brother Lu Cheng, you have a good eye. This small yard is very attractive. Can you leave two rooms for me? I will pay the rent for you."

"No need to pay the rent. If you want to come and live here, you can live here anytime. Anyway, this place is not far from your school."

Such a large yard, more than ten rooms, Lu Cheng's family of three can't live in it.

Moreover, Lu Cheng is also planning to bring his father-in-law to live with him for a while during the summer vacation.

The old man has worked hard in the fields all his life and has never been to a place too far, let alone to this Yanjing City.

It would be nice to let my father-in-law come and stay for a while and have a good time. And my aunt's family should also be brought over to live for a while.

Whether it is my father-in-law, my aunt and her husband, they all have nothing to say about me and Xiulian. Lu Cheng has always remembered this kindness and affection in his heart.

There are still two days before the start of school, and Xu Aiyun is going to send Tian Xiaoxia to school before going back.

Lu Cheng gave them the west wing and used the east wing as a kitchen.

Lu Cheng's family of three lived in the three main rooms on the north side. The left and right side rooms can be used as storage rooms.

As for the back house next to the main door, Lu Cheng plans to continue to open his own private clinic in the future. There is no medical qualification certificate yet, and there are no restrictions on practicing medicine and opening clinics.

After putting down the luggage, tidying up, and having a simple meal outside, the few people rested. After sitting on the train for such a long time, everyone was very tired.

After breakfast the next morning, Lu Cheng took a few people to walk around the neighborhood and prepared to take the bus to have lunch.

Although Xiulian was reluctant to go out and spend money on food, she didn't say anything because Xu Aiyun and Tian Xiaoxia were there. She followed Lu Cheng with her child in her arms.

Tian Xiaoxia was a little curious: "Brother Lu Cheng, what delicious food are you going to take us to eat?"

"This is my first time in Yanjing, so of course I have to go to Quanjude and try the famous Yanjing roast duck."

"I've heard of this. It is said that Quanjude has also entertained foreign guests."

Quanjude was founded in 1864 and has a history of more than 100 years. It is a well-deserved century-old store.

When the few people came to the store, there were not too many customers, so they didn't have to wait.

However, when Xiulian saw the menu, she was also secretly shocked. A roast duck alone cost 8 to 10 yuan, and other meat dishes also cost 1 to several yuan.

Xiulian couldn't help but secretly calculate in her heart that this meal would probably cost 20 yuan.

After calculating, Xiulian felt a pang of pain in her heart, but she didn't say much, for fear of embarrassing Lu Cheng.

But Tian Xiaoxia couldn't help but be surprised: "This dish is really not cheap."

"After all, it is the signature of Yanjing, a century-old restaurant."

Lu Cheng ordered a roast duck, plus three or four meat dishes, a big bowl of duck bone soup, and some lotus leaf cakes, and the total cost was less than 20 yuan.

After the sliced ​​roast duck was served, Lu Cheng briefly explained to several people how to eat it, and then picked up a lotus leaf cake, scooped some sauce with a small spoon, spread it on the lotus leaf cake, put two or three slices of roast duck meat, and added a few scallions, rolled it up and handed it to Xiulian.

After Xiulian took it, she didn't eat it directly. She stared at the lotus leaf cake in her hand, and then looked at the roast duck slices on the table, as if she was trying to calculate how much she would spend with each bite.

Little Lu Yang, who was sitting on her lap, didn't care about that. He stretched out his little hand and wanted the cake in his mother's hand.

Lu Cheng took another

He took a piece of lotus leaf pancake, spread a little sauce on it, rolled it up and handed it to his son.

Lu Yang took a bite, but still stared at the dishes on the table: "Meat, Dad, Yangyang eat meat."

Lu Cheng touched the little guy's head, picked a small piece of tender meat, and put it in the pancake for him.

Tian Xiaoxia followed suit and used lotus leaf pancakes to sandwich 2 slices of roast duck meat and scallions. After tasting it, she nodded with satisfaction: "Although it's a bit expensive, it tastes really good."

When outsiders come to Yanjing, as long as conditions permit, they basically come to try the famous Yanjing roast duck.

The diners in the restaurant are also used to it. They eat and chat.

Several people have good appetites. They eat all the food and walk out of Quanjude with satisfaction.

Tian Xiaoxia looked back at the sign of Quanjude and sighed: "It's delicious, but the price is a bit expensive, so I can't come often."

Xu Aiyun nodded at her daughter: "You still want to come often, your father and I haven't eaten here many times."

In the afternoon, the few of them wandered around Yanjing City again, helping Tian Xiaoxia buy some daily necessities for the start of school.

The next morning, Lu Cheng accompanied Xu Aiyun and Tian Xiaoxia to visit Director Zhao's home.

Xu Aiyun and the other party obviously knew each other, and Tian Xiaoxia was visiting for the first time, so the other party naturally gave a warm reception, and before leaving, he asked Lu Cheng and Tian Xiaoxia to come and sit often when they were free.

School started soon, Xu Aiyun sent Tian Xiaoxia to school, and then returned to Huangyuan City alone.

Lu Cheng prepared all the food, clothing and daily necessities for the family, left enough living expenses and food coupons for Xiulian, and rushed to the school to register.

The rented courtyard is only two or three kilometers away from the school, and Lu Cheng ran directly there.

It is worth mentioning that after practicing Ba Duan Jin for a year, Lu Cheng's physical fitness has also improved. His physical fitness has improved from the initial 11 points to 12 points, and he is full of energy.

Xiu Lian also learned Ba Duan Jin from Lu Cheng a long time ago. She practiced it twice a day in the morning and evening. Her physical fitness has also improved to a certain extent, and even her figure has become more perfect.

Xiu Lian's skin color tends to be wheat-colored because of years of labor. After having a child, she worked less and her skin color became slightly whiter, and she was more beautiful than before.

After completing the registration, Lu Cheng specially found the dormitory director and teacher to apply for whether he could live off campus at night.

After the school leaders learned about the situation, they also allowed Lu Cheng's request.

After all, there are many local students in Yanjing who also live off campus.

In this way, Lu Cheng got up early in the morning and ran to school to study. After finishing a day of study, he would run two or three kilometers, and then go home to sleep with his wife and children.

This university is indeed very easy.

In fact, Lu Cheng has already mastered the knowledge of the undergraduate course of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and his foundation may even be more solid than that of the teacher on the stage.

Therefore, Lu Cheng did not rely solely on the time in class to study, but based on his own foundation, he summarized various problems. As long as the get out of class was over and he had time, he would chase the teacher to ask questions.

At this time, university teachers were very attentive. When they met a student like Lu Cheng who had a good foundation and was willing to learn, they were naturally willing to give more guidance and give Lu Cheng a special treatment.

And the foundation and ability shown by Lu Cheng soon attracted the attention of teachers.

Especially Lu Cheng was the top scorer in the college entrance examination in a province, and he was also well-known among this group of students.

So, not long after the start of the school, Lu Cheng was called to the office by the teacher: "Lu Cheng, come with me to Professor Yan's office, Professor Yan wants to see you."

Lu Cheng was delighted to hear this. Professor Yan was born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine. He is now nearly 60 years old and is the director of the school's Chinese medicine teaching and research department. He has superb medical skills and is quite prestigious.

In fact, Lu Cheng didn't know that Professor Yan would be selected as the first national master of Chinese medicine in the future and would be a leading figure in the field of traditional Chinese medicine...

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