The old man was very busy, but the old man was very busy.

Following the teacher, we came to a spacious pharmacy. There were huge Chinese medicine shelves on both sides of the walls of the pharmacy. The names of various Chinese medicines were written on the small drawers. They were densely packed, clean and tidy, and exuded the smell of mixed herbs, but it was not unpleasant.

There were many long tables in the house, and on the tables were various tools for processing Chinese medicine, such as medicine grinders, medicine pots, medicine pounding jars, small guillotines for cutting medicine, etc.

There were several young students, each of whom was carefully processing some Chinese medicinal materials, and a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties was preparing a batch of medicinal materials.

After the middle-aged man prepared a set of herbs, the teacher took Lu Cheng over and introduced: "Professor Yan, this is Lu Cheng, who just enrolled this year."

Lu Cheng also took the initiative to greet him: "Hello, Professor Yan."

After taking a quick look at the other person, Lu Cheng was secretly surprised. He knew that Professor Yan was born in a famous Chinese medicine family and was already 58 years old this year, an old man in his sixties.

But he didn't expect that the other person looked so young, with a head full of black and thick black hair, a kind face without looking old, bright eyes, and a strong spirit, just like an ordinary middle-aged man in his forties.

Lu Cheng had also seen some relevant information in his previous life. Many old Chinese medicine practitioners were quite healthy and long-lived. It was normal for them to live to more than 90 years old. Some were even over 100 years old and could occasionally go to the hospital for consultation.

But hearing is just hearing, seeing it with your own eyes is another matter.

Seeing the mental state of Professor Yan, Lu Cheng's determination to learn Chinese medicine became more determined. Who doesn't want to have a healthy body and live a long life?

Professor Yan looked Lu Cheng up and down, nodded slightly with satisfaction, and then said: "Student Lu Cheng, I have heard of your name. This year's Shaanxi Province top scorer in the college entrance examination is more than 50 points higher than the second place, which is amazing. Why don't you choose to go to Shuimu and Yanda? Why do you come to study Chinese medicine?"

"Professor Yan, I was born in a rural area on the Loess Plateau. My father is a barefoot doctor in the village. I have been learning from my father since I was a child. I have been interested in medicine since I was a child. Chinese medicine can cure patients and help them regulate their bodies. The gratitude of patients also makes people feel very fulfilled.

When I was a child, I heard my father say that if I can't be a good prime minister, I will be a good doctor. When I grew up, I also started to practice medicine, curing patients one after another, and gained everyone's respect and trust. This made me like to study medicine even more."

Professor Yan nodded, and then asked: "How many years have you been a barefoot doctor?"

" I dropped out of high school at the age of 17 and started working as a barefoot doctor in the village. It has been more than seven years now. "

"More than seven years, not bad. Let me test you."

As he spoke, Professor Yan pushed a prescription he had just prepared in front of Lu Cheng: "Look at what medicinal materials are in this prescription, and what is the effect of each medicinal material? What diseases can be treated together? What are the symptoms of this disease?"

Hearing this, Lu Cheng stepped forward to check these medicinal materials one by one, and then began to talk: "The medicinal materials here are: Quangualou, Fabanxia, ​​Chenpi, Fuling, Yujin, Chuanxiong, Safflower, etc.... Quangualou can resolve phlegm, relieve cough and asthma, and has the effect of vasodilation. Fabanxia has the effect of drying dampness and resolving phlegm. Fuling has the effect of diuresis, calming dampness, strengthening the spleen and calming the mind..."

Lu Cheng talked about all the medicinal materials, and the effect of each medicinal material was not missed, showing his solid basic skills.

Professor Yan and the teacher on the side nodded repeatedly, and even the young people who were grinding medicinal materials couldn't help but look up at Lu Cheng a few times.

It is not uncommon to be able to say these things, and everyone present can say them.

But it is very rare for Lu Cheng, a barefoot doctor from the countryside and a freshman who has just entered school, to have such a foundation.

After talking about all the herbs, Lu Cheng spoke again: "The whole set of herbs complement each other, and it should be to replenish qi and eliminate phlegm for the patient, dilate blood vessels, and treat myocardial ischemia. Moreover, judging from the combination of the whole set of herbs, this patient should be over 40 years old and has been tired for a long time."

Professor Yan was more satisfied after hearing this, and nodded continuously, but he couldn't help but increase the difficulty of the question: "If you follow this prescription and prescribe seven doses of herbs, the patient will have greatly reduced symptoms after taking them for seven consecutive days. But what if he still feels short of breath?"

Lu Cheng frowned and thought for a moment, then spoke again: "It's still the original prescription, remove Prince ginseng and add Astragalus. Remove tangerine peel and add... After the modified prescription, take another 7 doses."

Professor Yan nodded and praised: "Not bad, not bad."

Seeing that Lu Cheng answered fluently and without any error, Professor Yan thought for a moment before speaking again: "What if the patient still feels a little weak after taking 7 doses of the medicine according to your prescription?"

Lu Cheng only thought about it for a moment this time and spoke again: "Then increase the dosage of Astragalus and take another 7 doses. If you are still weak, continue to add Astragalus."

"Not bad, not bad, it seems that you have understood the most important problem of this patient."

"Yes, what this patient needs most is to replenish qi."

"Student Lu Cheng, you are very good, better than I thought. It seems that the basic courses in school are indeed a waste of time for you."

In fact, there is a common problem among college students this year, that is, everyone's foundation is too different. This is the case for freshmen in various universities.

This situation is particularly obvious at Yenching University of Chinese Medicine.

Nowadays, the proportion of Western medicine far exceeds that of traditional Chinese medicine. Many of those who are willing to learn traditional Chinese medicine are children of traditional Chinese medicine families, or barefoot doctors in the village, all of whom have a certain foundation and experience.

Of course, there are also many newcomers who know nothing about traditional Chinese medicine.

This also leads to some students not being able to keep up with the teacher's courses, while some students no longer need to learn the content in class.

Professor Yan pondered for a moment before speaking: "How about this, I will ask your teachers of various subjects to give you a few test papers and then test you. If you can pass the test, you don't have to take the basic courses, just come to me every day."

"Thank you, Professor Yan."

If Lu Cheng can learn more advanced traditional Chinese medicine knowledge as soon as possible, of course he will be very happy.

Then, Professor Yan just nodded and let Lu Cheng leave.

This was just their first meeting. Although Professor Yan was very satisfied with Lu Cheng's performance, he would not rush to draw conclusions, let alone take in apprentices so quickly.

Traditional Chinese medicine attaches great importance to the inheritance of the master, and every old Chinese medicine practitioner is very strict in taking in apprentices.

Generally speaking, the first thing that Chinese medicine practitioners value when accepting apprentices is their medical ethics and character.

If a person's medical ethics and character are lacking, even if he is talented, many Chinese medicine practitioners are unwilling to accept him, so as not to bring discredit to their school.

Secondly, Chinese medicine practitioners should pay more attention to understanding and learning ability when accepting apprentices.

There are many things to learn in Chinese medicine, which are profound and vast. Without a certain learning ability and understanding, it is difficult to become a good Chinese medicine practitioner.

Moreover, if you want to become a master of Chinese medicine, you still have to love Chinese medicine sincerely and be willing to fight for learning Chinese medicine for a lifetime.

There are also some Chinese medicine masters who attach great importance to first impression when accepting apprentices. If they feel that the student is not suitable at first sight, they will not accept him as a disciple no matter what, and they can only say that there is no master-apprentice relationship.

When meeting Professor Yan this time, Lu Cheng at least left a very good impression on the other party.

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