The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.


As Lu Cheng exhaled and shouted, he led the charge towards the thousand cavalrymen.

At this time, the Liao soldiers on the opposite side had not yet realized what kind of killing god they would face today, a nightmare.

When Lu Cheng rushed into the enemy formation, his long spear stabbed left and right, and penetrated the enemy formation with broken limbs and arms, his whole body began to boil.

The horse under his crotch seemed to feel the owner's emotions. Just after killing through the enemy formation, he immediately turned his head and killed again.

The leading Liao general immediately organized soldiers to block Lu Cheng's charge, but Lu Cheng easily broke through, like breaking through the waves, and cut through the camp again.

At this time, the Liao army, because of the long-term peace, had long lost its original combat effectiveness, and could only bully the Song Dynasty, and its fighting will was also very weak.

Seeing Lu Cheng kill through the enemy twice, his blood-stained battle robe, still as fierce as a tiger, unstoppable, some Liao soldiers began to fear, shouting "He is a fierce god" and retreating in panic...

Lu Cheng's charge has not stopped yet, like a sharp steel knife, repeatedly cutting across the enemy's camp, cutting a thousand-man team into pieces.

Soon, the remaining Liao soldiers began to panic. When the leader of the thousand-man team was beheaded by Lu Cheng, the rest of the Liao soldiers no longer dared to face Lu Cheng, and fled in all directions. Some directly discarded their weapons, and some fell off their horses and knelt down to beg for mercy.

Thus, a siege of one thousand people against one person directly turned into a chase of hundreds of people by one person. The three hundred or so corpses scattered on the grass were telling the story of a massacre.

Hundreds of Liao soldiers fled in all directions. Even if Lu Cheng's snow-walking speed was fast, he could not catch up with many of them. He could only let the remaining cavalry go away.

From morning to noon, until the snow-walking was almost exhausted, Lu Cheng stopped, simply cleaned up the battlefield, and put away some useful things.

At this time, Lu Cheng's body was already covered with blood plasma, and so was Snow-walking. One man and one horse, covered in blood, like a demon returning from hell.

Later, under the guidance of Zuoshan Diao, one man and one horse found a small river. Lu Cheng took off his blood-stained robe, threw it away, jumped into the river, took a bath, and cleaned the fine steel spear. Then he changed into clean clothes and sat by the river to rest.

After such a big battle, Lu Cheng became more confident in his ability to charge. After reaching this level of strength, the siege of cold weapons had no effect on him at all.

At Changbanpo, Zhao Zilong went in and out seven times and brought out Liu Adou from the army of one million. If it were Lu Cheng, he could also easily kill seven times in the army of one million, and maybe even bring out Cao Aman.

But the physical strength of this warhorse is limited. Even the strengthened snow-stepping horse has little physical strength left after running fast for a morning. Although it can still hold on, continuing to run will definitely hurt the foundation.

Therefore, Lu Cheng was also thinking at this time, this time he would look for a few good warhorses on the grassland, train them, and use them as backup.

Just as Lu Cheng was sitting by the river eating and resting, news about him quickly spread on the grassland. Those Liao soldiers who fled were either scared by Lu Cheng or in order to escape guilt, they portrayed Lu Cheng as a murderous demon, extremely scary.

The news soon spread to Miyun County, Tanzhou, nearby. When the Liao general Aliqi stationed in Miyun learned of the news, he was furious and immediately led two thousand soldiers out of the city to besiege Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng was originally to hone his martial arts will in the killing, so he naturally would not hide his tracks and was soon discovered by the Liao army scouts.

In the evening, the sun set and the sky was full of red clouds.

Lu Cheng was just letting his horse run free and strolling on the grassland. A mountain eagle cried and appeared nearby. It cried four times in succession, circled and flew to the northwest.

Lu Cheng knew that this meant that a large number of enemies were approaching from the northwest, and the number was even greater than that of the enemies in the morning.

Lu Cheng moved his wrist, patted his warhorse, and the fine steel spear fell into his hand. He was ready for battle.

Not long after, smoke and dust rose on the distant horizon, and a group of cavalry galloped over. In the blink of an eye, they were already nearby.

Lu Cheng held his spear and rode his horse, charging forward.

Seeing this, the cavalrymen in the front row took down the bows and arrows hanging on the saddles and shot at Lu Cheng.


The spear in Lu Cheng's hand trembled, and he shot away all the arrows that were coming towards him, then he clamped his legs on the horse's belly and charged quickly.

The leader of the opposite army was nine feet tall, riding a brown horse, wearing a beast-head chain mail, holding a pear-shaped steel spear, and he was a fierce general at first glance.

Seeing Lu Cheng rushing up, the man jumped on his horse with his spear and rushed towards Lu Cheng.

The surrounding Liao soldiers cheered in unison, cheering for the fierce general, and their eyes looking at the fierce general were full of admiration, as if they were expecting the fierce general to stab Lu Cheng, the enemy, off his horse with a spear.

Seeing that the man had an extraordinary appearance and was as imposing as a tiger, Lu Cheng did not hold back. When the two sides approached, the fine steel spear in his hand suddenly swept across, colliding with the weapon in the opponent's hand.

With a loud bang, the weapon in the hands of the fierce general broke into two pieces, and even he himself was smashed high into the air.

However, before he landed, Lu Cheng swung the fine steel spear in his hand in a circle, dissipating the rebound force, and then shot out, stabbing the fierce general directly on the tip of the spear, and then threw him out and landed in the enemy's army.

The cavalry behind him suddenly made an uproar, and many cavalry shouted: "General Aliqi!"

Others shouted in panic, "The general is dead."

However, at this time, Lu Cheng had already rushed into the enemy's formation, invincible, blood splattered, and broken limbs flew all over the sky.

Lu Cheng heard the "Aliqi" from the mouths of the Liao soldiers, and he had some impression.

In the original novel, after the Liangshan army was recruited, they were ordered to march north to the Liao Kingdom. When they attacked Miyun County, they met the Liao general Aliqi, who was known as a ten thousand enemy. He defeated the golden spearman Xu Ning in only thirty moves, and fought with the double spearman Dong Ping, one of the five tigers of Liangshan, for 50 rounds, but there was no winner.

In the end, Aliqi was hit in the left eye by Zhang Qing, the featherless arrow, with a flying stone, and was besieged and captured alive by Leopard Head Lin Chong, Thunderbolt Qin Ming, Little Li Guang Hua Rong, and Pioneer Suo Chao, and died of pain.

Of course, Lu Cheng didn't care about whether the generals were fierce or not, it was just a matter of picking them up.

Soon, Lu Cheng killed two of the two thousand cavalrymen, and those cavalrymen began to disintegrate and flee everywhere.

Lu Cheng charged and killed for a while, and when he saw the sunset and the sky gradually darkening, he stopped charging, cleaned up the battlefield, captured Aliqi's yellow horse alive, and tamed it with his animal taming skills.

Aliqi's pear-shaped steel spear was pretty good, but it was unfortunately broken by Lu Cheng on the spot. He could have reinstalled a better spear and continued to use it.

As Aliqi was killed by Lu Cheng, the Liao people on the grassland began to panic. The news quickly spread back to the capital of the Liao Dynasty. Liao Gongzong Yelu Yanxi immediately sent generals to continue to encircle and suppress Lu Cheng.

What awaited Lu Cheng was one battle after another.

Later generations recorded this feat of Emperor Taizu Lu Cheng and wrote poems praising him:

He rode alone to the northern border,

He killed countless people and stained his clothes with blood.

The Liao army was frightened when they heard the news,

Thousands of troops avoided the silver spear.

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