The battle was over, and the battle was over.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months had passed.

In these two months, Lu Cheng fought from south to north, from east to west, and experienced countless battles and killed countless Liao soldiers.

His clothes were soaked in the blood of the enemy again and again, and he couldn't wash them clean, so he had to throw them on the grassland. Even the steel gun in his hand, which was forged with refined steel, became crooked because it smashed too many enemy weapons and bones. It was no longer as straight as before, and the blade was curled and the tip was blunt.

Later, Lu Cheng changed his weapons many times, sometimes using the long spears and broadswords seized from the enemy, and sometimes using the spare weapons in the storage space. He broke seven or eight bows and used up many arrows.

At the beginning, the Liao army's siege of Lu Cheng was led by fierce generals and surrounded by a large group of cavalry.

But after being killed by Lu Cheng many times, the Liao army soon realized the horror of Lu Cheng, and then began to mobilize more than 10,000 cavalry infantry combinations, trying to use the human wave tactics combined with crossbow formations and arrow formations to ambush Lu Cheng.

But every time, Lu Cheng relied on the reconnaissance of the mountain eagle's heating induction radar and the speed of stepping on snow to bypass the enemy's crossbow formations and arrow formations and raid the local commander.

After many failed encirclements, the Liao army quickly learned lessons and changed its strategy, mobilizing 100,000 troops to set up many encirclements around Lu Cheng, and then continuously narrowed the encirclement, trying to kill Lu Cheng with human wave tactics.

But Lu Cheng could always accurately choose a weak point to break out before the enemy was about to form a siege, and even often made a surprise attack to disrupt the enemy's formation, leaving the Liao army clueless.

The most dangerous one was when the Liao army marshal Wu Yanguang, known as the first general of the Liao Kingdom, led the eleven generals, the twenty-eight generals, and 80,000 elite soldiers to set up a "Taiyi Hun Tian Xiang formation". Even the Liao Tianshou Princess Dalibo personally went into battle to try to surround and kill Lu Cheng.

Facing a large formation composed of heavy armored infantry, shields, crossbow formations, and chariots, Lu Cheng directly used continuous arrows, first killing the Liao Tianshou Princess with one arrow, and then killing several Liao generals. Taking advantage of the enemy's confusion, he almost killed the Liao marshal Wu Yanguang.

In the end, the Liao army ignored their own casualties and forcibly used bed crossbows to attack. Lu Cheng had to avoid their sharp edge and forcibly rushed out of the enemy formation.

In that battle, a heavy crossbow arrow scratched the hip of Taxue's horse under Lu Cheng's crotch. Lu Cheng relied on brute force to break through the siege, ran dozens of miles in succession, and shook off the pursuit of the Liao soldiers before treating Taxue's wounds.

After that battle, Lu Cheng became more cautious. When he encountered a large formation of tens of thousands of people, he took the initiative to avoid it. He no longer confronted head-on, but relied on his speed to bypass the enemy and did not give the enemy a chance to outflank the formation.

In more than two months, at least more than 10,000 souls died at the hands of Lu Cheng, including thirty or forty Liao generals, a Liao princess, and three Liao royal family members.

After a series of battles, the Liao Kingdom completely gave up the idea of ​​sieging and killing Lu Cheng. All cavalry teams heading south to pack the valley were withdrawn, and cities and tribes everywhere contracted their defenses to avoid Lu Cheng.

The great Liao Kingdom was beaten helplessly by a single person. If this matter were spread, it would undoubtedly greatly damage the face of the Liao Kingdom.

At first, the Liao Kingdom tried its best to conceal the news, but as the Liao army frequently mobilized, the Song Dynasty border army soon noticed the problem and launched an investigation.

When they learned that the Liao Kingdom was being beaten by a fierce general, the soldiers of the Song Dynasty border army were extremely impressed by the legendary fierce general.

Seeing that the news could no longer be concealed, the Liao Kingdom could not defeat or kill him, so they had to send envoys to the Song Dynasty to ask the Song Dynasty court to come forward and recall the fierce general.

But Lu Cheng's whereabouts were uncertain later, and even if the Song Dynasty border army wanted to find him, they couldn't find him for a while.

It was not until two months later that Lu Cheng came to the border of Western Xia and killed more than a thousand Western Xia cavalrymen before he was found by the scout team sent by Zong Shidao.

Until then, everyone knew that the man who roamed the grassland and was invincible was named Lu Cheng, from Jizhou Prefecture of the Song Dynasty.

For a time, Lu Cheng's name spread throughout the Song, Liao, Xixia and other countries. Liao and Xixia regarded Lu Cheng as a killing god and named him "Ren Tu". The Song border army regarded Lu Cheng as a heavenly general and worshipped him.

In the residence of Zong Shidao, Zong Shidao looked at Lu Cheng sitting opposite him and could not imagine that this young man, who had met him two or three years ago, had such shocking military power, which was beyond his imagination.

One man against a country, 100,000 troops

Come and go freely in the army, even the King of Chu is no more than this, right?

"Keep your word, you really surprised me. In the past two months, the whole north has been turned upside down by you. We, the border army generals, thought that the Liao Kingdom was going to invade the south again, and we were all prepared for a big war, but we didn't expect it to be you who did it. It's really incredible. It's a pity that you don't come to the army with your martial arts."

"Lu is honing his martial arts and has no idea of ​​joining the army. Maybe, in the future, he will come to the army and lead troops to kill the enemy."

"Since you don't want to, no one can force you. By the way, the emperor sent an imperial edict to the border army not long ago, asking us to find you and notify you to return to the capital."

Lu Cheng shook his head: "Lu's purpose of coming out this time has not been achieved yet. I still want to go a distance, and I can't do it for the time being. Return to the capital."

"I don't care about this. Anyway, I have already notified you. Do you want to stay for a few days before leaving? The generals under my command admire you very much. Especially those who fought with you in the past, now they tell everyone they have fought with you for a few moves. "

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "I am afraid that I will disappoint you, Mr. Jinglüe. I still have a long way to go, so it is not convenient for me to stay for long."

"Well, you are welcome to come to my place often."

After saying goodbye to Zong Shidao, Lu Cheng did not continue to return to the grassland to kill. He had killed enough people this time, and a lot of resentment and murderousness had accumulated in his heart. The bloody smell on his body could not be washed off, and he also needed to calm down.

After leaving the northwest, Lu Cheng changed into ordinary clothes and even pinched his face to make himself look more ordinary. He traveled around as an ordinary person to see the customs and folkways of the Song Dynasty and the beautiful mountains and rivers.

After being in a state of mental tension for more than two months, Lu Cheng also felt a little tired.

After relaxing, the whole person's state gradually returned to peace, and the hostility in his body also dissipated bit by bit.

At the beginning, even if Lu Cheng walked on the street with a smile on his face, the people around him would involuntarily stay away, and some children would be afraid to dodge when they saw Lu Cheng. When Lu Cheng walked in the jungle, birds and beasts would hide everywhere.

Until Lu Cheng walked hundreds of miles, the whole person's temperament became more and more peaceful, and there was no trace of blood.

One day, when Lu Cheng came to the Louguan Terrace at the northern foot of Zhongnan Mountain, he suddenly heard a bell sound from the distant mountains. He suddenly felt something in his heart, and found a stone to sit down. The blood in his body also vibrated with the bell sound echoing in the mountains. The whole person's spirit was completely relaxed, but the blood in his body was boiling.

Soon, the relaxed spirit and the boiling blood merged with each other and continued to be restrained.

The murderous intent accumulated over the past period of time rose to his heart. In front of him seemed to be a sea of ​​blood and corpses, and a myriad of armies were fighting. An invisible energy and blood gathered into a giant dragon, rising into the sky and swooping in all directions...

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