After arriving at the border, Lu Cheng first inspected the Song Dynasty border army and learned in detail about the border army's troop deployment, the actual number of troops, the situation of the commanders of local troops, etc., and first collected detailed intelligence on the Song Dynasty border army. This work took more than a month, and finally sorted out a lot of useful intelligence, divided into two parts, one was prepared to be presented to Song Huizong after returning to the capital, and the other was sent to Yang Zhi and others. Afterwards, Lu Cheng temporarily left the inspection team, took Lu Fang, and joined Hua Rong, Pang Wanchun, Yuan Lang and others, and came to a mountain stronghold. When they saw the army training in the mountain stronghold, they were all shocked. They didn't expect that Lu Cheng, a court official, would raise so many soldiers in private.

Lu Cheng led everyone into the mountain stronghold, and Yang Zhi reported to Lu Cheng the current development of the mountain strongholds.

"Master, we currently have six large mountain strongholds and eight small mountain strongholds in Yanshan Prefecture and Yunzhong Prefecture, with a total of more than 8,600 soldiers, 2,400 war horses, swords, guns, bows and arrows..."

After Yang Zhi finished reporting the situation of the soldiers, the iron-faced Pei Xuan stood up again to report the situation of money and food supplies.

Hearing that there are many such mountain strongholds, and the total force is close to 10,000 people, Pang Wanchun and others are even more surprised.

Several people looked at each other, and at the same time, an idea came to their minds, is this a rebellion?

Then, everyone looked at Lu Cheng, but only saw Lu Cheng smiled slightly: "What? Do you have anything to say?"

Then Yuan Lang said directly: "Master, you have raised so many soldiers and horses on this northern border. Do you want to rebel against the Song Dynasty?"

"What do you think?"

Pang Wanchun bowed to Lu Cheng: "The Song Dynasty court is so incompetent and the people are living in dire straits. It is time to rebel. If the master wants to rebel, Pang Wanchun is willing to be the vanguard."

Lv Fang also said: "Master, you taught me martial arts and treated me, Lu Fang, with great kindness. Lu Fang swears to follow you until death."

Lu Cheng laughed: "Don't worry, even if we rebel, it's not now. With only this little force now, it can't cause much trouble. Shi Jin, bring the map."


Then, Shi Jin took out a huge map and hung it on a screen in front of him.

Lu Cheng picked up a short stick and pointed to the north of the map: "Now, the Liao Kingdom in the north is in decline, and the Jurchen tribe here is rising. With only 10,000 people, they beat the Liao Kingdom without any resistance. Facing such a Liao Kingdom, the Song Dynasty has to pay tribute every year. I once proposed to Zhao Ji that he should order the training of new troops and wait for an opportunity to recover the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun.

But Zhao Ji has been used to comfort and would rather exploit the people and pay tribute to the Liao Kingdom every year than to start a war again. Since the Song Dynasty is unwilling to recover the lost land, Lu will lead people to recover it.

Look here, the war between the Liao Kingdom and the Jurchens is basically concentrated here. In the future , the Jurchens will inevitably expand westward. To the south is the Liao Kingdom's Dongjing Road, to the north is the Jurchens' territory, to the south is the sea, and across the sea from the Yanshanfu Road and Jingdong East Road of our Song Dynasty, they can trade through merchant ships, and naturally they can also transport supplies.

As long as they occupy this piece of land and temporarily block the attack of the Liao Kingdom and the Jurchen tribe, they can develop steadily. The Jurchen tribe will be too busy to take care of it in a short time and will not divide its troops. The Liao Kingdom is busy fighting the Jurchens, and they have to guard against the Song Dynasty and Xixia, so they naturally can't take care of it..."

What Lu Cheng said is the Liao Province Peninsula in the future, which is also the place where Lu Cheng started in the world of "Embroidered Spring Knife".

As Lu Cheng's voice fell, everyone was excited and began to get excited.

Everyone in the room has good martial arts, and naturally they are eager to make achievements with their martial arts. If they can expand their territory, occupy a piece of land, or even establish a country, they will all be founding heroes.

Moreover, through Lu Cheng's analysis, they felt that the situation in the north was very clear and highly feasible.

Next, Lu Cheng's words made them even more excited.

"Half a month later, the annual tribute sent by the Song Dynasty to the Liao Kingdom will enter the Liao Kingdom through the Yunzhongfu Road. At that time, I will take you to the grassland and bring back the hundreds of thousands of taels of silver and property to provide a foundation for our further development. As long as we have money and food, we can continue to recruit soldiers and buy horses.

Thinking back then, when the Liao Marshal dispatched 80,000 troops, Lu came and went freely. This time, he robbed his annual tribute, and it was also easy.


Everyone heard this and had no doubt about Lu Cheng's words. The longer they were in contact with Lu Cheng, the more they could feel that Lu Cheng was unfathomable.

After mobilizing, Lu Cheng immediately asked Yang Zhi, Shi Jin, Lu Da, Yuan Lang and others to go to various mountain strongholds to select elite cavalry and infantry to form a team of 3,000 people to prepare to go north to the grassland.

Half a month later, at the northern border of the Liao Kingdom, the team of the Song Dynasty transporting the annual tribute successfully handed over this year's annual tribute to the Liao Kingdom's troops and returned to the country.

The Liao Kingdom sent 5,000 soldiers to welcome this batch of annual tribute.

At the beginning, when the Chanyuan Alliance was just signed, the Song Dynasty gave the Liao Kingdom 100,000 taels of silver and 200,000 pieces of silk every year. When it came to the time of Song Renzong, the Qingli increase in currency occurred, and every In addition, the Song Dynasty had to pay an additional 100,000 taels of silver and 100,000 pieces of silk on the original basis, and the annual tribute reached 500,000.

Moreover, the Song Dynasty not only had to pay annual tribute to the Liao Kingdom, but also to the Western Xia, but the amount to the Western Xia was halved to 250,000.

It seems that these treasures have brought peace to the Song Dynasty, but paying annual tribute is also a big burden for the Song Dynasty.

You know, when the Song Dynasty was just founded, Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin once made a budget that if 2 million pieces of silk could be saved in the treasury, it would be enough to launch a war against the north and recapture the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun.

The annual tributes sent by the Song Dynasty in the past hundred years have been enough to launch countless wars.

Seeing that the Liao Kingdom's troops received the annual tributes and transported them to the north, one A small group of scouts who had been following the team quickly released the falcon to send a signal to the army hidden in the distance.

Half an hour later, Lu Cheng, with his generals and more than a thousand cavalrymen, came to the back of the Liao army's transport team.

In the afternoon, the Liao soldiers who had been traveling for half a day had just eaten and drunk enough and were resting when a group of cavalrymen suddenly rushed out.

Lu Cheng rushed to the front with a spear in hand, and Hua Rong, Pang Wanchun, Shi Jin, Yang Zhi and others followed closely behind, like a sharp knife, and rushed directly into the enemy camp.

Before the people arrived, everyone drew their bows and arrows and shot arrows into the enemy camp.

As the shouts of killing sounded, they were already unprepared. Under the leadership of Lu Cheng and other fierce generals, more than a thousand cavalrymen were unstoppable and cut through the enemy camp like cutting melons and vegetables. The Liao soldiers who were transporting the annual tribute were killed and routed.

When the follow-up infantry arrived, the battle was basically over. Hua Rong, Pang Wanchun and others each led a team to chase the fleeing Liao soldiers, and the others stayed to clean up the battlefield and look after the property.

Then, everything here was handed over to the infantry led by Lu Da, and the rest of the cavalry also dispersed, chasing the fleeing cavalry while sweeping the nearby small tribes.

Until the evening, the cavalry returned, transporting 500,000 annual tributes, as well as the captured horses, armor, and weapons, heading southeast.

This time, the cavalry was divided into two teams, one team leading the way, and the other team covering the rear, rushing at night, heading towards the nearest mountain stronghold...

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