The Liao Dynasty was robbed of its annual tribute, and the Liao Dynasty was robbed.

(Map of the late Northern Song Dynasty)

How could the Liao Dynasty tolerate the fact that the annual tribute of the Liao Dynasty was robbed, and it was within the territory of the Liao Dynasty?

The Liao Dynasty border garrison commander who learned the news sent someone to send the news back to Shangjing as soon as possible, notified the nearby tribes, and personally led troops to pursue.

The next morning, the troops who had rested for a night had just had breakfast and were about to continue their journey. They heard a cry and a steppe eagle swooped down and landed on Lu Cheng's shoulder.

Lu Cheng took a bamboo tube from the bird's leg, opened it, and took out a note from it. It read: The pursuers are coming, ten miles away, and there are three thousand cavalry.

After reading the note, Lu Cheng called out, and 1,200 cavalrymen gathered immediately, waiting for Lu Cheng's order.

"Brothers, the Liao people are afraid that we don't have enough horses and carriages to go back, so they come to send us horses and weapons. Since the Liao people are so generous, we can't let them down. Lu Da, Shi Jin, you two lead the infantry to wait here and guard the supplies."


"Hua Rong, Yuan Lang, Yang Zhi, Lu Fang, Pang Wanchun, you follow me to receive the horses and weapons sent by the Liao people."

"I obey your orders!"

With Lu Cheng's order, more than a thousand cavalrymen rode their horses together, followed Lu Cheng's footsteps, and rushed towards the pursuers behind them.

In order to avoid exposing his identity, Lu Cheng deliberately changed his clothes and horses when he led people to rob the annual tribute yesterday, and his weapons were also changed from fine steel spears to ordinary spears.

When the two cavalry charged at each other, the Liao soldiers on the opposite side did not know that the one charging in front of them was the killer that they had avoided in the first place.

After the first wave of arrows from both sides, the two sides quickly collided with each other. There seemed to be a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, but once the two sides fought, Lu Cheng and his generals were like sharp knives, directly breaking through the 3,000 cavalry of the Liao army, dividing them into small parts, and they could no longer gather together.

In the cavalry charge on the grassland, the fierce generals who led the charge can play a big role. If you can directly break the enemy's formation and separate the enemy, and keep cutting back and forth, you can quickly seize the initiative on the battlefield.

Moreover, the fierce generals in front open the way and tear open the enemy's defense, and the cavalry following behind can quickly make up for the knife and harvest lives, which can not only kill the enemy more quickly and effectively, but also greatly avoid casualties on their own side.

In addition to Lu Cheng himself, the few people following him were all top-notch warriors trained by Lu Cheng himself, charging into battle and being invincible.

Soon, a group of warriors took full control of the battlefield with their unstoppable momentum, killing the opponent without any chance to fight back, forming a one-sided advantage.

The sound of swords and guns colliding, the sound of horses neighing, the screams of wounded soldiers, the shouts of soldiers fighting bravely, all kinds of sounds rang out, dust flew, blood splashed, and blood and broken limbs were everywhere.

The battle did not last long, and soon it turned from a fierce battle into a chase.

However, this time the target of the chase became the fleeing Liao soldiers.

When everything stopped, the soldiers began to clean up the battlefield, and Shi Jin came to help with a group of infantry.

According to post-war statistics, this battle seized another 1,300 war horses, more than 2,000 swords and guns, and some armor and supplies. In the end, less than a thousand Liao soldiers escaped.

On the grassland, it is not so easy to wipe out a large group of cavalry, unless more cavalry is used to besiege.

Lu Cheng currently has only more than a thousand cavalrymen, and in terms of the quality of the soldiers and the level of training, they are not as good as the Liao cavalry who have lived on horseback for a long time.

However, after this battle, the subsequent Liao pursuers did not dare to get too close for a while, but waited for the arrival of the follow-up troops.

After Lu Cheng cleaned up the battlefield, he quickly drove the horses to meet the infantry. The infantry quickly transported the supplies, took the small road through the mountains, and entered the territory of the Song Dynasty. The cavalry bypassed and passed through the weak points of the Song Dynasty's border defense, and soon joined the infantry.

When the follow-up Liao soldiers caught up, they had lost the trace of Lu Cheng and others.

So far, the Liao Kingdom not only lost the annual tribute sent by the Song Dynasty this year, but also lost thousands of soldiers and horses.

Lu Cheng led his men to rush for a few days and successfully transported this batch of property back to the warehouse of the mountain stronghold.

Later, Lu Cheng found an opportunity to put this batch of silver directly into the storage space. Later, this batch of silver would be used to buy food and grass.

, weapons, and transported them here.

On the other hand, the Liao Kingdom, which had been robbed of its annual tribute, sent troops to search extensively for half a month, but could not find any trace of the annual tribute, so it sent envoys to the Song Dynasty, requesting the Song Dynasty to send troops to help them find the annual tribute.

Song Huizong received an urgent report from the border army, and he had a better understanding of the incompetence of the Liao Kingdom.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also returned to the border and wrote a special letter, detailing the comparison between the border armies of the Song and Liao countries, and emphasizing the incompetence of the Liao army.

Song Huizong considered it again and again, and finally agreed to the request of the Liao Kingdom. On the surface, he ordered the front-line soldiers to help them find the lost annual tribute of the Liao Kingdom. But secretly, he gave Lu Cheng a secret order, asking him to communicate with the soldiers of the border army and deal with the Liao army.

Anyway, this batch of tax coins has been delivered to the Liao Kingdom, and it was not lost in the territory of the Song Kingdom. It has nothing to do with the Song Kingdom, and the Song Kingdom has no responsibility and obligation to help them find it.

Lu Cheng received the message and laughed. Even if Song Huizong did not give him a secret, he knew how to deal with it.

What happened next was obvious. The border troops of Song and Liao cooperated with each other and searched for a month or two. Not only did they not find the trace of the annual tribute, but the Liao army was also attacked many times and suffered heavy casualties.

During this period, Lu Cheng also integrated and expanded the troops of various mountain strongholds in the north, gathered all the troops together, and recruited a group of people to make up 12,000 troops and reorganized them into four guards, each with 3,000 people, namely Shenwu Guard, Weiwu Guard, Yingwu Guard, Xiongwu Guard, collectively known as Yangwei Army.

Lu Da, Yang Zhi, Yuan Lang, and Pang Wanchun served as the commanders of the four guards respectively, and Shi Jin, Hua Rong, Lu Fang, and Pei Xuan served as the deputy commanders of the four guards respectively.

Moreover, Lu Cheng gave them a year to develop, with enough food and supplies, and allowed them to grow and develop. After four years, the guard with the most soldiers and the best soldiers would have a new organization.

When the Jin Kingdom was established a year later and continued to expand westward, it was time for Lu Cheng's troops to march into Liaodong and establish a base.

Lu Cheng planned to expand the four guards to eight guards within a year, and each guard would preferably be expanded from 3,000 to 5,000. With 40,000 troops, it would be enough to occupy the southern part of Liaodong and block the Jin Kingdom's front, so as to advance westward with the Jin Kingdom, divide the Liao Kingdom, and stare at the Song Dynasty.

As for the source of soldiers, there is no need to worry at all. As long as there is money and food, there is no worry about not being able to recruit soldiers. There are people who can't survive everywhere.

Even the names of each guard later, Lu Cheng had already planned it. In the future, there will be four guards, Xuanwu, Yangwu, Zhenwu, and Fenwu, as well as Yulin Guard, Xiaoqi Guard, Yingyang Guard, Jinyi Guard, Longxiang Guard, Fengxiang Guard, Baotao Guard, Feixiong Guard, etc.

In order to formulate a big plan for future development, Lu Cheng also prepared two books for each guard commander, one is a manual for recruit training, and the other is a manual for officers' tactical skills and strategies.

These generals under Lu Cheng can only be regarded as generals, but not commanders. It's okay to lead two or three thousand soldiers to charge into battle, but it's not enough to command an army of more than 10,000 people.

Therefore, Lu Cheng can only try his best to guide them and inspire them to learn independently.

Among these people, Lu Cheng is most optimistic about Yang Zhi and Pang Wanchun. These two people know some strategies and have read some military books, but the others are not so good.

After Lu Cheng arranged everything in the north, he did not return to Bianjing immediately, but went back to Lujiazhuang in Yuncheng County first.

Calculating the time, the three women in the family should give birth. Considering the sanitary conditions of this era, giving birth to a child is basically like walking through the gates of hell. Lu Cheng is really a little worried...

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