Seeing the Korean soldiers and horses standing in battle array on the walls of Kaesong in the distance, Hua Rong, dressed in white robe and silver armor, rode out with his spear in hand: "General, let me go and ask them to open the city gate."

"Go, tell them we want to see the King of Goryeo."

Hua Rong came to a place within an arrow's reach of the city, exhaled and spoke loudly to the Koreans on the wall: "Listen, people on the city, our general wants to see your King of Goryeo. Open the city gate quickly, otherwise we will break through the gate and kill our way into the palace!"

At this time, Goryeo had not yet formed its own writing and language, and still used Chinese and Chinese characters. Although there were some local accents, communication was no problem.

The Korean guards on the city wall looked at each other after hearing this, and then one of them stood up and shouted loudly: "General under the city, where are you from? Who do you represent?"

"We are the Liaonan Yangwei Army, General Hua Rong, open the city quickly!"

"General, please wait a moment, I have to go back to report to the king."

Previously, Kaijing City sent 10,000 soldiers to block it, but it didn't work. This also made the Korean officials in the city fear the enemies outside the city like a tiger, and they dared not neglect it at all.

The city wall of Kaijing City is only about two meters, which can't bring much sense of security to the Koreans on the top of the city.

Hua Rong was not in a hurry. Seeing that the other party sent someone to report, he turned around and returned to the pier.

Lu Cheng was not in a hurry either, and let the soldiers rest for a while and fill their stomachs.

After a long time, seeing movement on the city wall again, Hua Rong jumped out on his horse and shouted at the city wall again. Unexpectedly, as soon as Hua Rong reached the point of an arrow under the city, a row of archers on the city wall suddenly emerged and were about to shoot arrows at Hua Rong.

Hua Rong had been on guard for a long time, and immediately turned around to leave the shooting range of the archers on the city. Then he quickly turned around, drew his bow and arrows, and shot three arrows at the city wall.

The enemy on the city wall obviously underestimated Hua Rong's reaction speed, and even more underestimated Hua Rong's archery skills. In an instant, three Korean soldiers were shot, including a guard.

Lu Cheng also jumped out on his horse immediately, came to the point of an arrow under the city, took out a pack of explosives, pulled the fuse, swung his arm, and threw it towards the gate of the Korean city.

The explosive package drew a beautiful parabola and landed precisely under the city gate. With a loud bang, the gate of Kaijing City was blown into pieces. Several Goryeo archers on the top of the city lost their balance and fell down.

Taking advantage of the other party's panic, Lu Cheng had already raised his sword and jumped on his horse, came to the moat outside the city, jumped from the horse's back, spanned two or three feet, and directly jumped over the moat. Then he raised his sword and cut the iron chain, and lowered the suspension bridge at the city gate.

Then, Lu Cheng rushed to the city gate in three or two steps. The long sword in his hand was as swift as the wind, and the city gate was cleared in a blink of an eye.

Hua Rong immediately led the cavalry, each raised their shields, and rushed into the city.

The Goryeo army in the city did not expect that the enemy outside the city would break the city as soon as they said it would. They did not even have time to organize a resistance, and were attacked into the city and went straight to the palace.

As the enemy appeared outside the city, the city of Goryeo had already been under martial law, and the people had all returned to their homes. There were not many people on the streets, which made it convenient for Lu Cheng's cavalry to march straight in.

The capital of Kaifeng was not big, and the Goryeo Palace was just a large courtyard. Lu Cheng did not even use explosive packs. He jumped directly into the air, chopped open the gate of the Goryeo Palace with a knife, and led people into the palace courtyard.

It is called a palace courtyard, but in fact it is just a large courtyard, which is only slightly larger than Lu Cheng's Prince Consort's Mansion in Bianjing. There are not many large buildings, and the tallest is just some two- or three-story small buildings.

As the cavalry rushed in, the entire Goryeo Palace was in chaos. Lu Cheng asked Hua Rong to lead the team to occupy a favorable terrain to block the surrounding soldiers and horses, and then led a hundred elite soldiers to rush straight into the palace hall.

Because everything happened too fast, Emperor Ruizong and the civil and military ministers were waiting for news outside the imperial city when they heard a commotion in the palace. They quickly sent people to inquire about the situation, but before the palace people could send back the news, Lu Cheng had already led his troops to kill them.

The guards in the palace hall hurried forward to intercept them. Lu Cheng just swung a few knives and cut the seven or eight guards in front of him in half. The rest of the guards were too scared to move forward. The civil and military ministers had no time to escape and were controlled by the guards behind Lu Cheng.

Then Lu Cheng took two steps forward and instantly came to the Goryeo throne. He picked up Emperor Ruizong who was hiding behind the table and threw him into the hall. Then he glanced around.

When he saw a guy dressed as a Jin envoy on the right side of the hall, he asked in fluent Jurchen: "Are you Shichen sent by Wanyan Aguda?"

"Who are you? How dare you call the Khan of our dynasty and attack me..."

Without waiting for the other party to finish, Lu Cheng pulled out a single knife from his waist, threw it out, and stabbed the Jin envoy in the stomach.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng sat on the seat of the Goryeo King with a sword in his hand, slammed the long sword in his hand on the ground, looked at the panicked Goryeo King and the civil and military officials in the hall, and shouted coldly: "This general came, not only did you not open the door to welcome me, but you also wanted to resist. Have you lived enough?"

The Goryeo King was shocked when he heard this, and knelt down quickly: "General, please forgive me. We also listened to the words of the Jin envoy, so we dared to be enemies with you. I have no intention of offending the general's majesty, please forgive me."

"Pass the order down, let the soldiers and civilians in the city not resist."

"Yes, yes, I will pass the order now."

Afterwards, several guards hurriedly ran out of the hall to convey the order, asking the soldiers in the city to give up the meaningless resistance.

Lu Cheng stood up from the throne, walked slowly to the front of the Jin envoy, drew his sword, and came to the Goryeo King.

The Goryeo King was so scared that he was shaking all over: "General... General... Spare my life..."

Lu Cheng laughed: "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bloodthirsty person."

As he said that, Lu Cheng wiped the blood on the blade on the Goryeo King, wiped the sword with the Goryeo King's yellow robe, and then put the sword back into the scabbard.

Seeing this, the Goryeo King was also relieved. He looked at Lu Cheng as if he was looking at a demon god, afraid that the other party would chop off his head.

Lu Cheng clapped his hands, grabbed the back of the Goryeo King's collar, lifted him up, walked back to the throne, and said: "In the past, you Goryeo were vassals of the Liao Kingdom, and then you were younger brothers of the Jin Kingdom. Now, I want you to pay tribute to my Yangwei Army, are you willing?"

The Goryeo King looked at the big knife that was still dripping with blood standing next to the throne, how could he dare to say no? He knelt down and kowtowed immediately: "The little king is willing, willing!"

Lu Cheng looked at the civil and military officials below: "Are there any of you who are unwilling?"

"No, no, we are willing!"

The knife was on his neck, and no one wanted to test the knife's sharpness.

Lu Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "That's right. Who is the son? You are used to it anyway."

The King of Goryeo below felt extremely humiliated, but he didn't dare to show it at all. He could only put his head on the ground, trembling all over, and couldn't speak.

The cavalrymen of the Yangwei Army below were all excited, looking at Lu Cheng above with admiration.

No matter how small Goryeo was, it was still a country after all. Thinking back to the three expeditions to Goguryeo by Emperor Yang of Sui, he failed to take it down. Now their generals dared to ride out of the capital with only a thousand soldiers and horses and trampled the King of Goryeo under their feet. How majestic is this?

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