The battle was a great success, and the situation was very good.

A beautiful surprise attack temporarily calmed Goryeo, won stability in the rear for the Yangwei Army, and also obtained a food and medicine supply base.

After that, Lu Cheng did not stay for too long and led his troops back to southern Liaoning.

For a period of time afterwards, the Yangwei Army did not rush to expand, but focused on development.

Since the beginning of spring this year, Lu Cheng has ordered the reclamation of wasteland in the entire southern Liaoning region, and widely planted high-yield crops such as corn, sweet potatoes, and potatoes according to the land conditions.

Just as Lu Cheng led his troops into Goryeo, corn in southern Liaoning began to be harvested. The excellent seeds from later generations have produced plump fruits in the black soil of the Northeast.

With a large amount of grain entering warehouses in various places, the entire southern Liaoning has achieved self-sufficiency, and can also store some grain as war materials.

Food is the material basis for all development. Without food, it is impossible to attract and retain manpower, and it is impossible to guarantee the progress of various construction projects.

If you want to support a completely off-duty professional army, you must also ensure sufficient food surplus. If the grain harvested by ordinary people is only enough for their own food and cannot support the army, they have to spend a lot of money to transport grain from other places, and the cost is too high.

After all crops such as corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes are harvested, the Anshan iron ore in Liaoyang also began to intensify mining.

In the land of Northeast China, various mineral resources are still quite rich, which also provides more sufficient guarantee for the development of Yangwei Army.

With sufficient steel, excellent weapons can be made, and cannons can be made.

Under Lu Cheng's guidance, Hong Tianlei Lingzhen has begun to use the most appropriate ratio to make black powder, and has used the latest white sugar and egg white produced in the workshop to make granular black powder, which greatly improves the combustion efficiency and explosive power of black powder, and also makes some homemade firearms more powerful.

With these powerful firearms to defend the city, the Jin army will only be beaten and return empty-handed when they attack the city again.

Of course, while developing the economy, military and people's livelihood, Lu Cheng has not forgotten another very important content, that is, education.

In this era when Confucianism is flourishing and Cheng's Neo-Confucianism is beginning to prevail, if you want to have a group of useful talents, you still have to cultivate them yourself.

As for those scholars who have been influenced by Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism, there are really not many talents who can be used in the world. Most of them are empty talkers with "full of knowledge" and strong mouths.

In fact, when Lu Cheng first crossed over to this world and started to run Lujiazhuang, he intentionally adopted many orphans and set up a special private school on the farm. While teaching students to read and write, he also taught them some basic knowledge.

After six or seven years of development, a group of students with certain scientific knowledge have been trained, laying the foundation for further education and technological development.

Although the starting point is basically the same as the world of "Embroidered Spring Blade", both started to operate the first territory in southern Liaoning, but the situation of Yangwei Army and Liaodong Army at that time is different.

At that time, Liaodong Army had Liaodong Jinglüe above its head and Ming Dynasty behind it. Many things had to be concealed, even in its own territory, it had to prevent the infiltration of Jinyiwei.

Today, Yangwei Army is a self-employed enterprise, without a boss, without any constraints, and can do whatever it wants in its own territory, with a higher degree of freedom.

Therefore, Lu Cheng directly established a new school in southern Liaoning, discarding the useless Four Books and Five Classics, and only taught children Chinese, mathematics, geography, natural sciences, etc.

Anyway, most of the people in southern Liaoning have been ruled by the Liao Kingdom for so long, and have been living like cattle and horses. They have no chance to study at all, and they are all blank slates, which are relatively easier to guide.

Of course, while teaching various cultural knowledge, ideological education must also be implemented in place.

However, this thought is not entirely the current Three Bonds and Five Constant Virtues, loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, nor is it entirely the liberation thought and seeking truth from facts in later generations. Instead, it is a set of ideological education formulated by Lu Cheng based on his future needs and Chinese culture.

Having once rebelled and become an emperor, and then ascended to the position of captain, Lu Cheng was able to do everything with ease, and he could also avoid some detours based on past experience.

While Lu Cheng was managing southern Liaoning, the Liangshan people were also actively active, and a major event occurred, which also made Liangshan completely go to the opposite side of the court.

Speaking of which, this matter is also related to

Chai Jin is related to Mr. Chai.

Back then, Emperor Shizong of the Later Zhou Dynasty, Chai Rong, was a man of great military power and strategy. He was almost the emperor who was most likely to complete the great cause of unification during the Five Dynasties. However, he died young after only six years in office. All his hard work was eventually used for the Song Dynasty because of the "Chenqiao Mutiny".

Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin won the world by bullying orphans and widows. In order to win back a little reputation, he did not kill the Chai family, but gave them a red book and iron scroll.

Chai Jin, a famous little whirlwind in the world, is the descendant of the royal family of the Later Zhou Dynasty Chai family.

Not long ago, the relatives of Gao Qiu, the general, took advantage of their power to bully others and wanted to occupy the mansion of Chai Jin's uncle Chai Huangcheng, who was so angry that he died.

Chai Jin came to the door to ask for justice for his uncle, but he didn't expect that Li Kui, who was with him, would directly chop Yin Tianxi, the brother-in-law of Gao Lian, the prefect of Gaotang Prefecture.

Gao Lian learned about the situation and directly ordered people to arrest Chai Jin.

Li Kui returned to Liangshan to report the news. Many of the Liangshan people had received favors from Chai Jin, so they would naturally not sit idly by and watch Chai Jin.

So, Liangshan soldiers came out in full force to attack Gaotang Prefecture and rescue Chai Jin.

Gao Lian set up the Bagua formation passed down by Zhuge Liang outside Gaotang Prefecture to block the Liangshan soldiers. Liangshan military advisor Wu Yong only knew how to cheat and plot, so he naturally could not break the formation.

So Song Jiang urgently sent someone to invite back Ruyunlong Gongsun Sheng who had left Liangshan. With the help of Gongsun Sheng, the Liangshan army broke through Gaotang Prefecture.

If Liangshan's three attacks on Zhujiazhuang before could only be regarded as bandit robbery, this time directly breaking through a state was a complete fallout with the government.

The court naturally could not continue to tolerate Liangshan's growth, so it urgently sent troops to suppress Liangshanpo, and the entire Shandong area began to become lively.

When Lu Cheng finished his work in southern Liaoning and returned to Lujiazhuang, he just heard the news that Hu Yanzhuo, the double whip, had defeated the Liangshan bandits with his iron chain horses.

Perhaps, at this time, Shi Qian, the drum flea, was stealing the family heirloom armor of Xu Ning, the golden spearman, in Bianjing City, and then tricked Xu Ning to Liangshan again, and used Xu Ning's hook-and-sickle spear technique to break Hu Yanzhuo's iron chain horses.

Of course, if Lu Cheng encountered the iron chain horses, he wouldn't have to go through so much trouble. He could just throw a few explosive packs over, and as long as some of the chain horses were blown to death, the other chain horses connected by the iron chains would be dragged. Even if they were wearing iron armor and were not afraid of arrows, they were just a bunch of stuffy cans. Just sprinkle some kerosene and set them on fire, and the problem would be solved. Or, there are many other ways...

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