The three northern forces were fighting fiercely, and the Song Dynasty's border troops were confused.

In the past, the Jin Army and the Yangwei Army went hand in hand to bully the Liao Kingdom, and the Song Dynasty was watching the show.

Not long ago, the Yangwei Army was fighting two at once, sending troops everywhere to attack the Jin Kingdom and the Liao Kingdom at the same time, successively conquering cities and expanding territory, and plundering people.

Later, the Jin Kingdom tried to save face and sent troops to counterattack and attack the Yangwei Army's territory, but it suffered heavy casualties in cities after cities, and was beaten by the Yangwei Army's artillery and explosives.

The Liao Kingdom originally wanted to negotiate with the Jin Kingdom, temporarily suspend the fighting, unite against the outside world, and jointly deal with the Yangwei Army, but the Jin Kingdom did not agree.

At this time, the Yangwei Army had stopped attacking the Jin Kingdom, and mainly defended the land bordering the Jin Kingdom, which was impeccable, and turned to focus on attacking the land of the Liao Kingdom.

The Jin Army suffered defeats under the cities of the Yangwei Army, and finally found that the territory of the Liao Kingdom was easier to fight, so they turned around and continued to divide the land of the Liao Kingdom.

After this melee lasted for more than a month, the Yangwei Army had occupied most of the southern part of the Liao Kingdom, and the territory of the Liao Kingdom was reduced to less than 1/4 of the original area. Although the Yangwei Army captured some cities in the Jin Kingdom and pushed the front line northward a lot, the Jin Kingdom occupied more land in the Liao Kingdom.

In the end, the territory of the Yangwei Army more than doubled, becoming the biggest winner of this melee.

Although the Jin Kingdom suffered some small losses, it also made up for the losses on the Liao Kingdom.

In the end, only the Liao Kingdom was injured.

Originally, the situation among the three parties was that the Liao Kingdom had the advantage in territory and population, the Jin Kingdom was second, and the Yangwei Army had the smallest base.

After this battle, the situation was completely reversed.

Today, the Yangwei Army is already the largest force in the north, the Jin Kingdom is still the second, and the Liao Kingdom has become the smallest.

At this time, the Jin Kingdom has suspended the war and started to digest the occupied land. The Liao Kingdom is also trying its best to survive.

In addition, many Liao nobles have begun to contact the Yangwei Army privately, preparing to switch jobs in advance.

At this time, the Yangwei Army also began to focus on the Luda Army heading west.

Today, Zhongjing of the Liao Kingdom is surrounded on three sides by the Yangwei Army and the Jin Army, and is in danger. It can only continuously mobilize troops from the west to defend Beijing, which also leads to the empty defense of various cities in the western region of the Liao Kingdom.

When Lu Da and Shi Jin led their troops into the western part of Liao, they occupied several states without much effort, and then began to follow the plan, steadily and steadily, all the way to Xijing of Liao.

When the Song Dynasty, which had sensed something was wrong, also wanted to take the opportunity to attack Liao in the north and get a share of the spoils, the troops of the Yangwei Army had already occupied Datong Prefecture and confronted the Western Army of the Song Dynasty.

At the same time, in Xijin Prefecture.

After Lu Cheng settled all his family members, he deliberately spent time alone with Zhao Yupan.

At this time, Zhao Yupan was basking in the sun in the back garden with his three-month-old daughter.

"Yu Pan, are you getting used to it here?"

"It's OK, but not as comfortable as staying in Lujiazhuang."

"Wait a little longer. After two years, we may be able to return to Lujiazhuang. Yu Pan, I'm sorry that you may not be able to return to Bianjing to see your father and mother in the next two years."

"Well, it's enough to have a daughter to accompany me. It's a pity that I couldn't give you a son."

"Why are you in such a hurry? You are still young, and so am I. Look at Jinlian. Didn't she give birth to a daughter at the beginning? Now she has two sons. You have worked hard along the way. Take care of your health recently and don't think too much."

After a few words of comfort, Zhao Yupan hesitated for a while and asked: "Sir, if...if you attack Bianjing City again one day, how will you treat my father?"

"My father-in-law is not suitable to be an emperor, but he is still very suitable to be a calligrapher and painter. Don't worry, even if it's just for your face, I won't embarrass your relatives."

"Well~ Sir, go and do your work, Yupan will take good care of himself."

Nowadays, Lujiazhuang in Yuncheng County has been basically emptied. Except for some elderly people who are reluctant to leave their hometown, even those farmers and civilians have been transferred one after another.

At the same time, Li Shishi and Zhao Yuannu in the Yuxiang Tower in Bianjing City suddenly disappeared one night...

At the end of the eighth year of Zhenghe, Song Huizong didn't know whether he was bored or not, and changed his reign title again, so the eighth year of Zhenghe became the first year of Chonghe.

The second year of Chonghe (Public

In the spring of 1119, perhaps because of Lu Cheng's influence, uprisings broke out in various parts of the Song Dynasty in advance. Wang Qing of Huaixi, Tian Hu of Hebei, Song Jiang of Shandong, and Fang La of Jiangnan all raised the banner of rebellion, attacked cities and seized land, and were called the four major bandits by the Song Dynasty court.

Among the four major bandits, Song Jiang of Shandong did not occupy prefectures and counties, but only occupied one side in the Liangshan Lake area. The other three forces expanded rapidly, occupied prefectures and counties, expanded their troops, and became more and more powerful.

Song Huizong was originally considering whether to send troops to the north, but now he didn't have to consider it at all. The backyard was on fire, so he could only quell the bandits first.

However, the 800,000 imperial guards of the Song Dynasty had long been rotten, and the wing troops in various places had no combat power at all. For a while, they could not deal with the rebellious bandits.

Now, the most elite troops of the Song Dynasty are only the Western Army and the new army trained later.

The Western Army also has to guard against Xixia and Yangwei Army in the northwest, so it is naturally impossible to mobilize them easily.

Therefore, the new army led by Guan Sheng, Lu Junyi and others became firefighters and fought everywhere.

But this new army was created by Lu Cheng, and Song Huizong was somewhat suspicious. In addition, Gao Qiu and others were behind the scenes, withholding food and wages, slowing down the progress, resulting in the new army not being able to exert its full combat power.

When conquering Song Jiang, the 50,000 new troops originally had an absolute advantage, but due to insufficient food and improper command, they were ambushed by the Liangshan troops.

Finally, Gao Qiu and others tried to put all the blame on Guan Sheng, Qin Ming, Lu Junyi and others, taking the opportunity to eliminate these generals and arrange their own people to take office, so as to completely control this well-trained army.

However, just after Guan Sheng, Qin Ming, Lu Junyi and others were questioned and imprisoned, a group of people suddenly appeared and rescued them safely.

Moreover, among these 50,000 new troops, some middle and lower-level generals led their troops to defect, and then broke up and disappeared.

More than half a month later, in Xijin Mansion.

Lu Cheng smiled and walked towards Guan Sheng, Qin Ming, Lu Junyi, Yan Qing and others: "Everyone, it's because of me that you have suffered. If you hadn't been recommended by me, you wouldn't have ended up like this today."

"General, please don't do this. It's all because Gao Qiu and others are jealous of you and have no tolerance. We are really restricted in working under them. It's better to leave as soon as possible. Today, we can come to the general's side, and we will do our best to repay the general's great kindness!"

"No need to be polite. Since you are here, we are all brothers. I am also in need of people here. I will definitely give you the opportunity to make achievements and have your wife and children. You have been traveling all the way, so go down and rest for a night. Tomorrow morning, I will arrange new positions for you."

"Thank you, general!"

Qin Ming is a good vanguard general, and Guan Sheng is brave and resourceful, and can be in charge of one side. Lu Junyi's skills are not bad, and his martial arts are needless to say. Even Yan Qing, who was beside Lu Junyi, was a man of great foresight and foresight...

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