The next morning, Lu Cheng got up early, moved around in the yard, and asked the soldiers to wake up Guan Sheng, Lu Junyi and others. Then he took them to the barracks and trained directly with the Longxiong Guard and Feixiong Guard stationed in Xijin Prefecture.

Longxiong Guard and Feixiong Guard are the most elite soldiers under Lu Cheng, and the training intensity is the highest. Every morning, they have to go cross-country fully armed, and then conduct assassination and fighting training, formation confrontation training, etc.

Although Guan Sheng and others are all highly skilled generals, this is the first time they have come into contact with such high-intensity training, and they are not very adaptable for a while. Fortunately, their physical strength is far superior to that of ordinary soldiers, and they can keep up with normal training after adjustment.

After spending a morning in the military camp, Guan Sheng and others were full of emotion: "I always heard that the Yangwei Army was fighting in the north, making the Liao Kingdom unable to raise its head and the Jin Kingdom dare not invade, how powerful it was. Today, I saw the daily training of the Yangwei Army and realized that all this was natural. If you can command such a team to go out, you will be invincible and unstoppable."

Lu Junyi also said: "Yes, such an army is disciplined, obeys orders, is well-trained, has abundant physical strength, and is fearless of death. Even a mediocre person can lead them to victory."

Qin Ming nodded: "Before, I thought that the new army we trained was already a rare elite in the world. Now that I see the general's Yangwei Army, I know what a real elite is."

Lu Cheng smiled slightly: "In the future, you will all lead such an army to fight. However, such an army is strong and proud. If you want to lead the troops, you must show your true ability and convince the soldiers . Only in this way will they follow you to fight wholeheartedly and obey any of your orders. "

"General, you are right. We are willing to obey your arrangement."

"There is a military academy in Xijin Prefecture. You will go there as students for training later. You will receive more systematic and complete command training, actual combat exercises, and learn more deeply how to get along with soldiers and how to lead them to victory. Your final assessment results will determine how many soldiers you can lead."

After arranging Lu Junyi, Guan Sheng, Qin Ming and others, Lu Cheng deliberately left Yan Qing: "Xiao Yi, I have special arrangements for you. Would you like to listen to it?"

"This... Xiao Yi has been following the master and has never acted alone. I don't know if he can do it."

"Don't worry, this general naturally took a fancy to you, that is, your ability."

"I am willing to obey the arrangement."

Lu Cheng snapped his fingers casually, and a figure suddenly walked out of the corner not far away, came to Lu Cheng, bowed, and said nothing.

Lu Cheng nodded and looked at Yan Xiaoyi: "This is a special unit under my command. You should be more suitable here. I also hope that you can quickly adapt to the environment and become a qualified soldier. Lieying, take good care of him."

The guard named Lieying looked Yan Qing up and down, and Yan Qing felt cold all over. He felt like he was being stared at by the most ferocious beast, as if the other party would cut his neck at any time.

"I obey your order, Yanqing, follow me."

Yanqing glanced at Lu Cheng, hesitated for a moment, turned around and followed Shadow away.

The two left the main camp in the military camp and came to a valley in the back. At the entrance of the valley, there was a stone tablet with the words "Longxiongwei 026 Armory" written on it.

Yanqing was still a little puzzled. He didn't understand why the other party took him into the armory, and he didn't understand why this armory was built in a valley.

But when Yan Qing followed Lieying through a jungle, followed Lieying's instructions, avoided traps one after another, and entered the valley, he suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was clear. This was actually another training ground.

On the training ground, some soldiers were fighting in the mud, and they were covered in mud, but they still refused to stop.

Some soldiers were climbing up and down the steep mountain wall with a rope.

Some soldiers were holding crossbows and shooting at targets moving in the distance. The crossbow arrows hit the fast-moving targets in front accurately.

There were also many soldiers practicing horse archery and gun sticks.

At this moment, several explosions suddenly came from a distance, which scared Yan Qing, but when he looked back and saw Lieying with a calm face, Yan Qing breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still doubt on his face.

Lieying seemed to see Yan Qing's doubts.

Confused, smiled slightly, and explained: "Don't be afraid. There are demolition soldiers there who are undergoing blasting training, and you will learn it in the future. We are the most elite troops under the general, and all new weapons are equipped and used by us first. You will see many strange but powerful things in the future, and you must learn to get used to them."

Yan Qing nodded, and suddenly heard a few cries in the distance. Looking up, he saw several eagles like well-trained soldiers flying to a hillside in front, each dropping something from the sky, and then flew away immediately. Then, there was another explosion below, but this time the explosion was slightly smaller than the previous explosion.

But even so, Yan Qing saw that the hillside was blown up into dust, and he couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

I didn't expect that even the birds of prey were trained like this here.

After walking for a while, Yan Qing couldn't help but ask, "General, can Xiao Yi ask where we are?"

"It's clearly written at the entrance. We are the 026 Armory."

"Are you kidding, General? This doesn't look like an armory."

"But our organization is indeed an armory. Of course, we have another name, Shadow Guard."

"This, I heard that our Yangwei Army seems to have 24 guards, why have I never heard of this Shadow Guard?"

"Our name is unknown, of course you haven't heard of it. And what you said is not known. The 24 guards mentioned are the intelligence from last year. Now the Yangwei Army has expanded to 32 guards. Of course, we are always the extra one. When we only have 24 guards, we are the 25th guard. When we have 32 guards, we are the 33rd guard.

None of this is important. What is important is that you will receive the most rigorous and cruel training here, become the most powerful warrior, and perform the most dangerous tasks. First of all, you have to stick to it and become a qualified team member, so that you have the opportunity to know more intelligence. Yan Xiaoyi, although the general is optimistic about you, I will not give you any preferential treatment! ”

“Xiaoyi understands!”

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