The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

In September of the second year of Chonghe (1119), the walls of Datong Prefecture, Xijing of the Liao Dynasty, had already been planted with the Tenglong flag of the Yangwei Army, and cannons were set up on the four city gates. A row of spirited soldiers of the Yangwei Army stood in a neat row.

At this time, the entire land of the Liao Dynasty, except for Dading Prefecture in Zhongjing City, had been basically occupied by the Yangwei Army and the Jin Army, and two-thirds of it had become the territory of the Yangwei Army.

After occupying a large area of ​​land, ordinary Liao people quickly accepted the new regime, and those Liao soldiers were also incorporated into the Yangwei Army, and the old, weak, sick and disabled were eliminated, and the remaining troops were dispersed and incorporated into the various guards of the Yangwei Army.

Today, the Yangwei Army has expanded to 32 guards, and the establishment of each guard has also expanded to more than 6,000 people. Together with the hidden shadow guards, the entire Yangwei Army already has 200,000 well-trained field troops, of which 6 guards are pure cavalry.

In addition to these 200,000 regular troops, there are also "Yongning Guards" scattered all over the world in the name of Yongchang Escort Agency, and militias stationed in various cities. When necessary, these militias only need a little training and equipment, and they are not much worse than the regular armies of Song and Liao.

The Liao Kingdom, which was once powerful, usually had a standing army of about 200,000 to 300,000 people. However, almost all the people of the grassland ethnic group are soldiers, and when necessary, they can urgently expand their troops and mobilize 600,000 to 700,000, or even millions of troops.

Of course, the soldiers and horses mobilized in an emergency cannot all be equipped with armor, and even their weapons are relatively simple.

The 200,000 regular troops under Lu Cheng are well-equipped, fully equipped, and well-matched elite troops of various arms.

The fact that so many weapons and armors could be accumulated in such a short time was also due to Lu Cheng's mobilization of craftsmen, vigorous mining of Anshan iron ore, improved smelting technology, established a complete assembly line, and used mechanical power such as water wheels to drive stamping devices to mass-produce armor plates and armor.

Of course, even the Yangwei Army could not equip the entire army with iron armor. On the one hand, it was limited by the industrial base, and on the other hand, it was also due to different combat needs.

Like light cavalry and archers, they were mainly leather armor or light armor wrapped with iron plates.

As for the baggage soldiers and artillery battalions, there was no need to equip them with iron armor.

Even so, equipping these 200,000 elite soldiers and horses was basically the limit that Lu Cheng could afford at present.

If the elite troops continued to be expanded, more military expenditures would be consumed, which would affect the development of people's livelihood and economy, leading to the unhealthy development of the entire system.

Of course, training and equipping these 200,000 elite soldiers and horses was not so easy in any dynasty.

In the history books, there were battles of millions of scale, but in fact, there were not many real elite soldiers. Being able to wear ordinary cloth, hold a simple spear, and undergo a period of assassination training, you can be considered a qualified soldier.

On the wall of Datong Prefecture, Lu Cheng stood on the tower and looked south, then turned to ask Lu Da beside him: "Lu Da, has the old General Zhong replied?"

"I was just about to report to the general. Half an hour ago, Feiyuwei just sent a letter. The old General Zhong has set off and will arrive at the border in five days to meet the general."

Lu Cheng nodded: "Then let's set off tomorrow."

After saying this, Lu Cheng suddenly asked casually: "Old Lu, how do you feel about following me for so many years?"

"General, I am a rough man, and I didn't have any ambitions. I just saw many unfair things in this world. I often hated myself for being alone and powerless to change anything. I could only draw my sword when I encountered unfair things.

But since I met the general, I knew that the general could lead us to change the world. People, that's exactly the case. Over the years, I have led my brothers to fight in the south and the north, and have seen the people of the Song Dynasty living in dire straits, and the people of the Liao Dynasty suffering. The words and deeds of the superiors may cause the destruction of millions of families.

I only hope that the general can lead us to unify the country as soon as possible, so that the people of the world can have enough food and warm clothes, so that there will be someone to take care of the injustices in the world, and let the people live like human beings! "

"There will be such a day. Lao Lu, you have to work harder. Only if you brothers work together can we achieve our wishes earlier. "

"I will do my best and never regret it even if I die nine times!"

"No, you have to live, and you have to watch our business grow bigger and bigger."

After speaking, Lu Cheng looked at Shi Jin on the side again: "Shi Jin, when the world is pacified in the future and the war is over

, is there anything you want to do?"

"General, Shi Jin really didn't think about it for a while. Back then, I was Shi Dalang of Shijiazhuang, devoted to martial arts and not farming. My mother thought I was not doing my job properly, and repeatedly advised me to no avail, so she fell ill in bed, and later there was no medicine, so she passed away early.

Although my old father supported me, he always hoped that I could start a family, marry and have children, and continue the incense. But Shi Jin has always been obsessed with guns and sticks, and later he was almost killed by the chivalry of the rivers and lakes. Thanks to the general, Shi Jin is what he is today.

Looking back on this journey, Shi Jin has challenged masters all over the world, has come and gone freely in the crowd of thousands of troops, and has also killed the top of the city alone and been the first to climb. Now think about it, Shi Jin has a happy life, but he has failed his parents' kindness.

If the world is pacified one day, Shi Jin hopes to return home and rebuild Shijiazhuang in Huayin County to make the Shi family prosperous! "

"This wish is great. I will go to your Shijiazhuang and have a good time."

The three of them smiled at each other, and all the past things came to mind. So many years have passed without them realizing it. These two are not only subordinates, but also brothers and friends.

A few days later, at the northern border of the Song Dynasty, at the junction of the original Song, Liao, and Western Xia, the troops of the two sides slowly approached, and then stopped less than 5 miles apart.

Then, a small group of troops walked out of each of the two armies and headed towards a certain position in the middle.

"After many years, I saw my little brother again. I never thought that my little brother's identity has changed dramatically. Should I call him Prince Consort? Or General Lu?"

"You are too polite, Mr. Jinglüe. You and I are friends. You can call me whatever you want. ”

“Then I’ll call you Prince Consort. However, Prince Consort dominates the north and has the potential to swallow up the world. I’m afraid we can’t be friends for too long.”

“As long as the General Manager is willing, we can actually be friends forever.”

Zong Shidao shook his head when he heard this: “My family has been loyal to the Song Dynasty for generations, and we will be loyal to the end. Besides, I’m old and don’t have much time left to live, so I don’t want to lose my integrity in my later years. I took the risk to come here today to ask the Prince Consort, if one day you take over the world, how will you treat the emperor? How will you treat the people? How will you treat us military generals?”

Lu Cheng smiled when he heard this: “After all, the emperor is my father-in-law, so he will naturally have a good end. As for how Lu treats the people, I don’t need to say much. The General Manager can just send someone to inquire about it. As for the military generals, the military generals of the Song Dynasty lived too aggrieved, and Lu will pay equal attention to both civil and military affairs. ”

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