The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

If you ask which army in the Song Dynasty is the most powerful now, it must be the Western Army that guards the northwest all year round, and it must be the Zhong Family Army under Zhong Shidao.

The Liao Kingdom is running out of time, and it is difficult for the Jin Kingdom to stop the Yangwei Army. Even the Western Xia in the west will fall into the hands of the Yangwei Army.

In other words, Lu Cheng, the son-in-law of the Song Dynasty, is already the undisputed overlord of the entire north, and he has the ability and the possibility to go south at any time.

The border troops in the north of the Song Dynasty can't resist the Yangwei Army at all. The only one who can stop it is the Western Army.

Therefore, Lu Cheng will meet Zhong Shidao in advance to see the attitude of this old general.

If possible, Lu Cheng did not want his troops to confront the Western Army. This was not because he was afraid of Zong Shidao and his Western Army, but because he did not want to cause too many casualties.

In Lu Cheng's view, the entire Song Dynasty would be his territory sooner or later, and the people and soldiers of the Song Dynasty would sooner or later be the people of the Lu Dynasty. Lu Cheng naturally did not want too many casualties among his own people.

Moreover, after unifying Song, Liao, Jin, Xixia and other places in the future, he would definitely continue to expand outward, and he would inevitably become the village chief of the global village again.

At that time, the number and proportion of Han people would be extremely important.

Only with a large enough population base can more productivity be generated, more value be created, and more soldiers be provided.

If the proportion of Han people is not enough, it will not be so smooth when occupying other places.

"Sir, you have been stationed in the northwest for most of your life and have devoted your life to the people of the Song Dynasty. Isn't it to protect the well-being of those people? But are the people of the Song Dynasty really living in peace and well-being? Corrupt officials are rampant, and levies are tyrannical. Countless people have already lived in dire straits.

What did Wang Qing of Huaixi, Tian Hu of Hebei, and Fang La of Jiangnan rely on to sweep through dozens of counties and prefectures in a few months and fight against the imperial court? Wasn't it because the people couldn't survive? They had no choice but to rebel?

Is such a Song Dynasty really worth the lives of the Zong family army? Is such an official really worth the loyalty of the Sir? Although the official is... He is Lu's father-in-law, but Lu dares to say that he has never been a competent emperor. "

Zhong Shidao shook his head: "Of course I know what you said. But the emperor also has his difficulties. Not every generation of emperors can be wise and benevolent. Can the son-in-law guarantee that you will be consistent when you sit in that chair in the future?"

"Lu will do his best to make the people well fed and clothed, so that there will be no more wars in the world, and no one in the world will dare to bully my Han people. You may as well go to the north in person to see how the people under my Yangwei Army live. "

After speaking, Lu Cheng left with his men because he did not stay for too long. He did not expect to persuade Zhong Shidao to surrender to him this time, but just made some efforts to express his sincerity and avoid bloodshed and sacrifice in the future as much as possible.

After returning to Datong Prefecture, Lu Cheng immediately began a new battle plan.

Half a month later, the three armies of the Yangwei Army in the southeast and west advanced in unison, and 80,000 troops besieged Zhongjing, launching the final decisive battle against the Liao Kingdom.

In fact, many of the Liao nobles in Zhongjing City had already turned to the Yangwei Army, and many had already abandoned the city and fled, but they were intercepted and wiped out by the Yangwei Army on the way.

Zhongjing City is now an isolated city.

As for the Jin Army, it was about to reach Zhongjing, but was blocked by the Yangwei Army and had to shrink its forces and retreat to the west of Huanglongfu.

Moreover, the Jin Kingdom is now divided into two factions, one of which insists on continuing to be hostile to the Yangwei Army, and the other advocates developing northward to avoid the Yangwei Army's sphere of influence, and can even bypass the Yangwei Army and fight all the way to the west.

For this last battle, the Yangwei Army made the most thorough preparations, but it did not fight.

With the help of a group of nobles who surrendered in advance in Zhongjing City, a group of Shadow Guards sneaked into the city in advance, seized the city gate at night, assassinated the garrison generals, and disrupted the order. The follow-up troops took Zhongjing City with almost no effort.

In less than 12 hours, Zhongjing City was declared breached, and the Liao Dynasty, which had lasted for more than 200 years, was destroyed, five or six years earlier than the original history.

Afterwards, the Yangwei Army divided into many groups, quickly swept the north, and quickly controlled the situation.

With the arrival of winter, the war in the north temporarily stopped. But everyone knows that when the ice and snow melt in the spring of next year, the Yangwei Army will surely

Send troops again.

As for who the next target is, some people guess it is Xixia, some guess it is Jin, and some think it is the Song Dynasty in the south.

At this time, the Song Dynasty was busy dealing with internal strife and suppressing the peasant uprisings.

In order to eliminate the peasant uprisings everywhere as soon as possible, Song Huizong also recruited Liangshan troops. The Liangshan army finally took the original path, conquering Wang Qing in Hexi, destroying Tian Hu in Hebei, and then turning to Jiangnan to fight Fang La in a evenly matched battle.

In the spring of 1120, the Yangwei Army sent 80,000 troops to the west.

Just when the Western Army was on high alert, the Yangwei Army launched a surprise attack on Xixia.

Although Xixia had expected this day and made the most thorough preparations in advance, facing the powerful Yangwei Army, Xixia did not resist for long and was defeated across the board.

Lu Da, Guan Sheng, Shi Jin, and Lu Junyi each led 20,000 troops and divided them into four groups to start a siege competition. Today you broke two cities in a row, and tomorrow he will send troops in three groups.

Some Xixia cities surrendered and were occupied by the Yangwei Army without bloodshed.

In less than three months, the Yangwei Army broke through the capital of Xixia and occupied the entire territory of Xixia.

The royal family members of Xixia wanted to disperse and escape in advance, but they were tracked down by the Shadow Guards and either killed or captured alive. In the end, only a few escaped to Gaochang and Tubo in the west.

Everyone knew that the Yangwei Army would send troops, but they didn't expect that Xixia couldn't even hold on for three months.

Just when the people of the surrounding countries were in panic, Lu Cheng, the commander of the Yangwei Army, appeared outside the city of Bianjing.

Looking at the long-lost Bianjing City in front of him, Lu Cheng was also a little emotional. He had not planned to fight with the Song Dynasty so soon, and he came to see his cheap father-in-law so soon.

However, it will come to this step sooner or later. Even if it is a little hasty, the problem is not too big.

"Lieying, how is the arrangement in Bianjing City at present?"

"General, at present, 800 elite soldiers have been arranged in Bianjing City, and 1,200 people from Yongning Guard. And enough gunpowder has been reserved in batches in advance, which can control the city gates and attack the palace in the shortest time."

"Where are the troops of Feixiong Guard and Baotao Guard?"

"The two thousand vanguards of Feixiong Guard have arrived ten miles outside the east city. Baotao Guard has also arrived at the north gate of Bianjing..."

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