The new information was not available until later.

While the system was implanting his identity information, Lu Cheng was also checking his new attributes and skill information:

Lu Cheng:

Physique: 15

Spirit: 18

Charm: 15

Fate Points: 20


Medical Skills: Level 8 (25600/25600) (upgradable)


1, Sixth Sense

2, Extraordinary Endurance

Storage Space: 3 cubic meters (gold, guns and ammunition, etc.)

When Lu Cheng first crossed over to the ordinary world, his physique was only 11 points. Later, he often practiced Ba Duan Jin and raised it to 12 points. After years of health conditioning and exercise, he barely raised it to 13 points. Add the 2 points of the final double reward from the system, it is exactly 15 points.

As for mental power, it has also increased from the original 14 points to 18 points. Only the charm attribute has not changed at all.

The introduction of the two newly acquired talents is also very simple.

The sixth sense is an intuition in the heart, which is another feeling beyond the five senses.

If someone is staring at Lu Cheng from behind, Lu Cheng will have a certain sense in his heart. If it is a hostile or murderous sight, or if he encounters a fatal danger, Lu Cheng can have a certain sense.

For example, if a flower pot falls from the upstairs and is about to hit Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng will most likely subconsciously avoid it. If he is targeted by a sniper rifle, Lu Cheng will also have a sense of crisis and feel uncomfortable all over.

Of course, the strength of this sixth sense is also related to the mental power value.

As for extraordinary endurance, it is related to endurance, resistance to blows, and perseverance. Originally, Lu Cheng could run five kilometers with all his strength. With the addition of this talent, he could run six kilometers, seven kilometers or even more.

Although this talent will not directly make people stronger, it can make people more persistent and patient.

There is no doubt that the role of the extraordinary endurance talent is related to both physical fitness and spirit.

With these two talents, Lu Cheng will have a great advantage in military service, and his safety will be further enhanced.

After reading this, Lu Cheng finally looked at his medical skills.

In the ordinary world, he lived to 100 years old. Lu Cheng had raised his medical skills to level 8 before he was 70 years old. In the following decades, he diagnosed and cured countless difficult and complicated diseases, and accumulated the experience required to upgrade from level 8 to level 9, but his medical skills were always stuck at level 8 and could not go any further.

Level 9 medical skills are already worthy of being recorded in history, comparable to the great doctors like Bian Que, Hua Tuo, and Zhang Zhongjing. Not only does it require sufficient knowledge accumulation and rich practical experience, but it also requires groundbreaking feats in Chinese medicine.

The reason why Lu Cheng was stuck at level 8 was because his mental power was only 14 points. In addition, when he accumulated enough experience, he was already over 90 years old, and his physical and mental strength were declining. In the end, he could not cross that hurdle.

Now, after the system reshaped Lu Cheng's body, his body has returned to a young state, and his mental power has reached 18 points, which allows him to master level 9 medical skills.

At this moment, the system issued a prompt:

"The identity information has been implanted. The identity information of the new world is as follows:

Lu Cheng, now 19 years old, from Henan Province. He is a child of a traditional Chinese medicine family and has been exposed to traditional Chinese medicine since childhood. At the age of 18, he was admitted to Yanjing University of Chinese Medicine. With a solid foundation and excellent learning ability, he self-taught all undergraduate and master's courses in one year, and then signed up for the army. Both parents are dead, and there are no relatives at home."

After reading the information, Lu Cheng felt a little surprised. He was born as an orphan again, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Lu Cheng asked the system in his heart: "Is there any rule for the system to implant identity information?"

"Hint, the system will implant identity information for the host according to the skills and abilities of the host, combined with the needs of the task, and arrange the appropriate age. Since the host currently has only one skill, the identity information implantation is relatively simple. It is recommended that the host complete as many tasks as possible and acquire more skills."

Lu Cheng checked some instructions again, and he had a better understanding of the arrangement of this identity information.

In general, the identity information implanted by the system is still very reasonable, all for the convenience of Lu Cheng to complete the task better.

When Lu Cheng received all the information and opened his eyes, he found himself on a moving train, surrounded by young faces, wearing new recruit uniforms and big red flowers on their chests.


Without thinking too much, Lu Cheng's dress at the moment is the same as everyone else present.

What makes Lu Cheng a little regretful is that although he has completed all undergraduate and graduate courses by himself in one year of college, he did not participate in the graduation defense, let alone get his undergraduate diploma and degree certificate.

If Lu Cheng has already obtained a diploma, he can join the army as a college graduate and start with a lieutenant rank of 1.2 yuan.

But without a diploma, his academic qualifications can only be counted as high school.

Of course, college students also have great advantages in joining the army, and they can also take military academies during their enlistment.

Moreover, it is still the millennium, and college students are still a rare species, and there are even fewer college students willing to join the army.

What's more, Lu Cheng is a student at a key university like Yanjing University of Chinese Medicine.

After entering the new century, the army is also undergoing reforms and entering the mechanization and information age, which requires highly educated talents.

In any aspect, the future is very promising.

If Lu Cheng wants to develop in the army for his whole life, he may have the hope of becoming a general in the future.

Of course, since he has come to the world of Soldier Assault, Lu Cheng still wants to go to Old A and become a soldier king with explosive combat power. No matter which world he travels to in the future, he will have stronger self-protection ability.

At this moment, a voice came from behind.

"Comrades, I have something to announce. Everyone, pack up your things now, check your equipment, and see if you have left anything behind. After dinner, we will change cars. Did you hear it?"

There was silence in the car, and none of the recruits answered.

"Did everyone understand what I just said?"

This time, someone finally answered, but the voice was not uniform

"I understand." "I understand."

The person who spoke smiled: "Didn't the others understand? Look at you, this is not going to sell you out? What are you afraid of? This is it, there will be a train carrying equipment later, and it will go the same way as us. The superiors instructed us to save resources and merge the two trains into one. Do you all understand this time?"

"I understand."

"Okay, everyone stand up!"

Lu Cheng stood up and looked at the familiar figure on the aisle of the train. Needless to say, that is the target of the main task, squad leader Shi Jin.

Just thinking about the content of the task, Lu Cheng was a little overwhelmed. It was not so easy to keep this old squad leader in the army.

When Shi Jin left the army, he was already a third-term non-commissioned officer and his service period had expired. For a non-technical soldier, this is the longest period of service he can serve. If he cannot be promoted or promoted, Shi Jin can only leave the army.

Moreover, when Shi Jin left, he was nearly 30 years old, and his physical fitness and physical quality had declined significantly. He also had hidden injuries left by years of training, and his assessment results were not ideal.

In addition, in the context of the great era, it was necessary to streamline the military and improve the overall academic level. It was difficult for veterans like Shi Jin who were not technical soldiers to stay in the army.

Moreover, Shi Jin only had a junior high school education, and he had no way to apply for the non-commissioned officer school or transfer to a technical branch.

Although Xu Sanduo's arrival accelerated Shi Jin's retirement, even without Xu Sanduo, it would be very difficult for Shi Jin to stay. Even if he stayed, he would at most continue to be a non-commissioned officer for another term.

In the original drama, the company commander Gao Cheng wanted to keep Shi Jin, and he also asked Shi Jin to lead the whole class well and make a contribution, so that he could continue to stay...

Note: I have never been a soldier, and many of the information I checked are referenced from other novels, which may not be accurate. If there are any errors or omissions, please point them out...

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