Soon, the train stopped, the carriage door opened, and a rumbling sound came from outside, and tanks drove past.

The recruits who saw this scene for the first time were shocked and speechless.

At this moment, a tank passed the door of the carriage, and the barrel of the tank rotated and passed in front of the group of recruits.

A short recruit was frightened and leaned back, subconsciously raising his hands.

This scene happened to be seen by several officers and a group of recruits not far away, and everyone looked at the soldier who raised his hands to surrender.

An officer immediately ran over, pointed at the surrendered recruit, and said, "That soldier, that soldier, what are you doing? Put your hands down, do you think you are humorous? Get down. Get down!"

The surrendered short recruit quickly put down his hands and jumped off the carriage in a panic. He didn't expect that his steps were unstable and he bumped into the officer, causing the officer to stumble.

Fortunately, squad leader Shi Jin, who was standing by, supported him in time to prevent the two from falling.

After the two stood firm, squad leader Shi Jin quickly straightened the short recruit's hat that was knocked crooked.

Lu Cheng stood in the crowd and watched all this. How could he not know the identities of the people in front of him?

The short recruit who just made a fool of himself was obviously the protagonist of the story in Soldiers Assault, Xu Sanduo.

As for the officer, it was obviously Gao Cheng, the company commander of the 7th Steel Company.

No matter from which aspect, Gao Cheng is an extremely outstanding officer. He has an extremely strong sense of honor and a true temperament of never bending. He loves talents, but he is very arrogant. Because his father is the army commander and he is the company commander of the Seventh Steel Company, he is also nicknamed the Seventh Princess by many people.

Of course, the Seventh Princess at this moment does not know that the recruit in front of him will become his "hell" in the future.

Lu Cheng looked at Xu Sanduo, but felt a headache. If there was no Xu Sanduo, perhaps his task would be easier to complete.

If we only look at the results, Sanduo will eventually become a talent.

But from the process, Xu Sanduo's experience of becoming a talent is a bit useless for the squad leader.

Of course, Xu Sanduo also has his own advantages. His endurance and willpower are far beyond ordinary people, and he is extremely self-disciplined. In the later period, Xu Sanduo also showed a good ability to adapt to changes. He is indeed a competent old A.

Moreover, a soldier like Xu Sanduo, if you become a comrade-in-arms with you, is the kind who will really block bullets for you.

But Xu Sanduo's growth process is too tiring.

Lu Cheng is also a little worried at this moment. If he stands from the perspective of completing the task, he should find a way to keep Xu Sanduo away from Shi Jin, or keep Shi Jin away from Xu Sanduo.

With Xu Sanduo's current personality, he will stick to anyone who treats him well. He has a strong dependence and cannot be driven away.

And Shi Jin is a good man, and he has a similar growth experience with Xu Sanduo. Both are the youngest sons in the family, neither is welcomed by the family, and both are eager to be recognized by others.

Therefore, Shi Jin also regards Xu Sanduo as himself in the past, and desperately wants to help Xu Sanduo grow up.

Even if the company commander Gao Cheng and Wu Liuyi repeatedly stop them, they can't stop Shi Jin from helping Xu Sanduo.

Shi Jin is like Xu Sanduo's old mother, and she will never abandon her son no matter what.

When Lu Cheng thinks of this, he feels a little overwhelmed.

At the moment, he can only take one step at a time.

"Okay, all the new recruits, get off the bus and line up. Welcome to the 702 Armored Infantry Regiment."

The new recruits got off the bus and lined up. Company Commander Gao Cheng and Shi Jin walked aside. Shi Jin saw that the company commander looked unhappy and quickly changed the subject: "Company Commander, are there any of our equipment here?"

"Of course, your 207 is leaving, you go and see it off."

"Okay, I'll go and see it off."

"Wait a minute, was that soldier you recruited just now?"

Shi Jin opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but his upper teeth hit his lower teeth, and he didn't know what to say, so he could only smile awkwardly.

Gao Cheng patted him on the shoulder: "Go and see your car off first, and come see me after you're done."

Shi Jin quickly turned around and jumped on the train to wipe the tank that had been with him for many years for the last time.

The troops were going to replace new equipment, so the old equipment naturally had to be sent away.

On the other side, the new recruits lined up and sang songs as they transferred to other vehicles. They changed from trains to trucks and drove towards the military camp.

After arriving at the military camp, the first sentence all the new recruits learned was

, which is what the company commander Gao Cheng said: "I don't care if you are a mule or a horse, take you out for a walk. After three months, the mule will leave and the horse will follow me."

After the company commander finished his speech, the next step was to divide the recruits into classes.

This batch of more than 120 recruits was divided into 12 classes and three platoons.

Since the recruit company only lasted for three months, the division of classes and platoons was more arbitrary. The first platoon of the recruit company was naturally class 1 to class 4, the second platoon of the recruit company was class 5 to class 8, and so on.

Shi Jin, the squad leader of the third squad of the first platoon of the steel company, temporarily served as the platoon leader of the third platoon of the recruit company.

Wu Liuyi, the deputy squad leader of the third squad of the first platoon of the steel company, served as the squad leader of the fifth squad of the recruit company.

As for Lu Cheng, he happened to be assigned to the recruit class led by Wu Liuyi, and was in the same recruit class as Chengcai and Xu Sanduo. I don't know if it was a deliberate arrangement of the system. If possible, Lu Cheng certainly didn't want to be in the same class with Xu Sanduo.

After settling down in the recruit company, the three-month recruit training began.

The main content of the recruit training is, of course, queue training.

On the playground, the slogans of the squad leaders, accompanied by the movements of rows of recruits, rang out.

"Stand at attention!"

"At ease!"

"Everyone, work in a continuous line, from the front to the back..."

In the fifth squad of the recruit company where Lu Cheng was, Lu Cheng was taller and stood in the second position from the front. Next to him was Xu Sanduo's fellow villager, Chengcai. Standing at the end of the team was also the shortest Xu Sanduo.

The temporary platoon leader Shi Jin stood at the end of the team and gave instructions: "The next subject, stop turning method, turn back. Continuous line work, from the front to the back. Everyone, stand at attention! Turn back!"

Chengcai completed the action first, followed by Lu Cheng, followed by other recruits, and finally Xu Sanduo.

As expected, Xu Sanduo turned his upper body around, but forgot his feet. He lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Shi Jin looked back and pretended not to notice. After Xu Sanduo stood up again, he gave the command again.

However, all this was seen by the company commander Gao Cheng not far away, and his impression of Xu Sanduo, the new recruit, became even worse.

The command was given again, and the new recruits completed the action one after another, but when it came to Xu Sanduo, he still turned around and forgot his feet. Fortunately, he did not fall this time, and Xu Sanduo laughed.

Shi Jin did not scold him, but began to demonstrate in person: "The last soldier, stand still, watch the action, I will show you again. When you hear the command to turn back, keep your upper body straight, clamp your arms, and quickly turn from the right side of your body..."

Gao Cheng not far away was overwhelmed and turned his head away, not continuing to watch.

After a day of training, lying in bed at night, Lu Cheng clicked on the upgrade of medical skills, and his consciousness instantly came to a virtual space. In front of him were still familiar light gates, and each gate indicated the direction of the content that could be learned behind the gate.

Ninth-level medical skills are already shocking, and naturally extraordinary.

If you delve into pediatrics, you can not only cure various pediatric diseases, but also develop some prescriptions to prevent various pediatric diseases, greatly enhance the physique of infants and young children, let children thrive, and maximize their potential.

If you delve into gynecology, you can cure various gynecological problems, big and small, difficult and complicated diseases, etc. It can also help women regulate their bodies, slow down aging, keep their faces forever, and make their skin delicate, etc.

Lu Cheng scanned the light gates in front of him one by one, and then locked on a light gate, which had a few big words written on it: recuperation combined with health and longevity.

After learning the contents behind this door, you can heal various old hidden injuries, stimulate the potential of the human body, revitalize the human body, maintain vitality, restore or even improve physical fitness, and maintain it for a long time.

There is no doubt that the contents here can play a big role in the current military camp...

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