After returning to the company, there are still some problems that have to be faced, that is, how to deal with these medicinal materials and prepare the required decoctions and pills. "Captain, I need a few people to help me deal with these herbs. In addition, I need a place and necessary fuel. The Chinese medicine smells very bad when it is boiled. We can't do it in the dormitory, right?"

"Okay, let me say hello to the kitchen staff in the cafeteria and ask them to cooperate. In addition, let the soldiers in the third squad help you. If it's not enough, let the whole platoon help. However, we can't delay daily training."

"Don't worry, I bought a few more sets of tools. As long as we teach them how to deal with them, these herbs are still easy to deal with. In addition, I need two fixed experimental subjects to test the effect of the medicine, so as to facilitate the writing of reports and promotion in the future."

"Who are you going to choose?"

"Of course, our squad leader and squad deputy. Squad leader Shi Jin is the training model of the entire 702 regiment. His training movements in various subjects are extremely standard. The training intensity is also higher than the normal level. His situation can represent many training model soldiers and is very representative.

In addition, the deputy squad leader Wu Liuyi is a model of overload training. His hidden injuries are more serious than those of squad leader Shi Jin, and he also needs to be recuperated as soon as possible. Squad leader Wu Liuyi can represent the top soldiers who have trained hard in various military regions. "

Gao Cheng laughed: "Are you sure it's not because they are your squad leader and deputy squad leader?"

Lu Cheng also laughed: "Of course there is this reason, but it is not the main reason. I chose them because they are both very representative. "

"Okay, I agree. I will tell other squad leaders and platoon leaders in the same way later, so that others will not have any opinions. "

Among the squad leaders and deputy squad leaders below, Gao Cheng admires Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi the most.

After the training that night, while other squads and platoons were resting, all the soldiers of the third squad of the first platoon were gathered together and came to the cafeteria under the leadership of the squad leader.

Company commander Gao Cheng and instructor Hong Xingguo both rushed over. They were also very curious about how Lu Cheng would start the treatment.

Then, Lu Cheng didn't waste any words and directly assigned tasks to the soldiers.

"Bai Tiejun, Gan Xiaoning, you two are responsible for handling these medicinal materials. Now watch my movements. Use this small medicine guillotine to cut these medicinal materials into segments no longer than three centimeters. Yuan Chao, Hu Lei, you two are responsible for crushing these medicines into powder. Deputy squad leader Wu, you are responsible for grinding this into powder..."

Here, Lu Cheng is the most professional. Even the squad leader and the deputy squad leader have to listen to his command.

Seeing that the company commander was idle, Lu Cheng said, "Company commander, if you have nothing to do, go and boil the big pot."

"Hey, you are ordering me around. Okay, how do we boil this pot? High heat or low heat?"

The cook in the kitchen team stood up quickly and said, "Well, Company Commander Gao, let me do this."

Lu Cheng said casually, "First add half a bucket of water and boil the water. Just boil it on high heat. In addition, these medicine jars should also be boiled. This requires a good grasp of the heat..."

Two veterans stood up and said, "Let us do it. We are from the countryside and often boil fires at home."

"Okay, first..."

Lu Cheng assigned tasks to everyone and asked someone to bring two large barrels of suitable size and height and put them aside for use.

The production process of pills is relatively complicated. Lu Cheng plans to give the two a set of internal and external use, decoctions and medicinal baths.

For the treatment of muscle strains and other problems, the effect of medicinal baths is also very good.

More than a dozen soldiers were busy, talking and laughing, and time passed quickly.

Pour the cooked medicine soup into two large barrels, and when the water temperature is right, let Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi take off all their clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts and jump into the barrel.

Then, Lu Cheng took out two sets of prepared acupuncture needles, quickly and accurately acupunctured the two people, and let them completely soak in the medicine liquid.

The slightly hot medicine liquid immediately made the pores of the two people dilate.

Seeing this scene, Gan Xiaoning couldn't help but joked: "This really looks like a scene in a martial arts novel. Lu Cheng, you are not going to open the Ren and Du meridians for our squad leader and the deputy squad leader, so that they can become martial arts masters all of a sudden?"

Lu Cheng also laughed: "If I had that ability, I would have become a martial arts master long ago. Well, the squad leader and the deputy squad leader usually train hard and have hidden injuries in their bodies. This time, the hidden injuries will be treated to restore their physical fitness. In the future

If any of you have training too intensely and have hidden injuries, you can ask me to treat them. Of course, you have to pay for the medicine yourself."

"Then we have a deal."

Gao Cheng couldn't help but walk up to Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi: "Shi Jin, Wu Liuyi, how do you feel?"

Shi Jin grinned: "Comfortable."

Wu Liuyi couldn't help but say: "It's really comfortable."

"No pain or itchiness?"

"Captain, do you really think this is a martial arts novel? How about I give you a bucket tomorrow so you can feel it too."

Gao Cheng was really tempted, but he still said: "I'm in good health and don't have any hidden injuries, so I don't need it. ”

After soaking for a while, the water temperature dropped a little, and Lu Cheng asked someone to add some hot water for them.

After adding hot water two or three times, it was not until they had soaked for more than half an hour that Lu Cheng nodded, took back the needles from the two people, and let the two end this first medicinal bath.

After resting for a while, taking a hot shower, drinking the cooked medicine, and with Lu Cheng's massage, the first treatment was completely completed.

During the entire treatment process, this first treatment was particularly important. Including the preparation time, it took nearly two hours.

Early the next morning, Lu Cheng got up early again and began to teach the two aerobics: "Don't look at the simple and slow movements of this aerobics, but it can well exercise all the muscles and bones of your body and wake up your sleeping body. You should study hard, and from today on, you should practice twice every morning and evening.

As long as you can keep going, not to mention other things, at least you can ensure that your health level and physical fitness will not decline, and you can live longer and healthier in the future. "

The two naturally had no doubts about Lu Cheng's words. After just one night of treatment, they felt much lighter, as if they had gotten the most adequate rest and felt very comfortable all over.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng specifically reminded Wu Liuyi: "Wu, the deputy squad leader, your condition is actually worse than the squad leader. Your training has completely exceeded the limit that the human body can bear, and it is damaging your own body. Although you are a few years younger than the squad leader, your physical condition has begun to age. From now on, you are in the recovery period. Within one month, the intensity of training must not exceed the normal standard, and you must pay attention to the food combination..."

For the next period of time, Lu Cheng systematically treated Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi, and recorded the whole process and their personal feelings in detail.

Later, when the soldiers of the third squad saw Lu Cheng teaching the squad leader's aerobics, they also wanted to learn.

Lu Cheng did not hide it. Anyway, it was not a precious thing. Many old Chinese medicine practitioners also knew it, but there were some differences.

Soon after, the whole platoon also followed suit.

If this aerobics is practiced well, it can not only exercise the whole body and mind. It can also reduce some of the fatigue caused by training. Everyone soon liked this aerobics.

The hidden injuries in Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi's body were healed bit by bit, and their mental state was getting better and better, and their physical fitness was gradually recovering.

Half a month later, Lu Cheng made another batch of pills and named them "Yang "Shengjianti Pills", given to Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi to take, tapping their own potential, gradually restoring their physical fitness to the peak, or even becoming stronger.

Although Lu Cheng is a skilled doctor, he is not a god, and this recuperation also requires a process.

But after a month, the changes in the two have been quite obvious, and even their mental state is far better than before, giving people a feeling of vitality at first glance.

During the training, Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi have made obvious progress in all aspects of their performance. Wu Liuyi even broke his previous record, and the record of being the first in the entire division is also getting closer and closer.

Such a change naturally made the company commander Gao Cheng very happy, and he said that he had picked up a treasure.

During this period, Lu Cheng also processed the medicinal materials he bought and made some easy-to-carry pills and powders, which were stored in his storage space.

On this day, just after the training, the company commander Gao Cheng ran over: "Lu Cheng, change your clothes and go to the regiment headquarters with me."

"Yes, company commander."

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