After returning to the class, Gan Xiaoning, Bai Tiejun and others immediately surrounded him and asked curiously: "Old Lu, how did you do it? How long have you been here? You can actually surpass our class deputy in the five-kilometer cross-country race?"

"Yeah, I'm also curious. You even brought a few bricks. With your current level, you can probably get the first place in the division in the five-kilometer cross-country race, right?"

"Tell us about it."

"Actually, it's nothing. I was born with a better physique. In addition, my family has inherited traditional Chinese medicine, and I have paid attention to taking care of my body since I was a child, so I have better physical fitness."

"Is it like in martial arts novels, with medicinal baths? Tonic pills or something like that?"

"Where are those things? It's just more exercise. Although I've only been in the military camp for less than half a year, I've been exercising since I was a child."

"Is that true? I heard that those who study Chinese medicine can also do qigong. Is that true?"

Just as everyone was asking, squad leader Shi Jin and squad deputy Wu Liuyi came in. Wu Liuyi couldn't help but scolded them: "What are you doing? Do you still look like you're counting soldiers?"

"Squad deputy, it's time to rest now."

Shi Jin made a round: "Okay, okay, be quiet, don't disturb other squads to rest."

For the next two days, everything went on as usual, and Lu Cheng continued to train with everyone.

After being completely surpassed by Lu Cheng in the five-kilometer cross-country race, Wu Liuyi temporarily gave up the desire to fight. After all, the gap between him and Lu Cheng was really big, not just the distance of the last few steps, but also the six bricks in the bag.

After that, Lu Cheng began to show his prowess in various training subjects, such as 500-meter obstacle course, disassembly and assembly of the Type 81 rifle, fixed target shooting of the Type 81 rifle, etc.

Of course, some subjects cannot be fully mastered in a short time. For example, highly professional subjects such as driving, repairing and maintaining tanks require a lot of knowledge and rigorous training to master.

Lu Cheng was also eager to learn such a military skill. In addition to training, he was almost always reading books and learning theoretical knowledge in various aspects.

In a modernized and informationized army, if you want to become an excellent armored reconnaissance soldier, or even a soldier king in the future, it is definitely not just about having good physical fitness and being able to shoot.

Various modern weapons and equipment, and the achievement of different combat objectives in different environments, all require sufficient knowledge reserves, plus strong learning ability.

The reason why modern armies need to be reformed is that the cultural level of the previous soldiers was too low and could not meet the needs of the modernization of the army.

Two days later, after finishing his morning exercises, Lu Cheng changed into his regular uniform, put on a wide-brimmed hat, got on the jeep of the company commander Gao Cheng, and headed out of the barracks.

After getting in the car, Gao Cheng started the car and threw a handbag to Lu Cheng: "Open it and see if the money is enough."

Lu Cheng opened it and was a little surprised: "Company commander, you prepared 30,000?"

30,000 yuan was not a small amount in 2001. Although Gao Cheng had a father who was a military commander, he was still only a captain and company commander, and his monthly allowance was only more than 1,000 yuan.

"Can you buy inferior medicine for your own people? I'll give you a task today. You must spend all the 30,000 yuan. Of course, you can only buy medicine."

"No problem, I promise to complete the task."

If Lu Cheng really wants to spend freely, he can spend 3 million. No matter in which era, the price of precious medicinal materials is very high.

In fact, Lu Cheng also prepared some money to buy some medicinal materials, prepare some internal and external injury medicines, and make some emergency life-saving pills.

Since Lu Cheng has become a soldier and is going to Lao A in the future, he may face various dangers. It is very necessary to prepare some life-saving medicines in advance. Even if he can't use them, he may use them for his teammates.

In fact, a certain brand of Baiyao contains similar insurance pills, also called life-saving pills, which are special medicines specially used to deal with emergencies.

This "life-saving pill" can be used to treat severe trauma, with analgesic, hemostatic and certain anesthetic effects, and can also promote bone healing and accelerate bone growth.

What Lu Cheng wants to make is also this kind of pill that can quickly stabilize severe trauma, stop heavy bleeding, and prolong life in the absence of medical care and medicine.

Of course, what Lu Cheng wants to make is definitely not as simple as the insurance pills in Baiyao, but can deal with different situations.

A variety of pills.

Arriving at the nearest city and finding a Chinese medicine store, Lu Cheng directly took out a list and handed it over: "Hello, we need to purchase the following medicinal materials, how many do you have in your store?"

A middle-aged man wearing glasses took the list and glanced at it: "Comrades, the medicinal materials you asked for are basically common medicinal materials, and my store also has them, but the quantity is a bit large. We can't meet the demand for many medicinal materials."

"It's okay, take as many as you have. But there is one thing, I have to check every medicinal material, if I find that it is inferior, we will not take it."

In this era, the business of Chinese medicine stores is not very good, and there are fake medicines in many places.

Some Chinese medicinal materials look very similar, but the efficacy is very different. Even some Chinese medicine practitioners find it difficult to distinguish them.

The shop owner smiled and said, "How could that be possible? Don't worry, the medicines in our shop are all genuine and of guaranteed quality. Even if we cheat anyone, we wouldn't dare to cheat you, right?"

Lu Cheng didn't say much. After the other party took out the medicinal materials one by one, Lu Cheng also carefully checked them one by one.

"Comrade, look, this is the best Hunyuan Astragalus in Shanxi Province, good quality, good medicinal effect..."

Lu Cheng looked through it, took out some and smelled it, and couldn't help frowning: "Boss, you are not honest. This is not from Hunyuan, it is from Sichuan, right? Also, these Astragalus were obviously not handled well when they were drying..."

After Lu Cheng's words, the store owner was embarrassed: "Expert. Sorry. This is indeed..."

"Okay, okay, you should take out all these herbs, I will choose them myself, and you don't need to introduce them to me. Several generations of Chinese medicine practitioners in my family have grown up smelling the smell of medicine. If you dare to pass off inferior products as good ones and deceive soldiers, it will not be as simple as the Industrial and Commercial Bureau coming to your door."

The store owner no longer dared to have other thoughts, and honestly took out some good herbs for Lu Cheng to choose.

After Lu Cheng selected them, he only asked for some of the better quality ones and asked the boss to pack them.

When calculating the price, the boss didn't dare to ask for more. Lu Cheng was also familiar with the price of Chinese medicine and felt it was reasonable, so he paid directly.

Many Chinese medicinal materials are not expensive. They can only be sold for a few yuan per kilogram and take up a lot of space.

Fortunately, Gao Cheng came in a jeep, otherwise it would be difficult to carry.

Seeing that he spent eight or nine thousand yuan to buy a lot of grass roots, tree barks, orange peels, etc., Captain Gao felt a little distressed: "Just this pile of broken things is worth more than 8,000 yuan?"

"When the effect comes out, you will know whether it is worth it. Let's go to the Chinese medicine hospital. We haven't bought all the medicine yet, and there are some necessary tools."

After that, Lu Cheng and Gao Cheng drove around the whole city and went to the provincial capital to take a look. Not only did they spend all the 30,000 yuan given by Gao Cheng, but Lu Cheng himself also spent tens of thousands of yuan to buy a lot of medicinal materials.

Gao Cheng still didn't understand: "Why are you still paying out of your own pocket? I'll find a way to reimburse you when we get back."

"No, I bought these for my own use. Public is public, private is private."

Since the system implanted Lu Cheng with the identity of a descendant of a traditional Chinese medicine family, it naturally prepared some money for Lu Cheng.

This amount of money is actually not much, only more than 30,000 yuan in total, and it is stored in Lu Cheng's storage space.

Of course, in a small town in his hometown, there is also a closed clinic and an old house.

The identity implanted by the system is always real and verifiable.

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