The life in the military camp is full and regular. Every day, we get up, exercise, eat, train, rest and sleep at a fixed time. Everything is carried out in an orderly manner. Lu Cheng has gradually become accustomed to this kind of life, and he will increase the difficulty of his training in his spare time to tap his potential. Lu Cheng has tried all the horizontal bars, parallel bars, abdominal circles, 500-meter obstacles, 5-kilometer cross-country, and extreme cross-country. He assembled and disassembled guns with his eyes covered, shot quickly in dim light, used sniper rifles to shoot in armored vehicle movements, shot bottles thrown into the air, and so on. In addition to some daily training, Lu Cheng also studied a lot of military books, combined with the training of special forces in some TV dramas and novels he had seen in his previous life, and constantly increased the intensity of his training. His training method naturally caused the aggressive Wu Liuyi to imitate, and also led some other people in the class.

Unconsciously, the entire third class began to roll up.

Anyway, no matter how tired and exhausted the training was, as long as Lu Cheng gave them a few needles and knocked them, they could greatly relieve their fatigue.

Moreover, after learning the massage techniques, the soldiers of the third class would massage each other after each training to relieve fatigue.

In this way, even Bai Tiejun, who had always been at the end of the seventh steel company, gradually got rid of the last and no longer served as the pit master.

In this atmosphere, the performance of the whole class has steadily improved.

Moreover, daily mutual massage can also increase the feelings between comrades, make everyone more united, and the overall cooperation more tacit.

The third class, which had always maintained the first place throughout the year, has become more stable in its first place.

Not long after, Lu Cheng broke the company's 500-meter obstacle record, 5-kilometer cross-country record, rapid shooting record, etc.

The 7th Steel Company is the spearhead company of the 702nd Regiment, representing the strongest combat power of the entire regiment. If the record can be broken in the 7th Steel Company, it basically breaks the record of the entire regiment or even the entire division.

It can be imagined that if Lu Cheng continues to maintain this level of steady progress, he will definitely achieve excellent results in this year's military assessment, at least he can get a commendation, and even have the hope of getting a third-class merit.

There are many contents in the training assessment of the troops, including military skills assessment and theoretical knowledge assessment. If you can perform particularly well in the entire army, and if you have good performance in all aspects at ordinary times, you will have the hope of getting a third-class individual merit.

Or if you can have a particularly outstanding performance in the annual military exercises, you can also get a third-class merit.

Of course, if Lu Cheng's recuperation plan can be widely recognized, it can also be regarded as an outstanding contribution to the army, which is also within the scope of merit.

Merit, which is difficult to obtain in the eyes of others, is actually not difficult for Lu Cheng.

As time goes by, the weather is getting warmer and warmer.

Lu Cheng and Xu Sanduo were enlisted at the end of autumn 2000. After three months of recruit training and a few months in the 7th Steel Company, it is now summer 2001.

After the weather warmed up, everyone was sweating after training every day. At noon, everyone would take a basin and wash clothes in front of a row of faucets in the water room, playing with water, and sometimes singing.

When everyone was washing clothes, they turned around and saw Wu Liuyi with his head in the basin, as if he was practicing holding his breath.

Bai Tiejun immediately came over and said in a joking tone: "Is anyone home?"

Gan Xiaoning came over from the other side and said in a Shaanxi accent: "Basin Li Zha Mengmeng, what kind of little navy do you want to be?"

At this moment, Wu Liuyi suddenly raised his head, tilted his head upward, and sprayed a stream of water from his mouth, which poured on the heads of the people around him.

Everyone dodged in all directions, but Wu Liuyi laughed: "Submarine missiles, launched underwater, haha..."

But before Wu Liuyi could be happy for too long, Lu Cheng turned on the faucet, blocked most of the water outlets with his hands, and sprayed water on Wu Liuyi. The rest of the people also splashed water on Wu Liuyi. The scene was chaotic, but very happy.

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside, and they stopped their actions, looked at each other, and tacitly picked up the basins and pretended to sing: "No rest today, no rest, rest is still today..."

At this moment, the door of the water room was

A figure came over, and everyone in the water room picked up a basin of water and rushed towards the man. The man was immediately splashed through.

But after the water was splashed, everyone found that it was the company commander Gao Cheng who was splashed, and they all stood at attention: "Company commander."

Gao Cheng reached out to wipe the water off his face, glanced at the people in the water room, and coughed lightly: "Well, everyone is in a good mood, keep it up."

Gao Cheng, who was soaked like a drowned chicken, turned around, picked up his own basin, and went back to the room to change clothes.

When they heard the door closing in the corridor and confirmed that the company commander had returned to his room, everyone laughed immediately.

Sometimes men's happiness is also very simple, especially when a group of men are together.

Chengcai, who is also in the seventh squad of the seventh steel company, is also bragging and farting with his comrades in the dormitory at this moment, showing off his 85 sniper rifle.

At this moment, an old soldier asked, "Chengcai, you and Lu Cheng from Class 3 are in the same class as you in the new recruit training. Are you familiar with each other?"

Chengcai's excited expression suddenly changed when he heard this, and then he smiled and said, "We are quite familiar with each other. We sleep in the same room all day and talk a lot."

"When will you call him to our class? I heard that Lu Cheng is very good. His training results have surpassed those of us old soldiers. He can even be said to be our first in the whole year."

Chengcai was a little embarrassed: "Well, I'll go to Class 3 to see him later."

In fact, as a new recruit in the same batch, Chengcai has always been competing with Lu Cheng.

But Lu Cheng grew too fast and didn't take Chengcai seriously at all.

This made Chengcai even more unconvinced and unwilling to contact Lu Cheng. He always felt that Lu Cheng, a college student, stole his limelight.

Of course, Lu Cheng didn't care about these things. He and Chengcai were never on the same track.

One is a college student who joins the army and has a bright future.

The other one is also very good, but he is just an ordinary conscript.

In addition, Chengcai's character is too selfish. If he had not been influenced by Xu Sanduo and Yuan Lang's awakening, it would be difficult for Chengcai to stay in the army for a long time.

Xu Sanduo and Chengcai, both of them still have a long way to go in their success.

Continuously enriching himself in the fulfilling military life is also what Lu Cheng has been doing.

Just over a month after Lu Cheng met the regiment commander, the company commander Gao Cheng came to Lu Cheng again: "Lu Cheng, go to the regiment headquarters. This time the regiment headquarters personally sent a car to pick you up. You kid has a lot of face."

Lu Cheng laughed: "This is also the face of our Steel Seventh Company."

"When did you learn to flatter? Go quickly, you are not suitable for this."

When Lu Cheng got on the regiment headquarters' jeep and came to the regiment commander's office again, he found that several officers in casual uniforms were already sitting in the regiment commander's office.

Lu Cheng immediately made a report: "Report!"

The regiment leader Wang Qingrui smiled kindly: "Lu Cheng is here, come in quickly, let me introduce you, these people are from the military district general hospital. After I submitted your report before, the military district chief attached great importance to it and immediately asked the military district hospital to follow your method and start rehabilitation treatment for many veterans.

After more than a month of treatment, the effect is very impressive. The military district general hospital is very interested in you, and several leaders came specially to meet you, this extraordinary soldier."

At this time, several officers in the office were also looking at Lu Cheng, obviously a little surprised at Lu Cheng's youth and ability.

"Hello, Comrade Lu Cheng, I am Xiao Ran from the Military Region Hospital, and I am glad to meet you. We have read your previous report and experimented with it, and the results are very good. I would like to invite you to go with us to the Military Region General Hospital to give us some guidance. Do you think it is convenient?"

"Hello, Chief, you are too polite. You said you would not give me any guidance. This is also an opportunity for me to exchange and learn. As long as the regiment commander gives the order, I am ready at any time."

The regiment commander laughed: "This is a good thing. I will definitely give you an order. Go ahead."

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