After the battle, the two sides had a lot of difficulties.

In the following time, several people from the military hospital exchanged some questions with Lu Cheng and took him to the military hospital.

In the army, in addition to the conventional combat arms such as the navy, army, air force, and rocket force, there are also military civilians and professional technical arms.

Professional military doctors belong to the technical arms and also have military ranks.

Xiao Ran, who came to see Lu Cheng on behalf of the military hospital this time, is a major-level military doctor.

In addition to this major, there are also a lieutenant and a second lieutenant-level military doctors.

In the army, military rank determines status. Lu Cheng, a private, has to say hello to the second lieutenant when he sees him, and he has to stop and salute when he meets him on the way.

On the way to the military hospital, Major Xiao Ran kept talking to Lu Cheng: "Lu Cheng, I heard that your family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, and you were admitted to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Why do you want to go to the grassroots company?"

"I think the grassroots company may need my medical skills more. Besides, I also like the current company life."

"In fact, our field hospital also needs talented and capable traditional Chinese medicine practitioners like you. In our entire army, there are many outstanding pioneers every year who suffer serious physical injuries due to excessive training. Although our hospital tries its best to provide them with health care, the effect has not been very good.

Every year, there are many veterans who have to retire due to physical fitness. If your health care plan can be promoted, it can leave a lot of benefits for our troops. Veteran. Especially for some reconnaissance troops with heavy training tasks, talents like you are needed even more.

I heard from Captain Wang that you have self-taught all the courses for undergraduate and master's degrees. Is this true? "

Lu Cheng nodded: "I have been studying Chinese medicine with my father since I was a child, and laid a good foundation. The courses of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine are not difficult, and most of the content is what I have learned since I was a child. Instead of staying in school, it is better to come out as soon as possible. "

"The idea is good, but if you can get a diploma. When you arrive in the army, you will be a lieutenant officer, which will be very beneficial to your future development. "

Lu Cheng smiled: "If you want to graduate early, you need to wait until the third year at least. I don't want to waste so much time. "

Xiao Ran heard this, nodded, and didn't say anything more.

Indeed, no matter how outstanding Lu Cheng is, it is not so easy to get a university diploma in one year.

What's more, although Lu Cheng was born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine, his parents died early, he has no relatives, and no background, so he can only rely on himself.

Thinking of Lu Cheng's family situation, Xiao Ran cherished Lu Cheng's talent even more.

"Lu Cheng, don't worry, the set of plans you have sorted out this time will be of great use to the entire army. We will definitely report your situation to the higher authorities. If necessary, we will contact your University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to apply for early graduation for you.

Or, you can also take the examination for the Military Medical University. Our major military medical universities also have Chinese medicine majors. Like me, I graduated from the Second Military Medical University..."

Excellent talents can always be treated preferentially. Lu Cheng only made a slight move and was favored by the military hospital.

Although Xiao Ran in front of him was only a major, and it seemed that his rank was not as high as that of his own regiment commander Wang Qingrui, Lu Cheng did not doubt every word he said.

The military ranks of professional and technical arms are not exactly the same as those of ordinary arms. Looking across the country, there is only one deputy military hospital in the entire army, and the dean is also at the level of major general.

The rest of the major military hospitals in the southeast, northwest, and northeast are at the level of full division, and the deans are at the level of colonels.

The military field hospitals of each group army are only at the regimental level. In other words, the director of the military hospital where Lu Cheng is going is only at the colonel level at most.

The fact that the military hospital can send a major-level military doctor to pick up Lu Cheng is enough to show how much the military hospital values ​​Lu Cheng.

Along the way, Xiao Ran also talked about the situation of the military field hospital. His words and deeds all wanted to invite Lu Cheng to the military hospital, but Lu Cheng politely refused.

Seeing Lu Cheng's firm attitude, Xiao Ran didn't say anything more.

After arriving at the military hospital, Xiao Ran immediately took Lu Cheng to the director's office.

The director of the military hospital is a colonel in his fifties, who looks about the same age as his own regiment commander Wang Qingrui.

"Director, I invited Comrade Lu Cheng to come over."

The director showed a charitable look.

"Are you Comrade Xiao Lu? Please take a seat. Xiao Ran, go and call Mr. Zhou."


Then the dean asked someone to pour Lu Cheng a cup of tea: "Comrade Xiao Lu, thank you for your hard work. We have studied your plan and it is indeed feasible. We invited you here this time to have an exchange with the professor in charge of health care in our hospital. Don't be nervous, take a seat."

"Thank you, dean."

While the two were talking, an old professor with gray hair walked in. As soon as Lu Cheng saw him, he knew that he must be an old Chinese medicine doctor.

Old Chinese medicine doctors deal with various Chinese medicines all year round, and they always have a faint smell of Chinese medicine on their bodies. Ordinary people may not be able to smell it, but for Lu Cheng, an old Chinese medicine doctor, it is quite familiar.

"Is this Comrade Lu Cheng? I heard you were young, but I didn't expect you to be so young. How old are you this year?"

The dean next to him introduced Lu Cheng: "This is Professor Zhou Bingren, who is responsible for health care in our hospital."

"Hello, Professor Zhou, I am Lu Cheng, and I just turned 20 this year."

"It's not easy to achieve such achievements at the age of 20. It seems that Comrade Lu Cheng has a deep family background. Where are you from?"

"My hometown is in Henan Province, and my ancestral home is..."

After Lu Cheng briefly talked about his family situation, Professor Zhou recalled for a moment before opening his mouth. "I remember that there seems to be such a family of traditional Chinese medicine in Henan Province. I heard my master talk about it when I was studying medicine. No wonder.

By the way, let's talk about your health care plan. I have seen the massage and acupuncture techniques you summarized. They are very amazing. I wonder if you can show them in person?"

"Of course."

"It just so happens that we have a few overtrained veterans here who are waiting for treatment. How about you come with me to see them?"

"No problem."

Lu Cheng said, and stood up directly.

Seeing this, the dean stood up and said, "Old Zhou, Comrade Lu Cheng just got here, and you didn't let him rest for a while."

Lu Cheng waved his hand: "Dean, I'm not tired either, I don't need to rest, let's go see the patients first."

Professor Zhou was more satisfied with Lu Cheng after hearing this, and took Lu Cheng straight to an inpatient building.

When they arrived at a ward, they saw several veterans in their twenties and thirties chatting together. When they saw Mr. Zhou, they stopped talking and stood up to greet him.

Some people could still stand up normally, but some needed to hold their waists or the wall.

Mr. Zhou introduced the situation of several people to Lu Cheng: "These veterans have caused irreversible damage to their bodies due to long-term overload training. Some of them fell and sprained during training, and injured their tendons, bones, ligaments and other parts. Although conventional methods can allow them to gradually recover, it is difficult to guarantee their future combat capabilities, and it may even affect their normal life in the future.

Xiao Lu, your health care plan is very good. Do you have any way for these patients?"

In fact, when Mr. Zhou asked these questions, he did not have much hope.

As an old Chinese medicine practitioner who has been practicing medicine for many years, Mr. Zhou naturally knows the situation of these veterans. He also knows that if they want to fully recover, they can only have hope if they ask the famous doctors in Yanjing City to take action and take long-term care.

To do this, the cost is too high.

Moreover, those famous old Chinese medicine practitioners are limited and it is impossible for them to take care of the ordinary soldiers in these military regions.

Lu Cheng did not say much. He went up to check the conditions of these veterans one by one, and then said: "The medical skills inherited by our Lu family are mainly based on health care. For these veterans, I dare not say that they can all be cured, but at least their future lives will not be affected. If the recovery is good, they may be able to return to the barracks and participate in normal training."

After hearing what Lu Cheng said, the veterans who originally had no hope immediately became excited: "Comrade, can you really cure us?"

"Whether it can be cured or not, we will know after the treatment."

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