The first time, the second time.

Continue from the last time, let's talk about two things.

While Lu Cheng was busy with daily training in the Steel Company 7, Xu Sanduo was also doing something he thought was very meaningful in the Grassland Class 5 under the Red Company 3, building roads.

Since the training of the recruit company ended, Xu Sanduo was assigned to the Grassland Class 5 of the Red Company 3.

The Grassland Class 5 is famous in the entire 702 Regiment and even the entire T Division. Of course, being famous does not mean it is a good thing, it may also be because it is too bad.

The Grassland Class 5 is known as the squad leader's grave and the paradise of bad soldiers. It is far away from the main force, on a deserted plain, and dozens of miles away from the nearest force. Usually no one comes here.

The entire Grassland Class 5 only has one old squad leader, three veterans, and Xu Sanduo, a rookie.

In such a desolate place, they only sleep and eat every day, and only have two opportunities to practice shooting with live ammunition every year. The rest of the time, the soldiers of Grassland Class 5 don't have a bullet in their guns.

It can be said that the entire Grassland Class 5 is the open-air confinement room of the 702 Regiment. Only those bad soldiers without any talent will be sent here.

Squad leader Lao Ma and the three veterans have long been accustomed to the environment here and accustomed to lying down and playing rotten.

But the arrival of Xu Sanduo made Lao Ma and the three veterans feel extremely uncomfortable, because Xu Sanduo was not only dull, but also unwilling to play rotten with them.

The internal affairs of other people were in a mess, and they never went to normal training every day, just living one day at a time.

But Xu Sanduo still maintained a high degree of self-discipline, strictly followed the rules and regulations to organize his internal affairs, and went out for drill on time every day. When there were no bullets in his gun, he would keep marching.

No one trained him, no one asked him to stand guard, Xu Sanduo stood guard and trained himself consciously.

Three veterans asked Xu Sanduo to play cards, but Xu Sanduo thought that playing cards was meaningless.

For this reason, squad leader Lao Ma also told Xu Sanduo the story of five dogs.

There were four dogs in the cage, and these four dogs would walk clockwise every day, but later another dog came into the cage, and the new dog insisted on walking counterclockwise, which naturally caused everyone's dissatisfaction.

Xu Sanduo didn't understand at first. Although everyone laughed at him and teased him, Xu Sanduo, who was submissive, never cared about these things and still insisted on doing what he thought was meaningful.

He wanted to build a road, so he built it. Even though the squad leader said it was impossible to complete, even though the three veterans were doing bad things behind his back, Xu Sanduo still insisted on doing what he wanted to do.

Xu Sanduo even went to the regiment headquarters to buy flower seeds and planted them on both sides of the road he built.

Flowers and grass could not grow on the originally barren grassland, but the flowers and grass planted by Xu Sanduo grew up.

Just like those veterans said, Xu Sanduo is stupid, and the flowers he planted are also stupid.

But after such a toss, the squad leader Lao Ma, who had always been slacking off, was moved. He couldn't bear to impose the wrong ideas on Xu Sanduo, and couldn't bear to exclude Xu Sanduo because of his own slacking off.

Later, the three veterans were also moved by Xu Sanduo and led by him.

It must be said that although Xu Sanduo at this time was difficult to like, he still showed a high degree of self-discipline and persistence.

He may be a very stupid person, but he is also stupid in a pure way.

Of course, Lu Cheng didn't have the mind to pay attention to these.

Just one and a half months after Lu Cheng returned from the military hospital, he suddenly received a call.

The call was made from the military hospital to the regiment headquarters, and then transferred to the 7th Steel Company, and Lu Cheng was notified.

When Lu Cheng picked up the phone, he heard a familiar voice from the other end: "Hello, is this Lu Cheng? I am Sun Zhihe."

Hearing this name, Lu Cheng immediately remembered the other party's identity: "Director Sun, I am Lu Cheng."

This Director Sun is none other than the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. When Lu Cheng applied for leave of absence to join the army, it was Director Sun who helped with the procedures and persuaded Lu Cheng to continue his studies.

"Student Lu Cheng, you are now famous. The health care plan you developed in the army has been spread to our school. I didn't know that you have been in the army for less than a year, and you have done such a big thing. It really earned face for our University of Traditional Chinese Medicine."

"Director Sun, this is what I should do."

"No matter what you say, your performance is very good.

The dean was very surprised after hearing this. The military attaches great importance to this matter and has contacted our school leaders and said a lot for you.

After the school leaders have studied and decided, they are ready to give you a chance. If you can return to school before the end of the month and participate in and pass this year's graduation defense, the school can allow you to graduate early and issue you a graduation certificate and a bachelor's degree certificate.

Of course, if you have the ability, it is not impossible to give you a master's degree in advance. The leaders above also said that we should use talents in an unconventional way. "

Lu Cheng was delighted to hear this: "Thank you for the care of all the school leaders. I will take leave as soon as possible to return to school and participate in this graduation defense. "

"Okay, the teachers are waiting for you at school. ”

In a normal graduation defense, each teacher will assign some topics. Each student can first choose a teacher, then choose the topic assigned by this teacher, complete their graduation thesis or graduation work design, and then pass the questions and answers of 2~3 assessment teachers before they can successfully pass the defense.

Originally, the time for selecting teachers and topics this year has passed, and the graduates' graduation thesis have been almost prepared. Lu Cheng should not be able to catch up.

But it may be that the military leaders have spoken, and the school directly gave Lu Cheng a green light all the way, allowing him to choose teachers at will, and directly use this veterans' health care plan as the basis. To complete his graduation thesis design.

For these, Lu Cheng had already prepared sufficient materials. He only needed to modify some confidential parts and complete the graduation thesis in the normal format, and then he could directly take it for defense.

For these, the regiment and the company were very supportive, and immediately approved Lu Cheng's vacation, and reimbursed Lu Cheng's round-trip ticket money according to the business trip.

The company commander Gao Cheng drove Lu Cheng to the station in person, patted Lu Cheng on the shoulder and said: "You kid, after you finish graduation, with your undergraduate degree from a key university, you can at least make a dime or two. I really don't know how to arrange you."

Lu Cheng smiled: "Any arrangement is fine, I'm still a soldier of our Steel Seventh Company."

Gao Cheng also smiled: "Okay, go quickly and come back early. "

When Lu Cheng returned to the campus in a neat military green uniform, he attracted a lot of attention.

Lu Cheng's appearance was already high, and he was almost the school hunk. After being tempered by the army, he was more masculine, much stronger than those young boys in the school.

When Lu Cheng walked into the campus, it was the lunch break. Not long after entering the campus, he saw two or three girls coming up to him: "Brother Soldier, are you looking for someone? Do you need us to show you the way?"

Lu Cheng smiled slightly: "Thank you, I am also a student of our University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and I am familiar with the situation of the school."

The three girls were a little disappointed, but then asked: "Which department are you from? Class of 1999? Or Class of 2000?"

"I am from Class of 1999, thank you. I am going to find the dean now. ”

“So it’s senior, senior…”

The three girls wanted to say something else, but Lu Cheng had already walked away.

Not far away, some other girls who wanted to chat up also stopped in their tracks, so as not to be embarrassed if they failed…

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