After Lu Cheng returned to school, there were less than 5 days left before the graduation defense. It took Lu Cheng only two days to complete the graduation thesis, which took others a long time to complete.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng communicated with the school's tutors and leaders for a long time, fully demonstrating his solid foundation.

In fact, with Lu Cheng's current level of nine, he can be a teacher of those teachers.

After all, the current Chinese medicine masters with the highest level are basically only at the level of eight.

Although Lu Cheng did not fully show his level, the level he showed now was completely better than some doctoral students.

Originally, the school was only prepared to let Lu Cheng successfully complete the graduation defense and get his undergraduate diploma and bachelor's degree.

But now that Lu Cheng has enough ability, the school is ready to do it to the end and let Lu Cheng get a master's degree.

Nowadays, the entire Chinese medicine community has been severely excluded by Western medicine, and it is becoming more and more difficult to develop. It is also the time when a genius is needed.

Sometimes, the power of role models is also very important.

More importantly, Lu Cheng is only 20 years old this year. At such a young age, he has such a high level, and his future prospects can be imagined.

If Lu Cheng develops smoothly in the army, he will be able to occupy an important position in the future and contribute to the development of Chinese medicine.

Therefore, after two meetings and discussions by the school leaders, it was finally decided that after Lu Cheng completed the graduation defense, Lu Cheng would complete the master's degree assessment.

If he could get a master's degree directly, Lu Cheng would naturally be willing to stay in school for a few more days.

Just after Lu Cheng completed the graduation defense, the military hospital and the division headquarters called at the same time, hoping that Lu Cheng would return as soon as possible and complete the promotion plan of the health care program with the military hospital.

After Lu Cheng explained his situation, the military hospital and the division leaders understood and supported Lu Cheng to complete the postgraduate assessment.

Lu Cheng thought about it and thought that this was also an opportunity, so he recommended Shi Jin to the division leaders and explained that Shi Jin had completely learned his set of massage techniques, and Shi Jin could be responsible for teaching this set of massage techniques to the entire division and even the entire army.

Hearing that someone could temporarily replace him, the division leaders also readily agreed.

If they could learn Lu Cheng's set of aerobics and massage techniques earlier, they could help the veterans of the entire division relieve the hidden injuries caused by training earlier, relieve the fatigue of all soldiers in training, and thus better ensure combat effectiveness.

After all, the autumn exercise of the entire military region is coming soon, and every slight improvement is directly related to the performance in the exercise.

It must be said that this is a good opportunity for Shi Jin. As long as he can promote aerobics and massage techniques, even if he can't get the third-class merit, he can get a commendation from the whole division, which will be a great help for his future transfer to the 4th term of non-commissioned officers.

Shi Jin, who was in training in the third squad of the first platoon of the seventh steel company, immediately followed the order and rushed to the division headquarters after receiving the order.

Lu Cheng, who was far away in Yanjing School, was also very happy after confirming the news. He was one step closer to completing the main task.

Next, Lu Cheng concentrated on completing the topic specially arranged for him by the college tutor, and did not pay attention to the situation of the seventh steel company.

However, Lu Cheng did not know that it was during this period that the road built by Xu Sanduo of the fifth squad of the grassland of the third red company was discovered by a passing helicopter, and the matter was reported to the regiment.

Immediately afterwards, the instructor of the third red company took Zhang, the officer in charge of propaganda in the regiment, to the fifth squad of the grassland and visited Xu Sanduo.

Back then, Wang Qingrui, the head of the 702nd Regiment, had also been in the Grassland Class 5. He had thought about building a road in the Grassland Class 5, but he didn't do it in the end.

Now, Xu Sanduo has completed what Wang Qingrui, the head of the regiment, wanted to do but didn't do, so he naturally won Wang Qingrui's appreciation.

Later, Wang Qingrui asked He Hongtao, the instructor of the Red Third Company, to go to the Grassland Class 5 in person and bring Xu Sanduo back.

In the headquarters of the 702nd Regiment, Wang Qingrui looked at the dull recruit in front of him, but he was quite appreciative: "Xu Sanduo, between thinking and getting, there is still one thing missing, which is to do it. Back then, I also wanted to build a road in the Grassland Class 5, but I just thought about it and didn't do it. Now, you have done it, you are better than me."

Xu Sanduo was speechless, but Wang Qingrui laughed

Yixiao: "You are a soldier, you are quite interesting. How about this, where do you want to go? I will arrange it for you? Stay in the official class of the regiment headquarters and run errands for me to deliver documents, how about that?"

Xu Sanduo asked woodenly: "Can I get a gun?"

"I'm a document delivery person, why do I need a gun?"

"Then I don't want to... I want to touch a gun."

Xu Sanduo had met Chengcai before, and when Chengcai said how many bullets he had fired and how many kinds of guns he had touched, Xu Sanduo envied Chengcai very much, thinking that being a soldier means touching a gun and firing a gun, and only then can you be considered a real soldier.

In the end, Wang Qingrui thought for a moment and prepared to assign Xu Sanduo to the 7th Steel Company.

Although Xu Sanduo's performance was not good, he was a soldier of the Red 3rd Company after all, and he was appreciated by the regiment commander. The company commander and instructor of the Red 3rd Company, He Hongtao, both hoped that Xu Sanduo would continue to stay in the Red 3rd Company.

Moreover, He Hongtao also liked the simple energy of Xu Sanduo.

But the regiment commander gave the order, and the commander and instructor of the Red Third Company had to obey the order and inform the commander of the Steel Seventh Company, Gao Cheng.

Gao Cheng saw Xu Sanduo again, and naturally did not want Xu Sanduo, so he refused immediately.

If Shi Jin was here, he would definitely strongly demand that Xu Sanduo stay, and even go against the company commander for Xu Sanduo.

But coincidentally, Shi Jin happened to go to the division headquarters at this time and had not returned yet.

After Gao Cheng received the order from the regiment commander, he ran directly to the regiment commander's office: "Commander, I don't agree to accept Xu Sanduo. Our Steel 7th Company is a steel knife, and every soldier is a pioneer. I can't find any advantages in Xu Sanduo, a soldier."

Commander Wang Qingrui waited for Gao Cheng to finish speaking before he spoke slowly: "Xu Sanduo, a soldier, is indeed a bit dull, but he also has valuable qualities. In the environment of Grassland Class 5, he can be highly self-disciplined, which is quite valuable. Moreover, his mind is relatively simple, as long as he is trained well, he is also a good soldier."

"But he doesn't know why he came to the army at all, and he doesn't have any sense of honor. Our Steel 7th Company cannot accept such a bad soldier. You don't know that before he came to the recruit company, this guy saw our tanks and surrendered. Our Steel 7th Company absolutely does not want a surrendered soldier."

Faced with Gao Cheng's strong opposition, even Wang Qingrui, as the regiment commander, had to reconsider this issue.

After all, if Gao Cheng, the company commander, doesn't like a soldier under him, then Xu Sanduo will definitely be excluded by other soldiers.

After careful consideration, Wang Qingrui spoke again: "How about this, you go and call the company commander of the third company over."

However, the company commander of the third company also felt a little awkward at this time. He was obviously a soldier from his company, but he was assigned to the seventh steel company. Now they don't want him and he is sent back, which is equivalent to being disgusted twice.

"Seventh, you are wrong. You dare not listen to the order of the regiment commander?"

"I just don't listen, what's wrong?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Wang Qingrui slammed the table: "Alright."

The two immediately shut up, but they were a little unconvinced.

"How about this. Xu Sanduo, the soldier, will stay in the third red company first. I said in advance that this soldier must be brought out for me. He is a good seedling. He can't be sent directly to the kitchen team or the logistics department."


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