The battle was a battle, and the battle was over.

Gao Cheng, the captain of the 7th Steel Company, had to give some face to the regiment commander because his father was a military commander. What's more, Wang Qingrui, the commander of the 702nd Regiment, was an old subordinate of Gao Cheng's father.

The captain of the 3rd Red Company didn't have the guts to disobey the order.

The final result was that the captain and instructor of the 3rd Red Company took Xu Sanduo away.

Originally, the captain of the 3rd Red Company also wanted to place Xu Sanduo in the cooking class or the logistics department, but since the regiment commander had directly named him, he couldn't do it anymore, so he could only find a class to settle Xu Sanduo.

In the end, Xu Sanduo was assigned to the 6th class of the 3rd Red Company. Fortunately, the monitor of the sixth class was brought up by Lao Ma, the monitor of the fifth class of the grassland. With Lao Ma's greeting, Xu Sanduo would not be bullied too much when he arrived at the sixth class of the third red company.

Of course, the monitor of the sixth class of the third red company would not be as gentle as Shi Jin. It was unknown when Xu Sanduo would be able to awaken.

Of course, Shi Jin did not know this at the moment, and Lu Cheng did not know this either.

Lu Cheng, who was busy preparing for the master's thesis defense, did not know that his unintentional actions had completely changed the fate of Xu Sanduo and Shi Jin.

Real life is like this. Sometimes when you want to promote something, you may have no idea. But when you give up, everything is as you wish.

On the other side, on campus.

Since Lu Cheng is the first undergraduate student to graduate early in only two years since the establishment of Yenching University of Chinese Medicine, and he also has to pass the defense directly to get a master's degree, in order to convince all students in the school and to set an example, the school decided to let Lu Cheng conduct a public defense.

On the day of Lu Cheng's defense, the school specially selected a large lecture hall that could accommodate 200 people, and selected some representatives from the first, second, third and fourth year undergraduates and master's and doctoral students to listen to this special defense.

On the day of the defense, the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine personally presided over the defense, and the three master's supervisors and two doctoral supervisors of the school defended Lu Cheng at the same time. The scene was extremely grand.

Questions and answers on theoretical knowledge, mastery of Chinese medicine knowledge, mastery of prescription knowledge, practice of the four diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine, clinical defense ability, etc.

All projects that can be carried out publicly are observed by student representatives at all levels of the school.

As several supervisors asked tricky questions one after another, Lu Cheng always gave answers without hesitation and without any mistakes.

Facing the questions of the supervisors, the master's and doctoral students below were all worried about Lu Cheng, but when they saw Lu Cheng successfully answer one question after another, they couldn't help but marvel at Lu Cheng's professional ability.

In the end, there is no doubt that Lu Cheng passed all the assessments perfectly, which moved the principal and the dean, and they repeatedly persuaded Lu Cheng to stay in the school as a lecturer. And promised to let Lu Cheng get a promotion in the shortest time.

But all of this was rejected by Lu Cheng.

In the end, the principal and the dean had to give up and promised that Lu Cheng would be welcome to return to Yanjing University of Chinese Medicine to teach at any time.

After leaving the school, Lu Cheng did not return to the company immediately, but wandered around in Yanjing City, bought some medicinal materials, food and drinking water, and stored them in the storage space.

Time is still in the storage space. After any item is put in, no matter how long it is stored in it, it will still be the same when it is taken out.

Put the hot meat buns in, and take them out after a few years, and they are still hot meat buns.

Each of the guns in the space is loaded with bullets and loaded, and can be used at any time, and can be used at any time to deal with various emergencies. Anyway, there is no fear of accidental discharge.

When Lu Cheng returned to the 7th Steel Company, he learned from others that Xu Sanduo had left the 5th Grassland Class and went to the 6th Class of the 3rd Red Company, but did not come to the 7th Steel Company.

This is a good thing for Lu Cheng and Shi Jin.

At least without Xu Sanduo's burden, Shi Jin and the entire 3rd Class can perform better.

If he can perform well in the next exercise, let the entire 3rd Class make a merit, or help Shi Jin get a third-class merit, and with Gao Cheng's operation, Shi Jin's chances of becoming a 4th-level non-commissioned officer will be much greater.

The service period of the first and second-level non-commissioned officers is three years, and the service period of the third and fourth-level non-commissioned officers is four years.

Shi Jin is now a 3rd-level non-commissioned officer. After being transferred to a 4th-level non-commissioned officer, he can stay in the army for another 4 years.

Even if he leaves in the end, Lu Cheng is considered complete.

The task was completed. As for the future, we can only talk about it later.

After the training that day, everyone rested. Lu Cheng ran a few more laps on the training ground and practiced a little more.

After returning to the dormitory, Lu Cheng took a basin to take a shower and wash his clothes.

When he returned to the dormitory again, he saw the squad leader Shi Jin sitting there in a depressed mood, and Wu Liuyi's face was not very good.

Lu Cheng put down his things and asked: "Squad leader, deputy squad leader, what's the matter with you two? Are you having a quarrel?"

Wu Liuyi glanced at Shi Jin and said unhappily: "Isn't it because of that Xu Sanduo?"

"Isn't this Xu Sanduo in the Red Third Company? How can he still provoke you two?"

"When we went out for training together today, the squad leader saw Xu Sanduo and found that Xu Sanduo didn't seem to get along well with his comrades in the 6th squad of the Red Third Company. He was worried about him. He always felt that it was his responsibility. He didn't take good care of Xu Sanduo and felt guilty for giving him a lot of money. Xu Sanduo's father's promise. "

Lu Cheng suddenly realized, and after thinking for a moment, he moved a stool and sat opposite Shi Jin: "Squad leader, have you ever thought about a question. If Xu Sanduo can't grow into a qualified soldier without you, squad leader Shi, is he really suitable to stay in the army? Squad leader, even if it's you, it's impossible to accompany Xu Sanduo for a lifetime, take him with you for a lifetime, right? "

Shi Jin was still a little depressed: "I just thought about making a promise to his father when I brought him here. Moreover, Xu Sanduo was raised by his father since he was a child. Beating and scolding, lack of care. If you can encourage him more, he can still become a good soldier. "

"Maybe, Xu Sanduo needs more than encouragement? Squad leader, we all know the situation of Grassland Class 5. Xu Sanduo came to Grassland Class 5, and it took only more than half a year to change the face of the entire Grassland Class 5. Don't you find the problem?

Xu Sanduo does have valuable qualities. He can maintain a high degree of self-discipline in any environment. If you take him with you, help him and protect him, he will form a strong dependence on you.

On the contrary, when there is no one to rely on, Xu Sanduo will learn to think independently and discover his own potential. This is like a child learning to walk. If you rush to help the child as soon as he falls, fearing that the child will be hurt, then this child will walk later than other children.

If the child falls, you don't help him directly, but wait a while and let him try to work hard on his own. He may fall a few more times, but he can learn to walk faster. "

Lu Cheng said these words, by no means without basis.

Xu Sanduo's various performances after joining Old A later also proved this point.

When all teammates lost contact during the dangerous mission, Chengcai chose to give up, and Xu Sanduo chose to try his best and do his best.

If Shi Jin is good to Xu Sanduo, it is because he sees his own shadow in Xu Sanduo.

The leaders Wang Qingrui and Yuan Lang are good to Xu Sanduo, and they really discovered the precious qualities of Xu Sanduo.

Lu Cheng also wants to see where Xu Sanduo will go after leaving the care of Shi's mother.

The real world is not a novel or a movie, and there is no halo of the protagonist.

If Xu Sanduo can really burst out his own potential, even if he changes the environment, he can break through himself and stand out.

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