The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

Five days after the exercise, Shi Jin, the squad leader of the third squad of the first platoon of the seventh steel company, received a notice from the division headquarters to participate in the night shooting demonstration and night shooting performance.

Lu Cheng was delighted when he heard the news. This was also a signal, which meant that Shi Jin's transfer to a fourth-level non-commissioned officer had basically been completed.

Otherwise, the division headquarters would not let a veteran who was about to retire to do a demonstration.

Shi Jin was obviously aware of this problem, and happily accepted the order of the division headquarters and went to report to the division headquarters.

After Shi Jin returned from the division headquarters, he received a transfer order from the division headquarters. Shi Jin was transferred from the seventh steel company of the 702 regiment to the division reconnaissance battalion directly under the division headquarters.

Although the company commander Gao Cheng was a little disappointed, he still comforted him: "At least you can stay in the army and see each other often in the future, which is not bad."

At this time, Gao Cheng didn't know that the Steel Seventh Company was about to be disbanded. If Shi Jin really continued to stay in the Steel Seventh Company, when the Steel Seventh Company was disbanded, many veterans would face retirement.

When Lu Cheng heard this decision, he was very happy for Shi Jin, because after the Steel Seventh Company was disbanded, Gao Cheng, the company commander, was also assigned to the division reconnaissance battalion as deputy battalion commander.

Wu Liuyi was also a little sad: "Squad leader, after this separation, it will not be easy to meet again."

Shi Jin patted Wu Liuyi: "Don't worry, I will come back to see you as soon as I am free."

After that, Shi Jin glanced at Wu Liuyi and Lu Cheng again: "If it is convenient, please help me take care of Xu Sanduo of the Third Company."

Wu Liuyi was a little jealous for a moment. The squad leader was about to leave, but he was still thinking about Xu Sanduo.

Lu Cheng nodded: "Don't worry, we will take care of it."

On the afternoon of the day when Shi Jin was sent away, Xu Sanduo came to the door. Seeing Lu Cheng in the dormitory, he smiled and said hello: "Lu Cheng, what are you busy with? Where is squad leader Shi Jin?"

Lu Cheng put away the book in his hand and said casually: "Squad leader Shi Jin is gone."

"Gone? Where did he go?" Xu Sanduo didn't understand yet.

"Transferred to the division reconnaissance battalion."

Xu Sanduo was stunned on the spot.

Although he didn't come to the Steel Seventh Company or the First Platoon Third Squad, Xu Sanduo and his people had a strong dependence on squad leader Shi Jin.

Even though he has been recognized by the Red Third Company and has many friends around him, Xu Sanduo's heart is always the closest to Shi Jin, just like treating Shi Jin as a mother.

Hearing about Shi Jin's departure, Xu Sanduo found it hard to accept for a while: "Squad Leader Shi Jin, is he really gone? He... Why didn't he tell me?"

Although Xu Sanduo didn't cry at this moment, his eyes had lost their luster, and he was a little dazed.

Lu Cheng stood up and pulled a chair over: "Sit down. The reason why Squad Leader Shi Jin didn't tell you was because he was afraid that you would miss him. You don't have to be too sad. As long as you continue to train hard and become an excellent soldier, you will always have the opportunity to see Squad Leader Shi Jin again in the future. Besides, he is not going to come back."

Xu Sanduo's eyes were still a little confused: "Lu Cheng, are you serious?"

"Of course, we are all in the same division. Although we don't have many opportunities to meet each other, we will always meet each other."

"Okay, I understand. Thank you, Lu Cheng."

"Okay, go out and play first, don't be so polite."

Not long after Xu Sanduo left, Lu Cheng saw a figure on the training ground in the distance. It was obviously Xu Sanduo who went to practice more.

Lu Cheng shook his head and ignored him.

The next morning, Lu Cheng received an order from the regiment headquarters to rush to the division headquarters as soon as possible.

The company commander Gao Cheng drove Lu Cheng all the way to the division headquarters, and patted Lu Cheng on the shoulder and said, "I think this should be a good thing. After all, you have made a lot of contributions before, and with your academic qualifications, the higher-ups should give you a reply."

Lu Cheng nodded and didn't say much.

Sure enough, after arriving at the division headquarters, the division commander met Lu Cheng in person, praised Lu Cheng highly, and then said, "Lu Cheng, according to your performance, you can be selected as an outstanding soldier. In addition to your academic qualifications, it's time to promote you.

Every year, our army has some recommended places, and you can be directly recommended to the military academy for promotion training. But considering your situation, you have just been in the army for a year, and there are organizational problems, so the higher-ups are going to give you a surprise assessment.

However, you don't

Don't worry, the assessment shouldn't be too difficult. You just need to perform well. ”

“Yes, Master.”

“I saw that you actively approached the organization during your college years. When you return this time, a ceremony will be held for you. You should also make some preparations.”

“Yes! "

In the afternoon, Lu Cheng, under the supervision of a lieutenant colonel and two major examiners, took a written test of theoretical knowledge and an assessment of military skills.

The assessment lasted until the evening, and Lu Cheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he already had some guesses in his mind.

According to the standards for recommending excellent soldiers for admission, although Lu Cheng has met or even exceeded many of the conditions, he has only been in the army for a year and has not yet served as a squad leader.

If it is recommended to enter a general military academy for officer training, there may not be such a complicated assessment.

Moreover, this is an assessment specifically for Lu Cheng, and three examiners have been sent, which shows how much they value Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng is quite satisfied with his performance. Whether it is theoretical knowledge or military skills, Lu Cheng is quite impressive.

When it comes to military skills Yes, needless to say. As for theoretical knowledge, the military books that Lu Cheng usually read were not read in vain.

After the assessment, Lu Cheng returned to the company, and the instructor held a ceremony for Lu Cheng as soon as possible to officially join the organization.

A week later, the higher-ups sent Lu Cheng an admission notice, asking him to pack his bags and rush to the National University of Defense Technology to report.

After receiving this news, Lu Cheng was inevitably a little excited. That was the National University of Defense Technology, known as the Tsinghua University in the military, and it provided the most elite talents for the entire army.

Even if it were to be admitted to this military academy in another twenty years, it would be enough for the whole village to beat drums and gongs, and even the mayor would come to congratulate in person.

Gao Cheng, the son of the commander, was a little envious: "You are good, kid. When I applied for the military academy, I wanted to enter here the most. It's a pity that my cultural level was a little low, so I could only take a step back."

The instructor was also very happy: "Lu Cheng, you can go there to study, and it is also the honor of our entire Steel Seventh Company. The military academy is not given to our company, and there are some geniuses there. When you arrive at the military academy, you must also behave well and don't embarrass our Steel 7th Company. "

"Company commander, instructor, you can rest assured."

"Haha, of course we are assured of you. When you come back, you may be the same as us."

Hearing this, Lu Cheng couldn't help feeling a little sad. When he came back, I'm afraid that the Steel 7th Company would have been disbanded. I don't know how many of those familiar faces he will see again.

Some people may never see each other again in this life.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng stepped forward and gave Gao Cheng and instructor Hong Xingguo a hug respectively: "Company commander, instructor, call me if you have anything. No matter where I go, I am a soldier of our Steel 7th Company."

"Okay, go quickly and try to get an excellent student back."

"Yes, I will complete the task!"

Back in the dormitory, everyone in the dormitory was waiting for Lu Cheng.

Gan Xiaoning came up and joked: "Lu, deputy squad leader, you have only been the deputy squad leader for a few days, and you gave it to me. Isn't it a pity? ”

After Shi Jin left, Wu Liuyi took over the position of squad leader of the third squad of the first platoon, and Lu Cheng became the deputy squad leader.

Wu Liuyi pushed Gan Xiaoning away: "It's just the deputy squad leader, why are you so proud? When Lu Cheng comes back, you have to salute him and call him the chief."

Bai Tiejun laughed: "Old Lu, should I get familiar with him in advance? Salute, hello, chief!"

"Okay, okay, stop joking. Old Bai, give me a hug."

Hearing this, Bai Tiejun also took the initiative to hug Lu Cheng, and joked: "This future chief wants to hug me, it's my honor, Old Bai. "

In fact, Lu Cheng knew that after the 7th Steel Company was disbanded, Bai Tiejun was among the first batch of people to be demobilized.

Although Bai Tiejun is no longer the leader of the 7th Steel Company, he is still at the bottom of the list and it should be difficult for him to stay in the army.

What's more, his own will is not strong enough, and he has not yet decided whether to transfer to a non-commissioned officer.

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