The new situation is that the new situation is not good.

If you are a high school graduate or a college student who joins the army, you still need to complete four years of courses to be admitted to the military academy.

If you are a college graduate who joins the army and then takes the military academy exam, you only need to take two more years of courses based on the junior college to undergraduate program.

If you are an undergraduate or graduate student, when you need to be promoted, because you already have the same academic ability as a military academy, you only need to complete six months to one year of training to be awarded the corresponding military rank and become an officer.

After leaving the barracks, Lu Cheng, wearing his regular uniform, took a car and changed to a train all the way, and finally arrived at the capital of southern Hunan Province and the gate of the National University of Defense Technology.

At this time, the gate of the National University of Defense Technology was not as majestic as the city gate it was later, but just the name on the vertical sign hanging on the left side of the school gate made people respect it.

There is a saying that goes around in later generations: those who come out of Tsinghua University and Peking University are not necessarily Chinese, but those who come out of the National University of Defense Technology are definitely Chinese.

In fact, those who can enter this school have already gone through the most rigorous examination.

As soon as Lu Cheng walked to the door, the sentry at the door saluted and said, "Comrade, please explain your reason and show your ID."

Lu Cheng took out his ID from the pocket of his military jacket and handed it over: "Comrade, hello. I am Lu Cheng, a soldier of the 702nd Regiment of the T Armored Division, and I am here to register for admission. Here is the ID and the admission notice."

The sentry took the ID and the admission notice and handed them to the duty officer in the security room. The duty officer confirmed that the ID was correct and called to verify the situation. Then he saluted Lu Cheng: "Comrade Lu Cheng, welcome to the National University of Defense Technology for training and study. Please keep your ID. Someone will pick you up later."

"Thank you."

Lu Cheng put his luggage on the ground, stood outside the yellow line, and waited quietly.

Not long after, a captain officer ran over. After seeing Lu Cheng, he nodded: "You are classmate Lu Cheng, right? Please follow me."

Lu Cheng saluted, picked up his luggage, and followed.

While walking towards the campus, the captain introduced the situation to Lu Cheng: "Student Lu Cheng, my name is Zhao Heng, I am the teaching assistant for this training class. If you encounter any problems in school, you can come to me. My office is at...

There are 28 people in this training class, 15 of them have arrived, and you are the 16th. The dormitory has been assigned to you. You should be assigned to Room 302 of this building. Your name is on the bed and locker..."

"Thank you, Chief."

"Don't be so reserved, you can call me teaching assistant. Since these students come from all over the country, Those who live closer arrived earlier, while those who live farther away are still on the way. This training course will officially begin only after you are all here.

Before that, apart from the normal morning exercises, you can move freely at other times. Later, I will take you to go through the registration procedures, collect your cadet training uniforms, and apply for a student card. In the future, you will need a student card to eat within the school and borrow books from the library..."

National University of Defense Technology trains senior technical talents and officers, and implements military management. Physical training, military skills, housekeeping, theoretical learning, etc. are all very strict.

After all, the military has always advocated the strong. If the officers trained are just a group of scholars, how can they convince the company?

Of course, the requirements for command majors and non-command majors are different.

Non-command majors focus more on the learning and mastery of technology, while command majors require stronger military literacy.

After arriving at the dormitory, Lu Cheng found that there was already one person in the dormitory, and he was a second lieutenant.

Lu Cheng saluted casually, and the classmate quickly returned the salute and smiled: "Comrade, don't be so polite. When you are here, you don't need to look at the military rank on your shoulders. Put on the training uniforms, we are all students, and there is no difference in military rank. Let me introduce myself. My name is Xia Chen, a navy. Which unit are you from?"

"My name is Lu Cheng, from the T Armored Division, an armored reconnaissance soldier."

"That's great. There are two of us, one navy and one army. I just don't know if there will be an air force and the second artillery later, just enough to make up the four major arms. By the way, have you reported in? Have you eaten? It's almost noon, how about we go to the cafeteria to try the food?"

"You haven't eaten either?"

"No, I'm just younger than you

I'm only an hour early. Let's go, together."

In the army, it's not easy to get promoted, and it's even harder for non-military school students.

Those who can come to the National University of Defense Technology to participate in the promotion training are undoubtedly the top students selected from major military regions, or have made great contributions.

The two chatted as they walked: "By the way, I haven't asked you which university you graduated from and how many years you have been in the army?"

"University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, just one year after joining the army. ”

“I graduated from Dongshan University…”

This classmate Xia Chen was not shy at all. Although he was two or three years older than Lu Cheng, he was very lively and humorous. He soon had a lively chat with Lu Cheng.

After dinner, the two went to the library again, borrowed two books each, and took them back to the dormitory to read.

It is a hard-won opportunity to come here for training and study, and everyone will not waste time.

The learning atmosphere of the National University of Defense Technology is very good, and Lu Cheng quickly integrated into it.

The next day, two more students came to the dormitory, one was a communications soldier from the Southwest Military Region, and the other was an artillery soldier from the Southeast Military Region. Both of them were top students from key universities.

However, in the entire dormitory, Lu Cheng was the youngest and a master's student. .

This also made the other three roommates call him abnormal. Being able to complete all undergraduate and graduate studies in just two years, such a person is definitely a genius.

Two days later, all the trainees of this training class arrived and the training officially began.

The first day of training opened the eyes of these trainees from all over the country. The obstacle course alone was very particular.

The obstacle course training grounds of ordinary armies usually have two types: 400-meter obstacle course and 500-meter obstacle course. The obstacle course here also has an American-style obstacle course.

As a high-quality officer, of course, you must learn to know yourself and the enemy, and understand the training situation of foreign armies.

Not only that, in the firearms course, Lu Cheng also saw well-known assault rifles, submachine guns, pistols, Sniper rifles, squad machine guns, etc.

The parameters, performance, advantages and disadvantages of each type of gun must be fully understood, especially for the main guns that some major countries are equipping, and they must be fully mastered.

Of course, these are just the most basic, combat command, strategic thinking, the use of electronic communication equipment, etc., all need to be learned.

Originally, Lu Cheng thought that eight months of study time was sufficient, but seeing so many things to learn, Lu Cheng felt that the time was a bit short.

In addition to studying various courses every day, physical training, military skills training, etc. are also required. Every day is quite fulfilling.

In this training class, most of them are technical soldiers. The training intensity in various troops is not too high. When they come here, they are still Some of them were overwhelmed.

On the contrary, Lu Cheng, a top student who was born as a scout, could easily complete various military skills training with his superior physical fitness.

Moreover, Lu Cheng's mental strength has now reached 18 points, which can be regarded as a little genius, and he has mastered various theoretical courses very quickly.

Not only that, Lu Cheng also established a good relationship with a class of classmates with some pills that he configured to relieve fatigue and restore physical fitness. He learned from each of his classmates their advantages and mastered more skills and knowledge.

In this fulfilling learning process, Lu Cheng gradually forgot the time.

That day, Lu Cheng suddenly received a notice from the school's communication room. A call from the 7th Steel Company said that they wanted to find Lu Cheng. Lu Cheng then knew that the disbanding of the 7th Steel Company had begun...

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