In fact, the reorganization of the 7th Steel Company is also the result of the general trend of the army's reform.

Although the 7th Steel Company has done a good job in mechanization, it is still lagging behind in the development of informatization and has not used the most advanced informatization technology.

Moreover, the 7th Steel Company itself is too good, which is one of the reasons why it must be disbanded.

In the entire 702 Regiment, and even the entire T Division, the 7th Steel Company is a sharp knife. In the previous exercise, the entire 702 Regiment suffered a tragic defeat of 25:1, but the 7th Steel Company still achieved 8:1.

Although such a result makes the 7th Steel Company more face-saving in front of the brother troops. But for the entire 702 Regiment, it is not a good thing.

Modern warfare emphasizes the coordination of multiple arms, and the pursuit is not the victory of a company or a platoon, but the victory of the overall war.

The excellence of the 7th Steel Company has made it too far away from other companies, which is not conducive to overall coordination and balance.

Moreover, the excellence of the 7th Steel Company has also formed a siphon effect, attracting the best talents and resources, the good ones are getting better, and the bad ones are getting worse, and finally forming a situation of walking on one leg.

In addition, at this time, the whole army was about to carry out a pilot reform, and the 702nd Regiment was selected as a pilot unit. The 7th Steel Company was also to be disbanded, and the outstanding talents would be assigned to various companies of the entire regiment and even the entire division.

Therefore, although Lu Cheng knew the ending of the 7th Steel Company a long time ago, he did not try to change it. This is not something that Lu Cheng, a private soldier, can change.

Even if Lu Cheng was promoted to a higher position, he could not change the general trend.

The person who called Lu Cheng was the company commander Gao Cheng.

"Lu Cheng, well, our Steel Company 7 is going to be reorganized. The first batch of people to be sent away have been sent away, and the remaining people will be assigned to various companies. I just want to tell you in advance that when you come back, our Steel Company 7 may no longer exist. Well, if you have a better future, don't come back."

Although Gao Cheng's tone was relaxed over the phone, Lu Cheng still heard reluctance, grievance, and depression hidden under the carelessness.

Lu Cheng didn't know how to comfort this proud Seventh Princess.

Although they have just been together for more than a year, Lu Cheng has established a deep friendship with his comrades in the Steel Company 7, especially for the company commander who seems strong but is actually very soft-hearted. Lu Cheng has already regarded him as a friend.

"Lu Cheng, why don't you say anything? Have you really found a new team?"

"Captain, I will be back in five months. Even if the 7th Steel Company is disbanded, even if my comrades are assigned to other companies, even if the 702nd Regiment no longer has the 7th Steel Company, I believe that the 7th Steel Company will not really disappear.

Every soldier of ours participated in the 7th Steel Company's induction ceremony when they joined the 7th Steel Company. We will not forget the 57-year history of the 7th Steel Company, the 1,104 sacrificed predecessors, and we will not forget that we are part of the 7th Steel Company.

Captain, the people of the 7th Steel Company can be dispersed, but the soul cannot be dispersed. Captain, the most important thing now is to pass on the spirit of the 7th Steel Company to the people of the 7th Steel Company. God passed it on, and passed on the spirit of "never abandon, never give up" to every soldier. No matter where they go, as long as they think of these six words, they will always remember that they were once soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company! "

There was a long pause on the other side of the phone, and then Gao Cheng's voice came again: "You kid, it seems that this military school is not in vain. Study hard, I'm waiting for the day you come back!"

Steel Seventh Company, Gao Cheng hung up the phone, put on the training uniform, came to the downstairs of the company dormitory, and blew the emergency assembly whistle: "All assemble, prepare for the five-kilometer armed cross-country race!"

From this day on, the Seventh Steel Company seemed to have nothing happened, and trained as usual every day, even super-intensive training.

Although some people leave the Seventh Steel Company every once in a while. But no matter how many people are left, the Seventh Steel Company is still conducting the most rigorous training as before.

Even if it is windy and rainy, Gao Cheng is like crazy, personally leading everyone to training.

Lu Cheng learned about this from Wu Liuyi's letter, and took half a day off to mail some pills and ointments to the 7th Steel Company, all of which were medicines for treating various injuries caused by excessive training.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also required himself to meet stricter standards in school, and tried his best to strengthen and learn theoretical knowledge, military skills, and physical training.

Seeing how hard Lu Cheng worked, the students were gradually infected by him, and they became more serious and hardworking in their training, and took the initiative to do some physical training during breaks.

Unknowingly, the students of this period rolled up.

But the result was undoubtedly that Lu Cheng, who had a physical and mental fitness far superior to ordinary people and extraordinary endurance, finally became the winner.

In this competitive learning atmosphere, this period of students finally came to an end.

When the instructor and teacher in charge of training awarded Lu Cheng the certificate of outstanding students, all the students had no objection, after all, everyone tried their best to catch up, but failed.

When the teacher took off Lu Cheng's red student brief and put on a new shoulder strap for Lu Cheng, warm applause rang out around him, and everyone congratulated Lu Cheng.

"Student Lu Cheng, your hard work is worth learning for all students, and your progress is amazing. I hope that after you return to the army, you will bring back everything you have learned here to increase the combat effectiveness of the army. I also believe that you will be a top officer."

"Thank you for your teachings."

In the dormitory, Xia Chen patted Lu Cheng on the shoulder: "Okay, Lu Cheng. When you first came, you still needed to salute me and call me chief. Now is the right time, I will give you one. Salute to Captain Lu Cheng!"

Lu Cheng now has a postgraduate degree, plus the contributions he has made before, and his performance in the exercise, he is qualified to be a captain.

"Old Xia, stop joking. After this separation, it may be difficult for us to see each other again. Come, give me a hug."

"Give me a hug, let's all give each other a hug."

After everyone hugged, the three roommates all reached out to Lu Cheng: "Old Lu, give us all a bottle of the bruise ointment you prepared. This thing is used to treat injuries during training, and the effect is really great."

"I have prepared it for you a long time ago. Here, two bottles each, use them sparingly. I saved this with great difficulty."

"It is impolite not to reciprocate. I also prepared a gift for you. I will see it when I get back."

" As for mine, I didn't bring any gifts. This pair of socks fits me well. They won't hurt my feet when I wear them during training."

"Well, this warship model has been sent in. Please take good care of it."

"Old Xia, if you can't bear to part with it, just keep it for yourself."

"Who said I can't bear to part with it? When I go back, I'll be on a real destroyer every day. This model won't be of much use."

After talking and laughing, the few of them felt sad again. They had been together for seven or eight months, eating and living together, and learning from each other. Now that they were separated, they really didn't know when they would be able to reunite, or if they would never see each other again.

After leaving school, the other three had to go back to their hometowns to have a look, and then return to their original units.

There were not many people in Lu Cheng's hometown, so he went back to the company directly.

After reporting to the division headquarters, Lu Cheng rushed to the headquarters of the 702nd Regiment.

After seeing Lu Cheng, the regiment commander Wang Qingrui immediately smiled happily: "Our top student is finally back. He is already a captain, not bad, he can be a company commander."

"Commander, I haven't even been a squad leader yet."

"Then let's start with the deputy company commander. You should know the situation of your Steel Seventh Company, right?"

"I know everything, and I have been in touch with the company commander and others."

"Now the Steel Seventh Company has been disbanded, and you are a captain again. How about this, the Machine One Company has also been reorganized, and the original Red Three Company instructor He Hongtao has also gone to the Machine One Company as an instructor. Now the Machine One Company is still short of a deputy company commander, why don't you go to be the deputy company commander first and learn how to lead soldiers, how about it?"

Lu Cheng nodded: "I obey the arrangement. But I want to go back and take a look first."

"Go ahead, I'll give you three days off, and take a good rest during these three days. The dormitory of the Steel Seventh Company should not have been completely moved out, and it should still be habitable."


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