Zhou Shuya was confused.

What’s going on?

Could it be that something went wrong?

Well…… If nothing else, it was to be expected.

Stealing chickens is not a loss of rice!

But for Jiang Ye, it was tantamount to sending charcoal in the snow.

And it’s a double happiness.

The other side.

Under the turbocharging of the dual factor…

Jiang Ye broke through again!

This time, it was to break through to the fourth layer of the Jiedan Realm.

But what is more important is that the Sun Spirit Root, which has always been on the verge of abnormality, has finally had a trend of evolution…

Huge villa.

In the room late at night, the battle will stop.

The black fog in the sea of Jiang Ye suddenly gathered in a lump.

The demon tide with vast meridians all over the body rushed away.

Until it converged in the dantian, the furious aura condensed at one point, and finally bloomed into a dazzling aurora!

The second layer of Yuedan…

The three layers of Jiedan…

Jiedan four layers!

“Come back, all come…”

“This is the cultivation speed that my generation demon cultivators should have!!”

The Creation Golden Pill shines like a great sun, shining on the sea of red blood, showing a strange and magnificent crimson and dark red color.

Compared with the past, this time Jindan not only shines, but also heats up.

The blazing temperature evaporated a red mist over the sea.

And the red vine bathed in it has undergone strange changes!

The vines, which were originally as thick as giant trees and extended for thousands of feet, split at the top… Ten very different and strange flowers bloomed, all burning with a hot red glow.

Jiang Ye seemed to have an understanding.

Perhaps this is the true form of the Sun Spirit Root.

It is recorded in ancient books that in the great wilderness, there are golden black and built wood, through the heavens and earth, thousands of miles of zhuzhi, dry clouds on the top, four poles of yin, and the lower cover in the abyss…

This is the abode where the sun rises in the east and sets in the west!

Now, it is more appropriate to call it the true root of the sun.

And help yourself to unlock the hero of the true form of the spirit root…

Undoubtedly the two in front of him… Girls who don’t deal with each other.

Holly was wearing Jiang Ye’s suit jacket, shrunk in the corner of the bed, and her eyes were dizzy.

She didn’t even notice it herself.

Behind her, some features of the Jade Rabbit image appeared!

For example, a furry rabbit tail, two long rabbit ears… It looks like a cosplay, a little more smart and cute.

After Jiang Ye’s research.

This is not a natural namer, but… Some kind of bloodline inheritance!

It usually does not appear, but when it is critical, it will naturally appear, like a stand-in.

At first, Jiang Ye thought it was the bloodline of the Chinese zodiac.

But then he found out…

Nali is characterized by a cat.

There are no cats in the zodiac.

However, Jiang Ye was quickly relieved.

After all, the stick does not have its own history in the first place.

The setting of this world is also a mixture of things.

In the case of Holly and Nali, it is estimated that the heroine’s luck converges, and 647 has caused a special bloodline.

It doesn’t matter what blood they are.

Anyway, it’s best to be able to evolve yourself!


That’s good.

No need to wear accessories, directly cosmic rabbit-eared maiden, cat-eared maiden, how cool.

The personalities of Holly and Nali are very much in line with the image of COS.

For example, the cute rabbit, the tsundere and delicate cat…

At this time.

Nali hugged her arms coldly.


“Follow me to the top floor!”



The night breeze is cool on the roof in the middle of the night.

The three sat calmly in their chairs and looked at each other.

It was quiet for a while.

Asura Field… Jiang Ye has already experienced it once, and he is a little strange.

Just now in the room.

Nali suddenly broke in, naturally she couldn’t quarrel.

But now there is a cold wind blowing on the roof.

Both Holly and Nali gradually calmed down, and their brains were messed up.


Nali’s white palm slapped on the table and said murderously:

“Brother Jiang Ye is too partial!”

“Obviously, I asked my mother to introduce you to work…”

“But Brother Jiang Ye only invited his sister to eat alone!”

“And you… My sister actually took Brother Jiang Ye to take pictures in the room…”

Hearing this, Holly was suddenly a little ashamed.

In fact, she doesn’t understand that much at all.

It was Jiang Ye who said that he wanted to help her take a good photo.

So let him fiddle with it.


When the two were shooting hotly.

Nali suddenly broke in, almost not scaring Holly to death.

But Jiang Ye behaved very calmly.

So Nali felt that it was necessary to talk to her sister properly.


Holly supported her chin with one hand.

There was a hint of doubt in the weakness and beauty.

She didn’t understand what Nali was excited about.

Isn’t he the one who came first?

If anything, Nali is the third party.

The person who should be angry should be himself!

However, Holly has a soft personality and does not want to worry about her sister.

“Ahem, Naly, listen to me and you cunning… Interpretation. ”

Jiang Ye opened his mouth.

Nali suddenly waved her hand, her expression was stunned: “Seeing the two of you together, my mood has become very bad…”

“No, it should be heartbreak. ”

“If I have to watch you two and me for decades to come…”

“I’m sorry, I really can’t do it!”

Holly was stunned.

The pupils were a little surprised.

If she thought about it in another way, she couldn’t accept it either.

But if you give up this unforgettable first love, it is even more impossible.

So she was speechless again, Jiang Ye only had one, this was an unsolvable contradiction…

But it is not the contradiction in Jiang Ye’s eyes.

After all, he thought that the world of immortal cultivation was the real home.

In the Great Yan Dynasty, three wives and four concubines were originally in line with the etiquette.

In order to cultivate and recuperate, the Great Yan Emperor took the lead in opening a harem and encouraged mortals to have many children and blessings.

So in Jiang Ye’s concept, since you like it, it’s good to live happily together.

“Sister, aren’t you jealous?”

Nali looked at the silent Holly, and suddenly walked to Jiang Ye and sat down.

Take a deep kiss.

Licking the corners of his lips, he raised his chin defiantly.


“Is there still a way to endure it?”

This scene…

It immediately stimulated the three people present.


Holly’s eyes were covered with a touch of crimson, and she clenched her fists and stood up.

An urge echoed in the brain.

The two sisters’ gazes staggered, as if discharging each other.

It took a long time for her to suppress her emotions and ask for help very unassertively: “Jiang Ye, you say…”

“Your choice, what’s your choice?”

Hearing this, Nali also stared at Jiang Ye closely.

They fought no more.


In the end, it depends on Jiang Ye’s choice.

But neither of them expected it, Jiang Yeyun said lightly: “Why are you so entangled? ”

“After you two finished talking, you really can’t fight, let’s continue to go back to sleep after the fight…”

With that, he yawned and walked towards the corridor.

On this day, from early cultivation to evening, the attributes of the scroll king were exposed.

It’s time for a sweet night’s sleep and a good rest.

Holly: “…”

Nali: “…”

I have never seen Jiang Ye so brazen.

The two were embarrassed and chased him behind his back in annoyance.

But this back beating is as painless as a massage.

Under Jiang Ye’s hostage, he walked to the room.

Nali, who was caught under her armpits, shouted loudly: “Brother Jiang Ye, how can there be such a thing as you?

“When you were dating one of us…”

“Have you ever considered the feelings of another person?!” (Read a violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Jiang Ye naturally said: “It’s good to date together.” ”

“What about that?”

“Stacked together, I’m fast enough. ”

Nali blushed: “…”

Completely defeated by him.

Holly couldn’t help but scold, “No!

Nali: “Of course it’s me!”

Holly: “I’m a sister!

The fierce quarrel became more and more urgent, and his eyes were red sharply.

The two were in the corridor, grabbing Jiang Ye’s clothes and fighting with their hands and feet.


Jiang Ye had only worn a shirt, and his abs were exposed by them.

After the spirit root has evolved.

His physique has also become stronger and stronger with persistent exercise.

The angular muscle blocks are like an axe chiseled made of marble, and the deep and tough physique is as transparent and symmetrical as jade.

“Gee, you ripped his clothes off…”

“Brother Jiang Ye, it’s mine…”

With the noise of the two women, it reached the master bedroom.

The door suddenly opened.

“What’s the noise in the evening?”

The sleepy-eyed Aunt Hyojoo walked out of the door in her silky long skirt pajamas, watching the chaotic scene in amazement.

With her experience, she is not surprised to encounter anything.

She was stunned to see…

His two delicate daughters actually fought a lot?


The sisters, who were originally fighting, suddenly shrunk back obediently.

Jiang Ye smiled faintly, “Aunt Xiaozhu.” ”

Aunt Hyojoo raised her eyebrows and glanced at him, turned around and turned on the light in the living room, “Let’s talk.” “(abeh)

She took the lead in sitting on the beige sofa.

The cold aura was like a cold wind passing through, and it was solemn.

Like a waterfall of green silk, the face is as delicate as ink painting, and the gray long skirt is difficult to hide the slender body.

A pair of silk socks are wrapped under the graceful calves, and the jade toes are faintly visible, which is noble and elegant.

The rich mother-in-law has always been so elegant.

“It’s like this…” Holly was a little alarmed and took the initiative to explain, including tonight’s date, and Jiang Ye’s photo in her room, and Nali’s sudden intrusion…

All of them were told to Aunt Hyojoo in detail.

Jiang Ye couldn’t help but be embarrassed, there was no need to say this kind of thing in such detail!

However, it can also be seen from the side.

Their mother-daughter relationship is very good, and they belong to the type that has no secrets.

This kind of rich family atmosphere is really envious of Jiang Ye.

Of course, the atmosphere of the loving aunt’s house is not bad.

But a completely different style.

Due to the problem of family circumstances, Aunt Love is more spoiled by Weiya and Shuya in life.

This caused Weiya and Shuya to develop a lazy nature.

One big grin, one stuffy in the room.

Leave all the housework to the loving aunt, and it is difficult to understand her hard work.

The communication between them will not be too frank.

This caused the contradiction that broke out yesterday.

Of course, the result is good, smooth and smooth.

Holly said a little incoherently, “… I want to marry Jiang Ye, and Nali is still in school, waiting for her to finish her studies…”

Na Li fought against each other, “Whatever, I am going to marry Brother Jiang Ye!”

“Stop. Aunt Hyojoo swept over the two with a headache.

She didn’t expect…

How long has it been since I already thought about getting married?

Did she give birth to two love brains?

The last time the two asked her to help Jiang Ye arrange work, they should have seen that something was wrong early.

By now, it is not easy to interfere.

Thinking of this, Aunt Xiaozhu said lightly.

“Do you know that both of you are now at an important stage in your lives. ”

“Up to now, one is squatting at home, and the other is clamoring to debut as an idol… Nothing has been accomplished, and you are so kind to say that you want to get married?”

“Apart from Jiang Ye, which of you two can support yourself?”

Holly and Naly looked ashamed…

But this is also related to the education of Aunt Hyojoo.

She handed over so many houses to Holly, how can people struggle?

As long as you collect rent every month, you can earn wealth that is difficult for ordinary people to reach.

It simply kills the fighting spirit of a girl with ambition.

And Nali, with such a solid family background, being an idol is a matter of words.

After all, behind her is the biggest capital.

Aunt Hyojoo continued: “Before, I wanted to promise Holly a good family, thinking that this would allow her to live a happy life…”

“And Nali, I want her to boldly chase her dreams, but you are about to debut, and you still want to date boys, are you planning to self-destruct your future?”

“I was so disappointed. ”

“So, with your current situation, if you want to be with Jiang Ye, no. ”

“I also thought about why things are the way they are. ”

“It’s probably … You are too young to feel that the other person is your everything!”

Simply put, it’s the love brain.

My mind is full of falling in love, and I want to be with each other.

Immerse yourself in the joy of being in love.

And forget that there are still many new things in this world that are worth excavating and discovering.

Jiang Ye could not understand this innocent emotion.

After all, people have young and ignorant times.

He had been in love with the brain before, but he knew it after more experience…

No matter what world you live in, survival always comes first.

On Earth or Hanman, jobs, money, and power provide security.

In the world of immortal cultivation, all foundations can only be built on strength.

He can understand, doesn’t mean Nari can understand…

I saw Nali Huoran get up, “Why not?”

“Weren’t you still young when you fell in love with your dad?!”

“And Brother Jiang Ye is much more handsome than his father, and abs…”

Aunt Xiaozhu’s eyes became cold, “Now is not the time to talk about your father.” ”

She subconsciously glanced at Jiang Ye’s lower abdomen.

The hideous green tendons broke out of the waistband of the trousers, and it was scary in an instant.

I don’t know how he practiced it…

Alas, only a little girl like Nelly would pay attention to these useless things.

In Nali’s eyes, the most important thing is only appearance and appearance.

And not to think holistically.

Nali continued angrily, “Why can’t you say?”

“When you married your father, your grandparents disliked your father’s family lineage…”

“Under their strong opposition, you guys are also having a hard time, right?”

Holly helped: “Yes, wasn’t my mother also single-minded at that time?”

“Even… Don’t hesitate to give up the art museum to the aunt to manage, and now it will be a double standard?”

Sisters in unison.

Even Aunt Hyojoo was a little overwhelmed.

“Holy, Naly… How can you say such things…?”

Can this be the same?

She had already taken over the family company and had a successful career at a young age.

Under the shouting of the two daughters.

Aunt Hyojoo sighed, “Alas, it’s not that I can’t understand your feelings. ”

“But this is not the same thing as you two sisters arguing over a man. ”

“Your father and I relied on our own efforts to achieve today’s achievements…”

Jiang Ye complained in his heart.

Can you call that your own efforts?

Try to use a five-yuan coupon for buying a house, and then the family pays five million to buy a big villa?

With the monopoly of the chaebols of the Cold Country, he will not allow new forces to challenge his position.

And Jiang Ye… Just want to overthrow the chaebol!

In other words, Aunt Xiaozhu in front of him is also the object he wants to overturn.

“…… You guys, do you understand me?”

Aunt Hyojoo said undoubtedly.

A hint of helplessness appeared on her face.

The unintentional laziness in the eyes is peerless like turning all living beings upside down.

The skin under the clear and plain face is supple, and the facial features faintly reveal the majesty cultivated from the high position.

Holly and Nali looked at each other, and both said breathlessly: “Can’t!!”

“Alas…” Aunt Hyojoo was so angry that her brain hurt.

Jiang Ye coughed lightly, “I see, Aunt Xiaozhu thinks that I am at the bottom of society…”

“If it is!”

“I was able to run the Cosmos Group… Will you be able to talk to your aunt as an equal?”

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