In charge of the Cosmos Group?

Equal Dialogue…?

Aunt Xiaozhu was slightly startled.

It’s like recognizing ~ Jiang Ye for the first time.

How could that humble and gentle child say such frivolous words?

Jiang Ye calmly looked at him.

Of course he knew the weight of his words.

The position of the chaebol in the cold country cannot be shaken.

It’s like esports, where gold and silver want to replace Faker.

Even in football, the national football team wants to take back the Hercules Cup.

An ordinary person, in charge of the largest enterprise under the chaebol, is almost impossible!

Both Holly and Nali were so surprised that their mouths couldn’t close.

Grabbed Jiang Ye’s arms separately.

I was afraid that he was stimulated and started talking nonsense.

But let their brains open, they will never think of it…

The chaebol is a younger brother in front of Jiang Ye.

Jiang Ye just holds the mentality of the game, so that he can have fun.

He intends to train Jin Meiting and others to counterattack the Universe Group.

In layman’s terms… Clams?

Unless there were larger rats running out to disrupt the situation, Jiang Ye didn’t plan to intervene himself.

However, Aunt Hyojoo did not know the inside story.

I just feel that Jiang Ye is a little young and frivolous.

But this is also normal, but it proves that he has a heart and is not a person who is willing to be mediocre.

Her fingers were interlaced, and her tone was light.

“Xiao Ye, Auntie comes to think that you are at the social level. ”

“It’s that you’re at an age of struggle, and you should be down-to-earth and not ambitious.” ”

“I heard that you have only been in the group for a few days, and you have already been promoted to department head, which is a good thing…”

“Maybe you will be promoted to team leader and minister in the future, and Auntie will help you.” ”

Jiang Ye’s eyes lit up, “That’s great, just say so?”

Aunt Hyojoo: “???”

Shouldn’t such an arrogant young man insist on self-solitude and will not accept help from others?

But look at Jiang Ye, this means…

It’s all about hitting the snake-tailed stick and climbing along the pole!

It was as if she had deliberately opened the back door for Jiang Ye?

Aunt Xiaozhu said with some amusement: “I’m in the Universe Group, I can only be regarded as an insignificant director, and I can’t help you too much…”

Jiang Ye smiled and said, “That’s enough. ”

“Auntie should know that the Cosmos Group is running for the new president, right?”

“All twelve directors have the right to vote~”

Aunt Hyojoo mused:

“That’s right…”

“But the candidate for the new president, I’ll tell you bluntly.” ”

“She is the president’s daughter, and at least four board members support her. ”

“So it’s up to me to support you alone… It’s not enough, got it?”

Jiang Ye nodded.

Looking at it like this, Aunt Xiaozhu will be willing to help herself.

That’s enough.

You have to give Cha Su-hee a little color.

“Let’s go back to Holly and Nali. ”

Aunt Xiaozhu didn’t care too much about Jiang Ye’s raving just now.

Continuing back to the topic, the tone is quiet.

“Sorry, I was very rational. ”

“But in their affairs, it makes me a little confused. ”

“I’m not going to let Holly and Nelly be covetous in the emotional vortex before they work. ”

“Then you… What are you going to do?”

She held the magnificent waves in her arms and observed Jiang Ye’s reaction.

However, Jiang Ye did not react.

On the contrary, it is two daughters who are all backbones and are firmly opposed.

Nally yelled, “I don’t care!”

“Even if I am not an idol, I have to be with Jiang Ye!”

Holly lowered her head: “Mom, you always think that I am passive and unassertive.” ”

“I have been a good daughter for more than twenty years, from now on, I will learn badly, I will rebel!”

“So I won’t give up!”

Aunt Hyojoo: “…”


What exactly is the charm of this man.

I actually fanned my two small cabbages.

Jiang Ye said calmly, “Actually… I also agree with the aunt. ”

“I also support Nali’s debut solo female singer, and with an aunt staring, there will definitely be no danger. ”

“Holly’s words for rent… Although this job is idle, it is also quite troublesome to click to receive money. ”

“I’m willing to wait for them to succeed in their careers, so that Auntie has nothing to say.” ”

Hearing this, Holly and Nali were very moved.

Aunt Hyojoo nodded secretly for a while.

Immediately, he suddenly came to his senses and looked shocked.


“You mean… You want both?”

Jiang Ye said naturally: “Ah, yes, yes, yes. ”

“Sister Holly and I are in love, and Nali and I are also close to each other. ”

“In that case, then I will help Auntie you solve two family affairs at once, wouldn’t it be two birds with one stone, and be happy?”

Holly and Nali were surprised by Jiang Ye’s boldness.

But on this occasion, he chose to support him with silence.

After all, you have to unite the front in order to resist the old mother.

But Aunt Hyojoo is really speechless and choking…

God kills two birds with one stone!

What kind of joy is this?

“Your cheeks… It’s the thickest I’ve ever seen…”

“Holly and Nali, which one is not the proud daughter of heaven, how many young people can rank up in Barry…”

“You’re good, what good things under the sky let you take possession?”

She exhaled angrily, and the sea of jade peak clouds suddenly rippled.

Jiang Ye knew that involving his daughter made Aunt Xiaozhu Fang Chong messed up again.

But he was telling the truth.

“Auntie, don’t worry…”

“Not to mention that those chaebols in the Han Kingdom are more than one woman, what role do the so-called rules play?”

“I really love each other with Holly and Nali, not because of finances, backgrounds or foreign objects, but because of mutual attraction of souls!”

“This is the pure love of two lovers. ”

“Holly, Nally, am I right?”

Jiang Ye asked.

Watch him fight for it seriously.

Holly and Naly felt as if something was wrong…

The meaning of two loves is to say that the two relationships are very sincere?

Does pure love mean the original?

Aunt Xiaozhu’s face was full of frost and pointed to the door: “Shameless!”

Jiang Ye: “…”

I didn’t expect to talk so closely before.

Eventually kicked out?

But at the moment, Aunt Xiaozhu is still angry, so there is no need to force it.

Everything that should have been done has already been done anyway.

“Then I’ll go home first, Auntie, don’t forget that you have to help me~”

Jiang Luminous Wind and Moon.

Smiled brightly at Holly and Nali.

“I’ll be back. ”

Instead, thanks to Aunt Hyojoo’s strength, let them work together, at least they won’t deal with each other.

Immediately, Jiang Ye went home very dashingly.

Until after he left.

Aunt Hyojoo’s chest was still heaving, obviously angry.

Even those chaebols did not dare to be presumptuous in front of her.

And the young handsome she chose for Holly are all polite, lest they leave a bad impression.

Only Jiang Ye was not shocked, which surprised her the most.

However, it is also him, babbling, no taboos.

“Mom… Jiang Ye is deliberately angry with you, don’t take it to heart. ”

Holly said with certainty based on her own experience.

“How do I feel that Brother Jiang Ye is not joking?”

Nali was a little confused.

But don’t care anymore.

Anyway, from the moment she broke into the room, she was destined to advance and retreat with her sister.

Aunt Xiaozhu frowned tightly, she found that she couldn’t see through Jiang Ye a little…

If you take either Holly or Nali, you can rest assured to hand it over to him.

But now it seems.

Jiang Ye is a person who is very passionate and sexual, and he is very pure in his feelings, and he is unwilling to give up even one.

From the perspective of a bystander, what sounds good is infatuation, and what is not good is indiscriminate, flowery, scumbag!

“From today onwards, you must not have any contact with Jiang Ye. ”

“I’ll let Youra stare at him. ”

Aunt Xiaozhu said lightly.

After that, he turned around and went back to his room.

She also knew that her words would not bind her two daughters.

But at least let them openly not dare to blatantly bring Jiang Ye home, or dare not return home at night, this is enough.

As long as she doesn’t reach the last step, then she can turn a blind eye.

Holly sat on the sofa with a sad face.

“It’s bad now, my mother won’t let us contact Jiang Ye…”

Nally blinked, her eyes bright.

“It’s okay, as long as Sister Youla doesn’t say anything. ”

“Mom is usually so busy, how can there be air traffic to manage us. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

“I want to try again…”

It’s like seeing a book of gods and turning it halfway through the eunuchs.

The more it is banned, the more missed it is.

After all, the photos Jiang Ye took for the two of them were very good-looking.

It’s a pity that the taste is gone, which makes them both itchy.

Think of this.

Nali picked up her mobile phone and had to thank her “military master” well!


Late at night.


Zhou Shuya sat in front of the computer, her slender calves resting on the table, her brows locked.

When she writes that the hero and heroine fall in love, dry firewood and sublimate feelings.

Can…… It is always impossible to write the mood of the characters.

How do you write to write that feeling of sublimation?

That’s right, she often sits in her room, but she is actually secretly writing novels.

And it’s that kind of romance novel.

After all, her external image is a cold look.

Write such shameful plots …

Naturally, I am embarrassed to let my family know.

And to be a successful novelist.

Sex is something that cannot be avoided.

Take her love novels, for example.

When the feelings of the male and female protagonists are about to sublimate…

In the real world of logic, it is reasonable to have a full plot filling.

If you skip it directly, or take it hastily, the completion of the story will decrease.

It will make people think that the male and female protagonists are somehow better.

Shuya often cavern because she lacks inspiration in this area.

Whether it is Kundera or Murakami’s works, there is often content with inertia.

“Something that even I have no experience with…”

“Is there really a way to write it naturally?”

At this moment, a new message came from the phone.

Looking at the message sent by Nali-

[Thank you Shuya, you are simply a genius!]

Zhou Shuya’s eyes suddenly widened.

What happened over there with Naly?

What the hell are Jiang Ye and Sister Holly doing in the room…?

Are they really that kind of relationship?

0 ask for flowers

It’s like being bullied by Jiang Ye like Sister Wei Ya?

The two of them went to the room alone, shouldn’t they kiss again…


That’s a great inspiration.

Although Zhou Shuya has studied a lot of materials in this area in order to write.

But I still don’t know anything about that.

After all……

Theory and practice, but 108,000 miles apart.

Especially the two closest people around her have been lost, which makes her even more upset.

“Can’t believe it…”

“How could there be such a thing?”

“The other party is not someone else, but Jiang Yeyi, this is too exaggerated…!”

Zhou Shuya was lying on the windowsill.

Look out to the grand luxury villa next door.

An inexplicable feeling welled up in my heart.

This is no one else, but Sister Holy, a super rich woman!

How can you see Brother Jiang Ye?

According to the concept she has experienced since childhood, that kind of eldest lady should be a family marriage or something, right?

And Nali too…

Frog fun!

The good sisters and good girlfriends around her all like Jiang Ye, how could this be?

But thinking of Jiang Ye’s appearance.

Zhou Shuya was relieved in her heart.

Rich people are also people, and naturally they like good-looking skin bags.

What’s more, Jiang Ye also has the talent to forge ahead.

“Huh? Back?”

She saw Jiang Ye’s figure walking into the courtyard, and her heart moved.

What happened?

Otherwise, how could Jiang Ye go home in the middle of the night?

What the hell is going on?

The fire of curiosity in her heart was even stronger.

After all, no matter how it is, there is no reason to rush people in the middle of the night.

There must have been a twist and turn here!

“How about asking?”

“It’s about accumulating material. ”

“I’m going crazy…”

“But this is a once-in-a-lifetime interview!”

“Can’t let Jiang Ye know that I’m here to take materials…”

“Just pretend to be curious about that aspect!”

“Shhh, it seems like it really could…”

Anyway, tomorrow is the weekend.

Zhou Shuya quickly put on her clothes and came to the living room first.

Turn on the TV and pretend to be watching a disc.

In this way, it is logical to question Jiang Ye.

Am I really a genius?

In the darkly lit living room.

Only fluorescence on a large screen.

Zhou Shuya sat cross-kneeled on the sofa.

But he kept paying attention and swept the entrance door with afterlight.

“Wipe it…”

As the gate opens.

Jiang Ye walked into the living room and pretended to be surprised, “Ah, Shuya doesn’t sleep so late?”

He naturally knew that Zhou Shuya came to the living room on purpose.

Just like when he executed the family law with Aunt Love and Sister Weiya, he also knew that Shuya was peeping.

It’s like math class…

Someone is doing questions on the board, and someone is watching below.

Zhou Shuya is also an acting.


“Tomorrow and the weekend, I’ll watch a movie. ”

“You… It’s so late, where did you run?”

Jiang Ye simply walked to the sofa and sat down, and replied, “I went to Holly’s house to play for a while, so it was a little late to come back.” ”

Zhou Shuya seemed to have inadvertently asked: “Well~ so late, what are you doing in Sister Holy’s house?”

She wore a loose blouse with her fair and slender legs folded.

The delicate melon seed face is slowly brought closer, and the facial features are delicate, looking pure and lovely.

Jiang Ye smiled, “Ahem, adults don’t inquire about things.” ”

“Cut!” Zhou Shuya was annoyed in her heart, and her silver teeth were clenched.

If it weren’t for the material, who would talk to you about this?

She was slander in her heart, and her appearance was coquettish, “Oh~ I’m not small, you just tell me!”

Jiang Ye was embarrassed.

Although I don’t know why Shuya, this girl, suddenly became interested in this kind of thing.

But all this time, I have done so many awesome things, and no one has shared it.

It’s a shame.

And Shuya usually looks cold and cold, and it doesn’t hurt to tell her.

So he coughed lightly, “Well, what are you going to ask, while I’m in a good mood now, I can talk to you.” ”

Zhou Shuya was excited in her heart, and finally willing to speak, and hurriedly asked: “You are dating Sister Holly?”

“Good. ”

“And then, what did you do at Holy’s house?”

“I didn’t do anything, I went to her room…”

Zhou Shuya’s little heart suddenly lifted, and urged in a low voice: “Later, say it quickly!”

Jiang Ye said slowly: “Later, I hugged her and sat on the bed, and Sister Holly leaned on my shoulder, and then whispered like we do now…”

Zhou Shuya noticed that she and Jiang Ye were very close, and couldn’t help but tremble.

“And then?”

Jiang Ye said softly, “Then I’ll reach out to her… Eh, why are you asking in such detail?”

Zhou Shuya heard that the key place was gone, and urged: “I’m curious, you can say it quickly!”

Jiang Ye continued, “I’ll just reach out to hers… On board, I want to play with her mobile phone, is there any fun game. ”

Zhou Shuya was stunned, and said angrily: “You tease children to play?”

“Lonely man and widow, in the same room, the sky thunder hooks the fire, you play with her mobile phone?”

Jiang Ye asked rhetorically, “Then what do you think you should do?”

Zhou Shuya glared.

“Of course, kiss her first… Woo – righteous!”.

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