Why Claude came to this country. Its primary purpose was to confirm the will of Saya.

"I'm sorry to say this... but your daughters are already the spark of war between the two countries."

Saya does not return anything while keeping silent Claude's words. Saya also felt the possibility slightly when Ada told me about it.

"To be honest, if Teluka and Maristel go to war as they are, it's obvious that Maristel will lose."

"I guess. I don't know if I can get the Adventurer into a war, but the rules are that the Adventurer is not involved in a national war. Then, given the quality of the soldiers... it's obvious from my eyes that" Teluka "is up there."

When did Alicia order it? She talks indifferently, picking pride potatoes. Alicia doesn't joke or lie about what she said, so from the perspective of the Wind Warrior, there's almost no doubt that Teluca's soldiers are up there.

"Even though a prince with half the civilian blood mixed with hub, I want to play that role more than I was born as a royal. So, Saya Ferigal."

Claude stares at Saya with serious eyes. Saya also looked at Claude with a serious expression.

"Don't you want to move to another continent with those girls?

Claude's words calmed him down on the spot. But Claude was serious. I made a serious suggestion to avoid the war between "Maristel" and "Teluka".

Lana and Shia are definitely the sparks of war between the two countries. War may be inevitable as long as Lana and Shia are on this continent. Claude therefore advised the three to live on another continent.

"If you say you don't have enough money to move to another continent, I'll take care of it. So... what do you think?

To be honest, I don't really have the funds, but Claude suggested avoiding war between the two countries and, above all, making sure his daughter, who is only 10 years old, doesn't have to bear such a burden.

After Claude's words, Saya remained silent for a while with a serious expression, but eventually included a sip of coffee.

"Prince Claude has advised me to avoid war, and above all, to do so for my daughters."

Saya looks straight at Claude after saying that

"But I'm sorry. I will never leave Teluka with my daughters."

Saya declared herself clear.

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