Saya tells him clearly, Claude closes his eyes for a few seconds, and then looks back at Saya's eyes.

"May I ask why?

Claude asked Saya that. Claude thought it was highly probable that he could refuse, but now I have a question in person with Saya.

"I felt it when I met you in person. You love the elf twins you're raising as much as your real mother. Your eyes... you've been told a lot about me, but they were still the same as the face of your mother who raised me with a smile..."

When he heard Claude's words, Saya opened her eyes a little surprised, but waited silently for Claude's words to continue.

"If you really care about those girls, you should be able to take my advice and protect them. And why do you stay in this" Teluka "?

After Claude asked, Saya, who had been silent for some time, took a sip of coffee.

"... the real mothers of those daughters are sleeping in this land..."

In Sayah's words, Claude looks down, remembering the destruction of the land of the elves of Teluka.

"Ten years ago... that day... I was desperate to go home, but I couldn't save anyone..."

"Saya...!? Is that...!?

Magnus, who had heard the story of Saya ten years earlier and the destruction of the Elf Land of "Teluka", complained that it was not Saya's fault, but Saya still shook her head.

"At that time... if I had wielded my powers properly... I could have saved as many elves as I could... even Lana and Shea... it was really the real mothers who saved them..."

Saya had a sad look when she remembered that time. Even if I rush, I feel like throwing up because of the smell of blood. In the meantime, Lana and Shea's mother desperately protected their two children from the monsters even in Stampede.

Saya sometimes thinks about it. Can I be Lana and Shea's mother just as much as she is now? But the answer is no. I can't yet be a mother like that. That's why....

"I will protect those girls. And I want those daughters' mothers to see them grow up in this place where their real mothers sleep. That's the only thing I can do for the real mothers of those girls."

It was Sayah's regret, redemption and determination... such a mix of emotions, a word from Sayah's heart. Claude and Magnus are speechless in Saya's words. Only Alicia still picks potatoes in her breath.

"So I'm sorry, but I can't accept Prince Claude's offer."

"... oh, I see. I mean, you're really the mother of those girls."

Claude smiles back when Saya lowers her head and says so.


"Lana! Shea!

At last, Lana and Shea arrived at the coffee shop of their destination, and ran towards Saya with joy to find her.

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