A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 10 The First and Second Magic Wands of Life

Magic is a gift from God. As a gifted wizard, the first thing Aaron wants to buy is naturally a wand.

That thing is a must-have for almost every wizard, no matter what level you are.

He had thought about buying a wand since he started learning charms, but his parents severely refused, saying that a seven-year-old child couldn't have a wand because it was too dangerous.

It's not like he hasn't thought about buying one secretly. After all, we don't lack money, but no one knows better than him what it's like to have a dedicated bodyguard.

In addition, because of his special status, Ollivander would never sell him a wand without his mother's consent, and there was only one Ollivander's store in Diagon Alley that sold wands.

This is not to say that there are no other shops selling wands in the wizarding world, but he has no chance to 'commit crimes' under Jeans' nose.

But today, it's time for him to have a wand of his own.

"Phew!" Aaron took a deep breath and looked up at the store's sign: 'Ollivanders, which has been making exquisite wands since 382 BC.' He couldn't suppress his inner excitement.

"Ahem!" Genes coughed lightly, "Master, you have been at the door for two minutes. It's time for us to go in."

"Sorry, sorry, I can't help myself." Aaron said awkwardly, then opened the door and walked in.

This wand shop is smaller than his drink shop, so it's not appropriate to say it's small. The shop is still quite big, but there are too many things crammed in, giving people the illusion of being particularly cramped.

When you enter the door, you can see a desk and a bench. In addition, there are ladders and stairs. There are several rooms inside, but they are all blocked up and only one corridor is left.

The walls were lined with wooden boxes stacked from floor to ceiling.

Inside each box was a wand, and there were probably thousands of wands in the store.

"Mr. Ollivander seems not to be here. Master, do you want to wait a moment?" Genes said playfully.

"Why wait? Why should I wait? If he hadn't come, I would have had to try it myself." Aaron said firmly.

"Really? Then I'll tell your mother." A soft and doting voice came from the stairs. An old man with gray hair but extraordinarily energetic was looking at Aaron with a smile.

"Uncle, good morning!" Aaron scratched his head sheepishly.

This is why he can never buy a wand without his parents' consent. The owner of this store is his mother's uncle.

The niece still has to give her face. She won't let her uncle sell it to her son, so Ollivander will naturally not sell it.

"Good morning." Ollivander walked down quickly, touched Aaron's head, and messed up his hair, "I saw you when you were standing outside just now. It seems that life The first wand got you a little too excited."

"That's not true. The main reason is that the paint on your door is peeling off. I was wondering if I should pay to replace it with a new one."

"How can you talk, kid?

Is that paint peeling? It can only mean that my store is relatively old. "Ollivander said proudly.

"What...uncle, you know what I'm here to do, right?"

“I know, your mother told me the size of your arms a month ago.

But I didn’t look at it. Some data need to be measured personally to be more reliable. Ollivander said, taking out a silver tape measure from his pocket, "What do you think?" "

"I think my uncle is right." Aaron's eyes twitched and he raised his right arm very wisely. Then he remembered something and raised his left arm as well, "How about you do the same? Measure this?"

Ollivander frowned, "Aren't you accustomed to using your right hand?"

"An extra left hand for emergencies! What if my right hand is injured?" Aaron said with a simple smile, "Of course, it would be better if you could prepare two, no, four wands for me. That way There’s a spare in case something happens to the wand.”

"Huh?" Ollivander looked at him in surprise, as if he was getting to know his grandnephew again.

After a while, he looked up at Jeans and asked reproachfully: "Is this how you usually teach this child? How insecure do you have to be to say something like this!"

Jeans smiled bitterly and shook his head, "You don't know that the young master is precocious, and besides, do you think children born into the Gaius family will be insecure?

This is his own idea and has nothing to do with us. "

Aaron smiled and said, "Uncle, I was just kidding. We all know how much you value wands. It is indeed an exaggeration for a wizard to have four wands."

"Then you're kidding me with your wand." Ollivander glared at Aaron.

"But I still want two wands." Aaron chuckled, "I promise to take good care of them, but if something happens to me, I won't be helpless."

Ollivander shook his head in confusion, "Okay, just wait here.

I'll go get you a wand that might suit. "

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work, uncle." Aaron smiled happily, and then sat on the chair at the desk, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

A few minutes later, Ollivander carried several boxes and put them on the desk.

"You know my principles. Even if you are my grand-nephew, you cannot destroy them. You should know this!"

"Of course, the wand chooses the wizard!" Aaron said, knowing this when he first came to this store.

"That's good. I'm really worried that you'll lose your temper. I'll just pick any wand that looks good!" Ollivander said angrily, and then opened the first box, "Try this one first." , made of lengshan wood, and the core of the wand is unicorn feather, come and try it out. "

Aaron took the wand excitedly and waved it gently. The white light flashed on the wand, and he felt a warm current in his body.

It's not unfamiliar, and it's very smooth when used.

That's right, this wand suits me very well.

"Not bad." Ollivander nodded, put it back into the box, and then opened another box, "Try this one again. It's made of acacia wood, and the core of the staff is phoenix tail feathers."

Aaron repeated the action just now, his face became a little strange, this time a silver light flashed at the tip of the wand, and his fingertips felt a slight chill.

But that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he can use this wand very smoothly.

Ollivander also noticed this, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. He put the second wand into the box nervously, and then opened the third box.

But as soon as he opened it, Ollivander closed the box again, and as if he had made a decision, he took out his wand, "Little Aaron, come and try this."

Aaron swallowed, feeling that his uncle was a little unusual today, as if he was inducing a child to make a mistake.

"Sir, isn't this inappropriate?" Jeans asked with a frown.

"What do you know?" Ollivander curled his lips, then rolled his eyes, "Take out your wand and give it to him to try."

"I refuse." Genes said firmly.

"Hmph!" Ollivander didn't say anything, but stared at his grandnephew with sharp eyes, "Hurry up and try it! Don't keep me waiting."

"What about uncle, can I refuse?"

"No." Ollivander put the wand directly into Aaron's hand, "Hurry up, I can't wait."

Aaron reluctantly complied, and a red light appeared on the top of the wand, and a dazzling light danced on the wall.

"Is this?" Genes looked at this scene in surprise, his expression changing constantly, a little unbelievable.

"Hahaha!" Ollivander let out a hearty laugh and looked at Aaron with excitement, "The principles of the Ollivander family have not changed for hundreds of years, but today may be an exception.

It seems that every wand will choose you, even other people's wands, which means you can use any wand you want, and I'm afraid the same is true for the Elder Wand. "

Aaron was stunned for a while after hearing this, and suddenly felt like 'I have been chosen by this world'.

"Uncle, does that mean I can choose any wand in your store?"


"Great, pick two wands for me, one is high-end and classy, ​​the other is low-key, luxurious and meaningful. The most important thing is that it must look good and be elegant, and it must not lower my image."

Ollivander: ...

Jeans: ...

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