Aaron was lying on the bed, looking at Abe who was sleeping beside him, and shook his head with a wry smile.

I figured out everything I didn't understand before tonight, but I just couldn't accept it for a while.

I thought it was the deep love of my parents, but I didn't expect it to be... a damn family tradition.

Among the three ways to obtain "freedom," the third is the most difficult for others, but it is the easiest for him.

Based on the growth rate of his magic energy, it shouldn't be a big problem to reach the level of a magister before graduation. If he adds daily magic points to his magic energy at the current sign-in speed, he might be able to become a great magister by the time he graduates. threshold.

But that was impossible. The various skills and magic items in the system mall were enough to confuse his eyes. If nothing else happened, less than one-tenth of these magic points could be added to the magic energy.

Moreover, during the few years of school, family tradition is invalid for him, which means that as long as he survives the remaining month, he will be considered 'free'.

This is good news, but why do I feel so disappointed!


Diagon Alley, Aaron's Drink Shop.

Because he had a 'dragon skating license', Ling Ge carried Abe out openly, but for safety reasons, he still put a coat on him to ensure that his wings and ears were not exposed.

But even so, this cute white ‘cat’ also surprised a large number of customers.

Many female customers fell in love with this smart and cute cat instantly and wanted to touch it, but they only got the chance when Abe was in a good mood.

As for when you are in a good mood, it depends on your appearance and what you buy in the store.

In short, only those who are good-looking and willing to spend money are qualified to touch it, and others are too lazy to care about it.

Thanks to this mascot, the store's sales increased by 50%.

Someone even offered to buy this pet from Aaron for two hundred gold galleons, but was directly blacklisted by him.

Two hundred gold galleons is almost the profit of his small shop for a month, which is also a huge sum of money for an eleven-year-old child, but... we are short of your money?

I'm afraid you don't know that my monthly pocket money requires a zero after this number.

Furthermore, Abe is a holy dragon, the only ultra-rare species among dragons, and is only worth two hundred galleons. Who are you insulting?

"Master, although you can raise it openly, you don't want to put it on the counter on the first day!" Genes said with a wry smile. He was opposed to such a magical creature showing off on the market.

"Hey! Uncle Jeans, don't you be so rigid?" Aaron smiled, "Before today, Abe was always in my room and didn't come out!

Now that I can finally raise it openly, I have no reason to let it stay in there any longer! What's the difference between that and house arrest? "

Abe turned around and gave Genes a small smile.

Faced with this magical ability to kill both men and women, Jeans had to be defeated, and his heart instantly softened by half.

It's not that he doesn't want to be stricter, but Abe is simply the favorite of the Gaius family. If he is a little wronged, not only the young master, but also the master and his wife will have to talk to him.

"Okay! Master, no, boss, as long as you are happy."

Aaron nodded with satisfaction and made a victory gesture to Abe. Abe also showed a big smile and his big eyes blinked, looking extremely cute.

Time passed and a month passed quickly.

Aaron's lifestyle has not changed much over the past month, traveling back and forth between home and Diagon Alley, but it is much better than before.

Because their baby son is about to go to school, Gaius and his wife are staying at home with him these days, which makes Aaron feel the warmth of family for the first time in a long time.

The existence of Abe made his boring life a lot more fun. When he was not looking at the store, besides learning and practicing some simple spells with Gaius, he just played with it.

Not to mention, playing the dragon is quite interesting and gives me a full sense of accomplishment!

At this moment, Aaron was lying on the bed looking at his attribute panel.

[Host: Aaron Gaius]

[Magic energy: 784 (intermediate magician, your magic journey has just begun)]

[Talent: rare in a century (can be improved, magic power increases by 2 points every day)]

[Items: Moon Drops, Resurrection Potion]

[Magic Points: 82]

This data made him feel a little melancholy. He always felt that the hard work and achievements in this month were not proportional. He really missed the time when he had four figures in the past.

Although it was only one day, now it seems that it was the pinnacle of life.

"Master, today is not a day for you to sleep in." Genes' voice came from outside the door.

"Got it." Aaron sat up suddenly, his eyes flashing with excitement.

He grabbed Abe next to him and put the clothes on it while it looked at it reluctantly.

"Don't be unhappy. Today is August 28th, and school starts in three days. We have to buy things for the start of school. If it's later, it will be too late."

Ten minutes later, Aaron walked out of the room with Abe.

"Master, you are half an hour later than usual today!"

"It's long-winded, but you can only control me for these three days."

Jeans was stunned for a moment, and soon figured out the reason. He smiled and said, "It seems that the young master is very confident in himself! I will wait and see."

"You'll see."

Jeans shrugged and said nothing.

To be honest, although Aaron has quite good magical talent, becoming a magician before the age of eighteen does not require good talent.

However, he will not embarrass the scenery at this time. I believe that in a few years, after the young master understands how difficult it is, he will no longer talk nonsense.

"Where are my parents? Aren't they coming?" Aaron looked around, but found no trace of the Gaius couple.

"Well, the master and his wife had some important matters to deal with, and they left last night.

Besides, most of the things you want to buy are in Diagon Alley. This is basically the same as strolling in the back garden. Do you need a parent to accompany you? "

"That's what I said, but they didn't say goodbye to their son. How much they think highly of me!"

After breakfast, the two of them walked to the fireplace. A green flame flashed and they arrived at the shop in Diagon Alley.

"Clean up." Jeans directly cast a spell to clean up the clothes.

"Uncle Genes, can I do the shopping alone?" Aaron asked hopefully.

"Master..." Jeans frowned, "I believe you can handle these small things, but you also understand the tradition of the Gaius family. There are too many things that we cannot do based on personal preferences.

Before you board the Hogwarts Express, we must keep you safe. "

"Huh!" Aaron let out a long breath. He had expected this answer, but when he actually heard the result, it was still a little hard to accept.

"There are only three days left. Can't you be accommodating and give me, the future head of the family, some face?"

Jeans shook his head calmly and said confidently: "Because there are only three days left, we cannot let down our guard. Please respect the results of our eleven years of labor.

If something goes wrong in these last three days, it will be a stain on our lives. "

When Aaron heard this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Good guy, really good guy.

What he said was that if he didn't agree to follow them, it would be like committing a crime.

"Okay, just follow it!

They all belong to the neighbors, so it’s no big deal. "Aaron smiled bitterly as he opened a page of letter paper and looked at the necessities he needed to buy next, including uniforms, textbooks, wands, crucibles, a set of glass bottles, a telescope, and a brass balance.

There are many places to visit, including Madam Malkin's Robe Shop, Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, Ollivander's Wand Shop, Partridge's Crucible, Slug's Pharmacy...

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