A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 117 Learn from the experience of running away

Although he had the idea of ​​skipping class, Aaron still smiled shyly on the surface, "This is not appropriate!"

"What are you pretending to be?" Flo smiled disdainfully, "I know exactly what you are thinking.

But as your ancestor, I need to remind you that I don’t know if any of the heirs before me skipped classes, but eight of them chose to skip classes after me, but only one succeeded.

In other words, there is a high possibility of failure in skipping classes, so you have to be mentally prepared. "

Aaron's expression changed, and his excited heart quickly calmed down.

I almost forgot that Genes was watching at home, and at least two people were secretly protecting him outside.

With this configuration, I'm afraid that as soon as his front foot runs away, his back foot will be caught by Jeans.

There will definitely be no punishment, after all, his parents are not here, and now he is the boss in the family.

But the problem is, it’s so embarrassing!

Skipping class was not a glorious thing to begin with. If he was caught skipping class, he would probably have to lower his voice an octave in front of Jeans.

"Wait a minute, Ancestor Flo, how did the successful one do it?"

“Quite simply, the most dangerous places are the safest.

He hid directly in other secret rooms without the memory of his ancestors, and only came out when he had enough fun.

However, this road has been blocked, and now all the secret rooms have been enchanted, and the few living people inside can be seen clearly. "

When Aaron heard this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

What a sin!

This ancestor had a great time fishing, but he blocked the way for those who were latecomers.

"Don't be disappointed either!

There are no more skippers in the past three hundred years. Nowadays, if you have to be relatively less vigilant about students, you still have the possibility of success.

I guarantee on my own behalf that after you escape from the castle, you will be safe within three or four hours. "

"Haha! I just think you are comforting me." Aaron smiled bitterly, and then suddenly thought of something, and hugged Flo's thigh tightly again, "Master Ancestor! After all, you have brought so many outstanding students. You should have summed up some experience!”

Flo was stunned for a moment, looked down at Aaron with sincere eyes, and tried hard to pull out his thigh, but the effect was not satisfactory.

This action confirmed Aaron's guess, "Are you really experienced?"

"No, absolutely not."

Flo gritted his teeth and prepared to kick Aaron out with his other leg.

The last person who successfully skipped class also used the thigh-hugging technique. He used the failed experience of the previous seven to do the opposite and hid in a secret room with a huge space.

This was the biggest failure after his death. After all, it was because of his help that the successors of that generation succeeded. It is hard to say whether the teacher helped the students to skip classes!

But before Flo could take action, a white figure swooped over and hugged his other leg.

After Abe succeeded, he instantly grew several times bigger and remained very stubborn.

Flo laughed in anger, "Don't go too far. I've done my best to show you a way out."

“As the saying goes, help people to the end and send Buddha to the West.

Ancestor, are you sure you are not amusing me by pointing out a path that is almost impossible to succeed? "

"There are always more solutions than difficulties. Believe in yourself, you can do it." Flo persuaded earnestly, "And the first step to believe in yourself is to let go of me."

Aaron curled his lips and changed into a more comfortable position, but his hug became tighter.

trust yourself? It sounds nice. If he really had that ability, he wouldn't be hugging his thighs here.

"Okay, let's forget that I'm afraid of you, let's go!" Flo said speechlessly, "I can give you some small suggestions, but it's up to you to decide whether you can succeed."

Aaron raised the corners of his mouth slightly, winked at Abe, and released his claws at the same time.

As for whether Flo would go back on his words, he wasn't worried at all.

The ancestors were all highly respected and would not lie to a twelve-year-old child.

Even if he was cheated, they could still try to hold his thigh again. The black stone pillar was here, and the initiative was in his hands.

"Ancestor, please speak."

Aaron showed an attitude of listening carefully in class, and his expression was quite serious. If it was the first time he met him, he might have been deceived by this appearance.


First of all, the most dangerous place is the safest place. This article is directly invalid because the safest place is also the most dangerous.

Secondly, if you have a good place to go, if you don’t even have a destination and are just running around like a headless fly, the possibility of being caught is almost 100%.

Thirdly, you'd better not go to places that Jeans knows. If he knows that you have run away, these are the first places he will look for.

Then, having only one destination is obviously not enough. You should always be prepared to be visited midway.

Finally, and most importantly, be sure to avoid your two bodyguards.

With them following, no matter how careful a plan is, it will be aborted before it is even started. "

Aaron nodded in agreement, feeling that he was doing the right thing by hugging his thigh.

Listening to your words is better than ten years of reading!

Without this wave of guidance, he would probably have been the eighth loser, and now he is 50% sure that he can successfully skip class.

But before taking action, a little planning is needed.

Thinking of this, Aaron looked at Flo again, with a gleam in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. Even if you look at me like that, I won't help you." Flo said calmly.

"Ancestor." Aaron showed a harmless smile. Just as he was about to go over and hug his thigh, he was knocked back several steps by a powerful magic power.

"Come on, all you have to play with is what I have left over."

"Haha!" Aaron smiled awkwardly, "I have one last question left. If you answer it, I will leave. No matter whether you succeed or fail in skipping class, I will not turn you in."

Flo looked at him deeply and asked, "Have you learned to threaten people at a young age?

But it's a pity that this trick didn't work for me, otherwise I wouldn't tell you so much.

In addition, I would like to give you a warning. It is best not to threaten people casually in the future. Some people are arrogant and cannot be threatened the most. They will do whatever you don’t let them do. "

Aaron was stunned for a moment, then he saluted respectfully, "Teach me."

"Okay, if you have any questions, just ask.

But whether I will answer or not depends on my mood. "

"Ancestor, is there any way for me to avoid those people who secretly protect me?"

"I knew you would ask this." Flo seemed to have expected it. He leaned against the stone pillar and said leisurely: "They are all professionally trained. With your current strength, you can't escape unless..."

"Unless what?"

“You only have one advantage now, they don’t know you’re going to run away yet.

You can figure out the rest by yourself, I can only tell you so much. "

After speaking, Flo waved one hand, and a hurricane rolled towards Aaron and Abe. When they opened their eyes, they were already outside the secret room.

"Is this the strength of the Holy Magister?" Aaron murmured, with infinite yearning in his heart.

There is only a memory of Flo in the secret room, which is far inferior to his strength in life, but with just a few movements, he can suppress him, a junior magician, out of breath, leaving him completely unable to fight back.

Aaron couldn't help but lower his head and admitted the fact that he was still extremely weak.

Abe climbed onto his shoulder and made an obscure sound, but Aaron could clearly hear that this was its encouragement to him.

Dragon Language: Master, you will definitely be stronger than him in the future.

"Haha!" Aaron touched Abe's faucet and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not as fragile as you think.

It’s just that you have to remember this lesson. I’ve really been a little distracted lately, so I still have to keep awe of the power! "

Back in the bedroom, Aaron looked at the crescent moon outside and thought about his escape plan.

School started on September 1st, and now it was August 28th. He needed to make a plan tonight and take action tomorrow.

Otherwise, school would have started not long after I ran out, and skipping class this time would not make much sense.

After pondering for a while, Aaron took out the half bottle of invisibility potion he had left.

Looking at this bottle, he felt very happy. Fortunately, he didn't feel stuffy after one sip.

Using this thing, you can avoid the sight of the two bodyguards, but the invisibility time is limited, so you need to seize the time and run as far away as possible before they react.

Aaron nodded, and then thought about a place where he could go, or a place where he could be accommodated.

He took out a piece of paper from the drawer and wrote down about twenty addresses, but after a while he eliminated them all one by one.

He was definitely not allowed to go to his relatives' homes, and his neighbor's shop in Diagon Alley was not safe, nor were he to the homes of some old friends. He estimated that someone would report him to Jeans as soon as he got there.

After frowning for a while, Aaron wrote two addresses on the paper: Malfoy Manor and Weasley Burrow.

These two places are not too far from his home, and with Abe's flying speed, he can get there in no time.

And if he is discovered, he can also move to another place. Even Jeans would never think that he would jump across the homes of two rivals.

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