A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 118 Necessary preparations before leaving

After finishing the simple skipping plan, Aaron breathed a sigh of relief.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances, so you need to prepare some necessities before leaving.

Thinking of this, Aaron looked at Abe and carefully looked at his pockets. The silly holy dragon instantly felt a great crisis. This was a premonition of losing money.

"come over!"

Abe shook his head, holding his pocket and retreating slowly, showing great resistance.

"Why did I raise a food-protecting dragon like you!" Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in your food rations, I just want to stuff more things in your pockets. ”

Abe breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously. Aaron's master's status was always the first in his heart. If he wanted the small treasury he had worked so hard to save, it would be really hard to refuse.

Aaron looked at Abe, who was a little worried, and opened the dragon's claws that were covering his stomach, leaving coins such as gold Galleons, Silver Sickles, and Copper Nuts inside. As for all kinds of snacks, he poured them out. When I came out, there was nothing left, and there was a pile of them on the bed.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk!

You are really good, these things can be enough for an ordinary person to eat for ten days! "

Abe lay on the pile of snacks, stretched out two fingers, and said in a low voice, "Only enough for me to eat for two days."


Aaron lifted it up and pondered for a few seconds, "You can only keep half of these things."


Long Yu: No, I can’t bear it.

"We are running away from home, so we need to bring some useful things." Aaron explained earnestly.

It is true that the Traceless Stretching Spell can expand space, but the capacity is also limited, so he must clear out some irrelevant ones and put in more valuable ones.

Abe was still a little reluctant to let go, but Aaron couldn't care less and carried it out of the bedroom.

Arriving at an ordinary warehouse, Aaron turned on the light and rummaged inside for a long time before placing four parcels of different sizes in front of Abe.

"Do you understand what you should do?" Aaron asked seriously.

Abe nodded reluctantly, picked up a package and stuffed it into his pocket, but the funny thing was that it took a long time and couldn't be stuffed in.

"Alas! These packages are too big to be stuffed directly." Aaron didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but decided to do it himself.

Opening the first package, there was an exquisite tent inside. He took apart the accessories one by one and put them into Abe's pocket one by one.

The second package is a set of clothes. All you have to do when running is to change clothes, so that the possibility of being discovered will be slightly reduced.

If he goes missing, if Jeans sends someone to inquire, he will definitely describe what clothes he is wearing, what pets he brings, what the characteristics of the pets are, etc.

So what he has to do now is to visually deceive the enemy. If it weren't for the conditions and time, he would even want to put on makeup and put on some booster pads for himself.

The third package was an ordinary backpack, which he prepared for Abe. After all, walking on the street with a cute pet was still a bit conspicuous.

Finally, Aaron took a deep breath and slowly unzipped the first package, and golden light fell into their eyes.

Abbe, who was originally dismissive, was attracted to his attention. Looking at the hundreds of galleons and a thick stack of pounds, he suddenly smiled.

"This is my first pot of gold in life!"

Aaron looked at this package with some emotion. This was the first month's income after opening his shop. It had great commemorative significance. He kept saving it and was not willing to spend it.

But he couldn't run without funds. He had a lot of personal property, but taking too much at once would inevitably arouse Genes' suspicion.

This housekeeper's decades of life have not been in vain. If he is shrewd, no monkey can compare with him.

He had no choice but to use the money just in case.

There are about five hundred gold galleons and five hundred pounds in this bag. Even if Jeans goes to Malfoy Manor and the Burrow and he won't be able to find a place to live for a while, the money will definitely satisfy him for the next three days. All expenses, whether in the wizarding world or the Muggle world.

After getting ready, Aaron carried Abe back to the bedroom.

Abe looked at the snacks piled on the bed and struggled to choose from the four options: those he liked to eat, those that could satisfy his cravings, those that replenished his energy, and those that his master liked to eat.

After hesitating for a while, Abe, with tears in his eyes, took the lead in eliminating the food that his master liked, and instead stuffed his own favorite food into his pocket.

Seeing this scene, Aaron was heartbroken, his teeth were itching with anger, and he clenched his hands unconsciously.

What a sin! This is raising a white-eyed dragon.


The next day, Aaron got up early, dressed and washed, then took Abe to the restaurant for dinner.

One person and one dragon looked at each other, acting like they were reincarnated by starving ghosts.

This breakfast may be the most substantial meal they have had in three days, and running takes a lot of energy, so if they don't eat to the fullest this meal, they would be wronging themselves.

"Slow down, slow down, it's not enough." Jeans said with a forced smile, "Master, I can understand Abe's behavior, but why can't you?"

"Ahem!" Aaron choked, "Can't it be done on a whim?"

"Yes, of course.

You are the young master, you can eat as much as you want.

However, you still have to eat in moderation, otherwise it will be bad if you eat too much and get a bad stomach. "

"You don't need to remind me." Aaron waved his hand and quickly grabbed the last chicken leg on the plate before Abe did. "Pack me another piece of preserved fruit."

"Yes, Master, I'll go right away."

The house elf said immediately, quickly walking towards the kitchen.

Genes was stunned for a moment, feeling that all this was a bit abnormal, "Master, what are you doing with the preserved fruit?"

“This is for my uncle.

Isn’t school about to start? I plan to go see him, shouldn't I bring some small gifts? "

"That's it." Genes breathed a sigh of relief.

"Otherwise? What can I do?

I actually wanted to go over and prepare a lunch for my uncle in person to show my filial piety. After all, after learning from Sarkes for so long, my skills can be considered above average.

But the question is, don’t I still have to go to class? No time. "Aaron said and gave Genes a sharp look.

Jeans was still a little confused at first, but when he saw this look, he couldn't help but feel guilty, and he swallowed back some of his words.

After all, he had promised that after completing one course, he would have free time for one more subject, but he later added this free time to more difficult subjects without hesitation.

Although this was done for the sake of the young master, it was indeed unethical on his part.

"That's what the young master said.

Is there anything else I need to prepare? "

"No need, he doesn't need anything, as long as he wants it."

Jeans thought so, so he didn't say anything more.

After breakfast, Aaron lay on the chair, and Abe lay in Aaron's arms, lazily digesting the food in his stomach.

It wasn't until the house elf brought over a box of exquisite preserved fruits that one person and one dragon stretched out, decisively picked up the gift box and walked to the fireplace.

After a flash of green flames, Aaron arrived at his shop, followed closely by Genes.

"I'll leave this to you. I'll go to my uncle's shop first."

"Okay Master, no problem Master." Genes said, "By the way, Master, try not to stay too long.

Although you may not want to hear it, you do still have three days of classes, so..."

"Needless to say, I have a sense of propriety."

After Aaron finished speaking, he took Abe out of Gaius Drinks Shop and walked along the street to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Because school is about to start, the business of Ollivander's Wand Store is much better than usual. From time to time, one or two parents will choose wands with their children who are about to enter school.

Aaron didn't think much and gave Abe a look, trying to act as normal as possible. After all, there were two deeply hidden auras following him in the dark. It would be bad if they saw the flaw.

As the door opened, Ollivander, who was introducing the wand to a child, raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "Good morning, you brought me a gift.

How rare!

Tell me, what do you want from me? "

"Look what you said." Aaron scratched his head in embarrassment, "Am I that kind of person?

Besides, uncle, I don’t think I’ve ever begged you before! "

"Who knows if this will be the first time." Ollivander said half-jokingly, and then looked at the little boy in wizard uniform in front of the counter, "This is your senior and a student of Hogwarts."

The little boy was very excited and walked quickly to Aaron, "Senior, my name is Colin. I am a freshman this year. Nice to meet you."

Aaron gave him a kind smile in response, "I hope you make real friends at Hogwarts."


By the way, senior, do you know Harry Potter? "

"I know him. He is a Gryffindor student, so we can be considered friends!"

Colin became even more excited, "Although it's a bit embarrassing, can you help me get an autographed photo of him? Just one."

Aaron raised his eyebrows and suppressed the smile in his heart.

I didn't expect Harry to have fans, and he seemed to be a big fan.

He felt that Harry Potter might not agree. On the one hand, he had just learned about the magical world and was relatively inferior in some aspects. On the other hand, he simply couldn't do it. After all, his uncle's family would not spend money on him. Half of the money wasted.

"You have to work hard on this yourself." Aaron patted Colin on the shoulder and put the preserved fruit on the table. "I'll go upstairs and sit for a while. Uncle, you'd better entertain the guests first!"

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