A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 138 This road is not that easy to walk

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! This is so fun!"

The corners of Aaron's mouth twitched. He was very familiar with this car. He arrived at the station in this car this morning.

What he couldn't understand was why Harry and Ron would rather drive a long distance in a car than take a comfortable train.

There are many ways to pursue excitement, but this one is a bit unbelievable. How much does it take to do such a ridiculous thing!

The journey to Hogwarts would take at least eight hours by car. With their little physical strength, they didn't know whether they could handle it, and one of them didn't seem to be able to drive, which meant there was no chance to change shifts.

Thinking of this, Aaron shook his head speechlessly. For the sake of being taken care of these two days, the person who changed to help still had to help!

He took out his wand, pointed it at the left side of the Ford in the sky, and shot a red firework.

call out!

Ron, who was leisurely driving the Flying Car, was startled by the sudden red light. He subconsciously hit the steering wheel with both hands, and the car turned 720 degrees in mid-air before barely stabilizing.

"What was that just now?"

"How do I know? It was coming from below.

Could it be that someone discovered us? Is the Ministry of Magic so efficient? "

"Impossible! My dad's office prohibits the misuse of Muggle items. They usually deal with the incident after it happens." Ron said a little unconfidently, "And our incident happened suddenly. Even the Ministry of Magic can't handle it." We punished them too hard.”

"Not too harsh?" Harry's mouth twitched, and a wry smile appeared on his face, "Let's go down and take a look first! Maybe it won't be so serious if you have a better attitude of admitting your mistake."

Ron also swallowed and controlled the car to descend.

But when they landed at a certain height, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Aaron on the top of the train.

I don't know how he found them, but it's really nice that it's not the Ministry of Magic.

"You two, you are so high-profile!" Aaron joked, "Driving to Hogwarts is a big event that has never happened since the school was founded. This is not the way to become famous!"

"The entrance to platform nine and three-quarters was sealed. We had no choice but to drive." Harry said with a wry smile. If it wasn't a last resort, they wouldn't want to.

"The magic spell just now was very dangerous. If my driving skills were not good enough and I suddenly performed a seven-hundred-two turn, we both would have been in trouble."

Good technology? Just kidding!

He had heard panicked screams more than once on the train just now, which meant that they had made at least two mistakes before.

Although he was speechless, Aaron still explained: "What I shot was just light, without any lethality, and I shot it specifically on the left side of the car."

"How did you discover us?" Harry asked curiously, but Ron drove the car to an altitude of at least tens of thousands of meters. Logically speaking, no one except airplanes and birds could detect them.

“Well... I have good hearing.

I heard your shouts and the roar of cars when I was on the train just now, more than once.

Out of concern, I took such a big risk and climbed onto the train to have a look.

Unexpectedly..." Aaron shook his head, "Does Mr. Arthur know about you driving the car out? "

Harry and Ron looked at each other and shook their heads guiltily.

"I think so, he will never allow you to do such a thing.

But this is the first time I have seen a son destroy his own father's job.

Mr. Arthur will probably be called to talk to the Ministry of Magic, and your car is probably, no, definitely not salvageable. "

"No way!" Ron swallowed, "No Muggles should see me when I'm driving."

"That's just what you should do, what if someone sees it?

In addition, the wizard will definitely be able to detect the abnormality. After all, it is broad daylight, and the noise of your driving is still so loud." Aaron directly tore his luck to pieces, "But don't worry too much, after all, everything happens for a reason, plus Arthur My husband is also an old employee, so the Ministry of Magic should not give him too much trouble. "

Ron breathed a sigh of relief. Although this result was not very good, it was not unacceptable.

"Do you... want to come and rest for a while on the train?"

“No, I still have to drive!

This is our family's only means of transportation, so we can't just leave it on the road. Ron said with some regret, then looked at Harry, "Harry, why don't you go to the train!"

The car door opened and he jumped over. "

Harry looked at the bridge, which was at least a few hundred meters high, below the track, and his facial expression became particularly stiff.

Originally I still had the guts to jump, but what if it passes after you say this?

"What do you mean?" Ron shook Harry's shoulders, bringing him back from his daze.

Harry smiled forcefully and pointed to the mountain stream below, "If it were you, would you dare to jump?"

Ron glanced down and then at the train, which was only a few meters wide, and couldn't help but swallow.

"Well...I still have to drive!"

Aaron couldn't help laughing when he saw the expressions of resistance on the two people's faces, and then gave a thumbs up, "You two, you've seen it very thoroughly!

But it doesn't matter, you still have a chance to jump after crossing this bridge.

Even if he made a mistake at that time, he would only fall from a height of about three meters, and at most his bones would be broken. "

"Actually, driving to Hogwarts is quite an experience." Harry said hurriedly. "The car driving through the clouds under the blue sky is exactly like the fairy tale kingdom in the dream."

“And we also have toffee. The scenery below is different every time, and it’s particularly beautiful.

If Fred and George were told, they would die of envy. "

"Are you...serious?" Aaron asked in shock.

"Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy this novel experience." Ron said proudly.

Aaron glanced at the sun hanging in the sky and thought of the eight hours of driving. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that these two people are really brave!

"Aaron, do you want to come and try too? Anyway, there is still room in the car." Harry suggested.

Aaron shook his head hurriedly, "I don't need it. Even if I want to experience it, it won't be at this time."

After saying that, Aaron was about to return to the car, but suddenly remembered something and turned to look at the two of them, "If possible, let's make the car invisible!

This is a wilderness or a railway bridge. There won't be many people here, but that won't be the case if you go forward.

And it will be more convenient for you in a while. "

"We also want to, but..." Ron pointed helplessly at the stealth booster under the dashboard, "It's broken down, and this car can't become invisible."

"Ah!" Aaron said in a long tone, "I sincerely... wish you good luck and hope you can make it to Hogwarts."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked with some anxiety. He always felt that there was something in Aaron's words.

"You should understand in a few hours." Aaron pointed to the sky, and then returned the same way without looking back.

"Let's go up first!" Harry said solemnly, "We'd better be mentally prepared. I always feel that the next journey won't be so easy."

Ron did not refute, but nodded solemnly.

He knew that Aaron was not the kind of person who joked casually, and more importantly, he also heard the gloating in the other person's tone.

After returning to the car, Aaron leaned lazily on the seat, "Colin, can you do me a small favor?"

"Senior, tell me."

"Go get the salesperson over here for me, I might have to buy something."

"Ah?" Colin was stunned for a moment, "Yes, I'll go right away."

After a while, the salesperson was called over by him, but more than half of the snacks and drinks in the truck were missing. They were probably bought by other students.

"What do you want?" the salesman looked at Aaron and asked with a smile.

"All of them!"

The salesperson was obviously very happy to hear this and enthusiastically put the remaining snacks in the truck on the table.

Aaron gave Abe a look, and he grunted unhappily. He poured out a dozen gold galleons from his backpack, "These should be enough!"

"That's enough, that's enough."

“That’s good, if you have any change, give it to Colin!

Calculate some errand fees. "

"Senior, this is inappropriate, and I didn't do anything." Colin said somewhat flattered.

"If you are told to take it, just take it. You have already called me senior, and I can't use you in vain."

Colin nodded and collected the Silver Sickle and Copper Nut given by the salesperson as well as some Galleons returned.

"Why did you prepare so much food?" Draco asked curiously, "Maybe it's for Abe. His appetite is indeed a bit big."

When Abe heard this, he immediately jumped up to Aaron and rubbed his belly with his little face.

"Master still knows that he feels sorry for me."

There were a few black lines on Aaron's face. He hesitated for a moment and separated some of the food on the table, "These are yours.

The rest I prepared for two idiots. If they didn't have some supplies, they would probably starve to death on the way. "

"Two idiots? Who are they?"

Aaron gave Draco a meaningful smile, "You'll know when you get to Hogwarts."

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