A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 139 Timely Material Assistance

A few hours later, Harry and Ron no longer had any pleasure in driving back to school. On the contrary, they even felt a little tortured, both mentally and physically. They were particularly exhausted.

The only thing that can be eaten in the car is toffee, but after all, sugar cannot be eaten as food. If you eat too much, you will easily become thirsty, and there is not a drop of water in the car.

The scenery of the blue sky is nice, but looking at the white clouds for several hours will inevitably cause some visual fatigue.

The sun also shines directly on the windshield, which raises the temperature inside the car a lot. Even if the two take off their coats, they still feel sweaty.

"I finally understand why Aaron is reluctant to get in the car. This kind of experience is really not something that ordinary people can endure." Harry smiled bitterly and leaned on the seat, his eyes full of helplessness.

"You're a little better, you can just lie down, but I still have to drive!" Ron held the steering wheel, looking desperate, "I really want to drink water now, I really want to lie in bed and rest , I really miss the ice-cold pumpkin juice on the train.”

"Who wouldn't want to?" Harry pursed his lips, then stuck his head out the window and looked at the train moving at a steady speed below. "The direction is correct, but it should be a long way from Hogwarts."

"Don't say the next sentence, there is no worse news than that." Ron rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Harry, why do you think we didn't enter platform nine and three-quarters? "

"I don't know, I don't have the heart to think about it right now."

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of knocking on the car door clearly reached the ears of the two people.

"What sound?" Harry asked.

"Maybe it's a bird!"

Ron didn't take it seriously, but as soon as he finished speaking, the knocking sounded again.

The two turned around and met a pair of clear eyes. Abe, wearing white clothes, was looking at them outside the car window.

Its wings were constantly flapping, its speed was consistent with that of a Ford, and it was carrying a medium-sized backpack.

"Abe!" Harry said with some surprise, "Did Aaron ask you to come to us?"

Abe nodded, opened the back door, got in and put down his backpack.

"Is this for us?" Ron looked at the full backpack with more expectations in his heart.

Abe glanced at him arrogantly, then reluctantly opened his backpack and poured out the contents.

Bread, cakes, chocolates, multi-flavor beans... everything, these are what Harry and Ron need especially now, but what makes them happiest are the bottles of iced pumpkin juice and mineral water.


Ron swallowed and looked at the cute pet behind him, "Well done, I really love you."

Abe took a step back in disgust, took out the note left by Aaron from his pocket, and handed it to Harry Potter.

"Let me take a look at what is written." Harry read out the above content after finishing. "I am asking you this time. Just think of it as a thank you to the Weasley family for taking you in. But remember not to throw objects at high altitudes."

"He doesn't need to teach you this. We still know common sense." Ron couldn't help but laugh, reached for a bottle of iced pumpkin juice from behind, and drank half of the bottle in one gulp. "It's alive."

Harry also took a bottle of pumpkin juice and a few small cakes, and while eating and drinking, the fatigue on his face was instantly reduced by more than half, "Suddenly I felt that this is the right way to start a self-driving car."

“But it’s still not as good as a train, at least you don’t have to drive.

There’s no need to fly so high just because you can’t become invisible. Ron said, "I will definitely not be late next time I take the train." "

At this time, Abe patted Harry on the shoulder, and then pointed at Aaron's note, as if to say that he hadn't finished reading it yet.

Harry reacted and looked at the back of the note, "As a friendly reminder, be mentally prepared. I don't think this car can fly for that long with its performance."

Ron's expression changed. Although he knew this was just Aaron's guess, it was possible, and he didn't want to be forced to descend in the middle of driving.

"Abe, did Aaron tell you a solution to the problem?"

Abbey hesitated, jumped to the front row, and grabbed a black wand from Harry's clothes.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

It is true that they are wizards, but they are only quasi-second-year wizards. Controlling a car to fly cannot be said to be particularly difficult for them, it can only be said to be completely impossible.

"Ron, I might..." Harry said a little embarrassed, "Do you understand?"

Ron nodded blankly. Others didn't know Harry's level, but he, his best friend, knew it all.

The two of them could only use a floating spell to control the car from falling suddenly, but if they wanted to make it move forward or backward, they really couldn't do it.

"Actually, the situation may not be as serious as he said. After all, this car was carefully modified by my father." Ron said far-fetched, trying his best to cheer himself up while convincing Harry.

"But Mr. Weasley probably didn't fly with this car for so long!"

"It at least brought you from Surrey to Devon. If it works harder, it might not be able to carry you to Hogwarts."

Hearing this, Harry breathed a sigh of relief. According to this standard, this car was still reliable.

Abe, who was in the back seat, completed the task assigned to it by Aaron, put on his backpack, opened the door and flew out.

Back in the train compartment, Draco looked at the empty backpack on Abe's back and couldn't help but look at Aaron curiously, "What did you let it do?"

"Of course, let it help those in need." Aaron smiled meaningfully, "After all, I am so kind."

"Senior is really caring." Colin said seriously.

Looking at the thumbs up of Colin, his junior, Draco's mouth twitched. This kid... will be easily fooled in the future. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a blessing to have such a fan of Harry Potter. disaster.

The train runs on the long railway track, with a lot of white eyes coming out of the chimney, and passes through the dusk and enters the night amidst the clicking sound.

As we get closer to Hogwarts, the wizard students in the car also put on their wizard robes.

Colin checked his wand carefully, "We will be arriving at Hogwarts soon. I heard that all new students will be sorted."

"Which house do you want to go to?" Draco asked, "Let me declare in advance that the proud Slytherin House will not accept wizards of Muggle descent unless your ancestors..."

"I'm going to Gryffindor."

Draco felt a little embarrassed before he finished speaking. Is celebrity influence so big these days?

"Ahem! Listen to my advice and don't go to that academy.

Although you may not be able to enter Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are also possible. There is no need to choose the same house as Harry Potter just because you admire him. "

"Okay, stop dictating on this matter. Colin is free to choose whatever he wants." Aaron said speechlessly, "And there are colleges that he can't just go to if he wants to."

"Okay!" Draco spread his hands and said nothing.

After all, the sorting is decided by the Sorting Hat, and Colin's ideas occupy a certain proportion, but it is not absolute.

Aaron stood up from his seat and looked out the window. There seemed to be a black shadow rising and falling in the dark clouds.

"What a mess! That car is probably at its limit."

"What are you looking at?" Draco walked to Aaron and looked along its line of sight, but couldn't see anything.

"It's nothing." Aaron chuckled, and then walked out of the car, "I'll be back in a moment."

"Senior, what did he do?" Colin asked.

Draco didn't have any bad feelings towards the would-be Gryffindor student, but he couldn't say he had a good impression either. He just sat back in his seat and said, "How do I know?"

In the aisle, Aaron walked past the carriages, his eyes quickly scanning the familiar and unfamiliar faces, and finally stopped in front of a carriage.

"Hi, Aaron, why are you here?" Fred greeted.

Aaron glanced at Ginny who was sitting by the window, then at Fred and George, and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Um...Isn't Percy here?"

"He's in the prefect's compartment," said George. "It's always been that way since he became a prefect."

Aaron hesitated for a while, looked at Ginny and said, "Harry and Ron have something to do temporarily. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe..."

"Is it such a long sentence?" Fred interrupted Aaron with a smile, "Just say what you have to say."

"Okay! I'd say they might not be able to make it in time for Ginny's Sorting Ceremony."


The three of them were a little surprised.

"Is there anything more important than my sister's sorting ceremony?" George frowned.

"Harry Potter won't come either?" Ginny said with some regret.

Aaron nodded without denying it.

"Which carriage are they in? Let's go talk to them." Fred stood up, and George also stood up.

“What I said is just a possibility, maybe I can catch up.

Moreover, the train has almost stopped. I'm afraid it's too late for you to find them at this time. "

Aaron stood at the door of the carriage and stopped the two of them. If the prank-loving twin brothers knew how Harry and the others were traveling, they would probably find a way to join them halfway.

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