A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 149 We are in the wrong, but the stadium still can’t let it go

"I booked today's court early in the morning." Wood snapped at Marcus Flint. "I booked it. For this reason, our team got up early today."

"I know you're upset, but I have a special order." Flint said calmly, and then took out the approval note from his pocket.

Wood opened the approval slip and read out the words above directly: "I, Professor Severus Snape, have granted permission for the Slytherin team to use the field today to train... the new Seeker.

New Seeker, who? "

The six team members dispersed voluntarily, and Draco Malfoy walked out from behind, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"Malfoy?" Harry looked at him, his eyes full of surprise.

"I didn't expect it!" Draco proudly raised the broom in his hand, "Your broom is already outdated."

Only then did the Gryffindor team notice the magic broom in the Slytherin team's hands. It was brand new, smooth, and high-end, especially the golden nimbus 2001 on the tail of the broom, which was particularly dazzling in the sun.

"Where did these nimbuses come from?"

Ron, who had just arrived, was stunned. Their family usually used the old Nimbus series, or the older Sweep series.

It was only when Harry came over during the holidays that they had the opportunity to experience Nimbus 2000, but it was also in turns.

And now that seven of the latest Nimbus series appeared in front of him, still in the hands of the Slytherin team, it was difficult not to make him envious and jealous.

"A gift from Draco's father," Flint explained. "Compared with these light wheels, your broomsticks are indeed outdated."

The Gryffindor team was speechless for a moment, and there was no reason to refute.

"Not bad! Weasley." Draco said, "My dad can handle it no matter how good the equipment is."

At this time, Hermione just happened to pull Aaron over. When she heard this, she couldn't help it. "Gryffindor players can't be selected by spending money. They rely on their true strength."

Draco's face darkened, and just as he was about to retaliate, he saw Aaron behind Hermione. He immediately suppressed the anger in his heart and sneered, "Who do you think I am? Malfoy wouldn't use these little tricks.

A member of the Slytherin team graduated last year and had to admit a new member.

I joined temporarily, and these new light wheels were just a welcome gift.

As for the strength you mentioned, I don't think Harry Potter showed it when he joined the Gryffindor team, if catching the memory ball counts. "

Hermione opened her mouth, not knowing what to say. The situation seemed to be somewhat different from what she thought.

Draco didn't join the academy team through the back door, but joined as an alternate, and there was nothing wrong with that.

"At least Gryffindor won't rely on equipment to overwhelm others," Ron said unhappily.

"You think so." Draco said disdainfully, "The question is, do you have the strength?

Maybe I can come up with an idea to help you get some gold and sell your old brooms. I think some museums might pay a good price. "

As soon as the words fell, the Slytherin side burst into jeers.

"You..." Ron angrily took out his patched wand, pointed it at Draco and said, "You have to pay for this."

"Eat slugs!"

Ron chanted the spell, and green light appeared at the tip of his wand, but it shot backwards.


When the green light was about to hit Ron, a white magic spell shot out from the side, defeating the spell, but the impact of the explosion also knocked Ron back several steps.

"It's better not to use this disgusting spell, it's too disgusting." Aaron put away his wand, then looked at Ron whose right hand was trembling slightly and said: "You're welcome.

Another reminder, if you don't change the wand, try not to use it, otherwise it will be easy to cause accidental injury. "

Ron nodded blankly. He didn't expect that his wand was so useless.

He can understand whether it works sometimes or not. He will always succeed after trying a few times.

It didn't hurt that the spell wasn't that effective, since that was all the wand could do.

But he really couldn't accept the spell being bounced back. This was no longer a question of whether he could make do with it, but whether he could bear the backlash after using it.

"Aaron, you shouldn't have interfered." Draco said with some regret, "I also want to see what it would be like if Weasley was hit by his own curse."

"Don't be ridiculous, you don't think it's disgusting, but I do!" Aaron said speechlessly, and then looked at Flint with a friendly look, "Captain Marcus, can you tell me what's going on?"

When Flint saw Aaron, his arrogance suddenly subsided a bit.

He didn't dare to regard Aaron as an ordinary second-year student, because he had a strong record of one versus seven in his first year. It could be said that the entire Slytherin team was defeated by him.

"We're going to use the Quidditch pitch, and unfortunately Gryffindor seems to have the same idea."

"We've reserved the venue." Wood said not to be outdone, "and we were the first to come."

"A few hours early," George interjected.

Fred also added, "I didn't even have time to eat breakfast."

"I have a special order." Flint handed over Snape's approval note, "I think Oliver will not take Professor Snape's special order seriously!"

Wood clenched his fists and his bones made a rattling sound. It was obvious that his patience had reached the extreme.

Aaron understood this very well. After all, Flint's tone was particularly unforgiving. It didn't look like he was here to discuss, but like he was here to show off.

"So what?" Wood sneered, "Today is reserved for Gryffindor. This was agreed upon by the four captains. You agreed at the time, but aren't you obviously going back on your word by coming here now?

We will not give up the court today, and it is our fault to cause trouble to Dumbledore. "

The Gryffindor team members also cheered up and stood resolutely behind the captain. After all, it was rare for Wood to be stubborn, and this time they were indeed reasonable.

Flint didn't take it seriously and weighed the approval slip in his hand again, "I have a special order."

"Wait, is that so?" Aaron looked at Flint with some displeasure and asked. He originally thought it was a misunderstanding, but now it seems that it was premeditated.

Flint was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly explained: "The date on this approval note is today."

"That doesn't take away our training time!"

"This is what Professor Snape means. Slytherin wants to train a new Seeker."

"That person, go to Professor McGonagall to explain the situation and ask for an approval slip." Wood said, "It's not like we don't have a dean behind us."

"Wood, be more careful when speaking." Fred said meaningfully, "I must remind you that Professor McGonagall is the vice-principal."

"I'm going to find Professor McGonagall right now." George said excitedly.

"Wait a minute." Wood stopped him and said, "I didn't say you, I meant him."

Ron pointed to himself awkwardly, "Me? Why me?"

"Now it's seven versus seven. With George gone, it's six versus seven. We'll easily suffer in a fight." Wood said seriously, "So, it's up to you, the younger brother of the Weasley family."

"Okay!" Ron took a deep breath, "Hermione, let's go."

"Wait a moment." Wood said again, "Granger can't leave yet."

"Why is this?" Ron asked puzzledly.

Wood glanced at Aaron and Hermione standing aside and wondered: "The situation at the scene will evolve into eight versus eight at any time."


"What do you mean? Do you mean I'm not as good as Hermione?"


Weasley, I suddenly realized that you have become smarter. Draco joked, "It's not easy to realize this!" "

"You..." Ron glared at him indignantly, and accidentally spotted Colin not far away, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised, "It's not that Gryffindor doesn't have foreign aid, we still have an advantage."

Hearing this, not only Draco, but also the rest of the Slytherin team burst into laughter.

"Weasley, I take back what I just said." Draco said, "You don't think you two can beat Aaron together, do you?

By the way, your wand is also a problem. Are you sure it won't hold Granger back? "

"That's enough." Aaron glared at Draco fiercely, "Don't be angry at this time."

Draco shrugged and shut his mouth in a sly manner, Aaron still had to give him some face.

"I have a general understanding of the matter. Slytherin is at fault."

After the words fell, the atmosphere at the scene seemed to solidify. No one expected that he would say this.

Marcus was stunned for a moment, frowned and said: "Don't forget your identity, you are a Slytherin."

"Slytherins have to be reasonable!" Aaron said speechlessly, "I think Professor Snape doesn't know that today is reserved for Gryffindor!

That special order only allows irrelevant personnel on the playground to make room for the Slytherin team, not for you to seize Gryffindor's rights to use the stadium. "

Marcus frowned, said nothing, and just looked at Aaron with annoyed eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. If you're not convinced, we can challenge each other in any way you choose.

Whether it's magic, hand-to-hand combat, or Quidditch, even though I haven't practiced it for a year, I still have a little bit of confidence. "

Hearing this, Marcus turned his face away sincerely. He did not dare to duel with this ruthless man, because even if he won, he would definitely not feel comfortable.

"There are still sensible people in Slytherin." Wood nodded with satisfaction and looked at the Slytherin team provocatively, "Can you leave now?"

"I'm afraid that won't work." Aaron gave Wood an apologetic look and said seriously, "I'm sorry, but I still can't give the Quidditch pitch to you today."

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