A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 150 It’s not easy to be a middleman

"Why?" Wood said solemnly, "Give me a reason."

“First, Slytherin needs to train a new Seeker.

Draco is my friend, and I have no reason not to support him. Secondly..." Aaron pointed to the approval slip in Marcus' hand, "The special order has been issued. If the court is moved out of the way, Professor Snape Where to put your face? "

After the words fell, the Slytherin team, which had been demoralized, suddenly regained its fighting spirit and started to confront the Gryffindor team again.

What they are competing for now is no longer the stadium, but the face of the two colleges.

Hermione pulled Aaron's sleeve and gave him an accusing look: I asked you to come over to break up the fight, but you were afraid that they wouldn't be able to fight, weren't you?

Aaron shrugged. This was the reason why he didn't want to come over. It's generally difficult to be a middleman.

"I was so naive that I thought Slytherin would be reasonable." Wood shook his head speechlessly. After calming down, he looked at Ron and said, "Go find Professor McGonagall."

"Draco," Marcus said not to be outdone, "we'll talk about training later, go find Professor Snape."

"This time we will take the lead," Wood said. "Did you call Professor Snape here to prevent him from stepping down?"

"Is Gryffindor reserved?" Marcus pretended to be confused, "I'm sorry, I've been under a lot of study pressure lately, maybe I forgot."

"So shameless!" George said disdainfully.

Fred nodded in agreement, "Slytherin has always been like this."

Draco and Ron looked at each other, standing there without moving.

They are not fools, and they know very well that calling the professor over will make things worse.

The two people who had a very bad relationship unexpectedly reached a tacit understanding at this moment. I will not move if you are an enemy. As long as you stay here honestly, I will not trouble the dean of the college.

"Everyone, instead of being tense here, why not sit down and talk calmly." Aaron suggested, "We can solve the problem in a gentle way."

"Okay!" Wood smiled playfully, "You leave here and train your Seeker at another time."

"I have a special order, and it concerns Professor Snape's face. Slytherin will not let it go."

"We Gryffindor won't let it go either," Harry said, and the other Gryffindors were also filled with indignation.

They were woken up by Wood before dawn, and then listened to him in a daze as he talked about tactics for several hours.

If we don't win the court today, something similar might happen again, and no one can withstand it!

Compared to Gryffindor, Slytherin was slightly less patient, and several team members had already taken out their wands at Marcus's suggestion.

Suddenly, a piercing white light flashed between the two teams, leaving a shallow scratch on the lawn.

"Can you listen to me first?" Aaron raised the black wand in his hand, "I was called here to mediate. She will be unhappy if you continue like this, so give me some face."

Marcus and Wood looked at each other and each pressed their hands to suppress the emotions of the team members.

Aaron looked at the Slytherin team and said, "Please stop some people from making small moves first. If a fight breaks out, it will not end well."

Adrian and Miles hesitated for a moment, then released their wand-drawing hands.

"You..." Hermione and Ron looked at them in shock, "This is too much."

"Don't be too hasty yet." Aaron stopped the two of them and looked at George and Fred meaningfully, "Please calm down."

The Weasley brothers looked at each other and took their hands out of their pockets.

Hermione and Ron were speechless for a moment. From the perspective of bystanders, they could have accused Slytherin of not practicing martial ethics and wanting to conduct a sneak attack, but now they really didn't have the face to do so.

"As expected of Weasley!" Draco said contemptuously.

Aaron rolled his eyes at him and walked between the two teams, "Professor Snape, I think we should respect him, but in today's matter, Slytherin was indeed a little unkind.

Therefore, I suggest that the two teams exchange the rights to use the stadium.

Today the court will be given to Slytherin first, and Gryffindor can take up Slytherin's training time next time. "

Wood heard this and nodded thoughtfully, "If this is your sincerity, I can accept it, but the players behind me may not be able to accept it.

I woke them up very early in the morning, so they didn't even have time to eat breakfast. "

"Don't give up." Marcus said with a stern face, "You are not satisfied, are we satisfied?

Professor Snape's special order could only exchange rights for one stadium. "

"Captain Marcus, could you please stop talking?"

Aaron could also guess what the captain of Slytherin was thinking. It was just that he had changed into new equipment and wanted to show off.

Choosing this day when the Gryffindor team is reserved, and using Snape's special order can greatly damage the opponent's morale.

The method is not glorious, but the effect is there.

When the Gryffindor team saw the seven Nimbus 2001, their eyes almost popped out. After all, the best equipment on their team was only Seeker Harry's Nimbus 2001, let alone the others.

The equipment is simply a dimensionality reduction attack, and it will take a lot of effort to make up for it with strength.

Aaron turned to look at Wood, "I know it's not easy for everyone on the Gryffindor team, but their current state is not much better, and the effect of training can be imagined.

I suggest you go back and review your training plan. After all, Slytherin has new equipment, right? "

After hearing this, Wood glanced at Nimbus 2001 in Flint's hand with a complicated expression, and hesitated for a moment.

What Aaron said was right, but he was still a little unwilling.

"Let's do this! On behalf of the Slytherin team, I will make compensation to the Gryffindor team, and the matter will be over."

The Gryffindor team looked at each other, the six team members' eyes collided, and the decision was given to the captain.

Wood was silent for a moment, "Tell me first, what compensation can you give us?"

Aaron smiled meaningfully, put his hand into his pocket, and when he took it out again, there was a dark red ball in his hand, "I think this should be enough?"

"Quaffle?" Harry said unexpectedly, "But why does it look different?"

"Of course it's different." Wood's eyes shone, and he couldn't speak excitedly. "I have read in a book that this is a limited edition specially produced by the first Quidditch manufacturer in 1975."

George swallowed, and his brain began to race.

"If this thing is put up for auction, it might be able to give our Seeker a Nimbus 2001.

At that time, we will sell Harry's Nimbus 2000 together with our old brooms, and maybe we can get some new equipment. "

"Sell?" Wood glared at George unkindly, "You say that again?"

"Sorry, Wood." George smiled awkwardly, "This thing must be kept in the exhibition room."

"We are quite satisfied with this compensation." Wood quickly took the Quaffle, fearing that Aaron would regret it, and then led the Gryffindor team members out of the stadium.

"Aaron, is that Quaffle precious?" Hermione frowned.

"Precious?" Draco said unhappily, "Granger, you should know what price has no market, right?"

"Can't even buy it if you want?" Ron said.

"It's not too stupid." Draco mocked, "If Weasley is short of money one day, maybe he can discuss with the Gryffindor team to sell the Quaffle, which will definitely solve his urgent need."

"What do you mean?"

"It's literally true."

"Okay." Aaron rolled his eyes, "Just train when it's time to train!"

Marcus hesitated for a moment, "Actually, you don't have to mind your own business, I have my own plan."

"Your plan is to expose Slytherin's trump card to the opponent in advance?" Aaron sneered, "Captain Marcus, I have to admit that as the captain, your vision is a bit short-sighted.

If I were you I would take out these Nimbus 2001 a few days before the Quidditch season starts, the effect will definitely be several times better than now. "

Marcus' face darkened, "I..."

"No need to explain, no matter what reasons you find, it can't change the facts.

Wood will strengthen Gryffindor's training based on the equipment gap. "

"But we have an absolute advantage." Marcus said confidently, "There is no need to be secretive."

"You are right, but your vanity today may make a crushing game in the future more difficult."

"That doesn't change the final outcome."

Aaron ignored him and looked at the other members of the Slytherin team, "What Captain Flint said makes sense, you may think so too.

But as a former golfer, I can say a few words, just two sentences.

The Slytherin House team can have a sense of superiority and can reduce training time and quality.

But you can think about it the other way around. If you can lose the game with seven Nimbus 2001, then the Slytherin team will become a joke, and the damage to their reputation will be even more serious. "

Marcus was suddenly stunned for a moment, and the expressions of the other Slytherin players also changed slightly.

They suddenly felt that the Nimbus 2001 in their hands was a bit hot. Although they knew that the possibility of losing was very small, what if it happened?

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