A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 191 Tom Riddle and Voldemort

"You're so weak." Riddle said with disgust, "A scum like you is not worthy of fighting me.

It's an insult to me that the wand is such a piece of junk. "

"Why do you want to see me?" Harry asked confused.

"Because of his identity." Aaron pulled out his wand seriously, "Tom Riddle's identity is not simple. Telling it will definitely scare people to death."

"You are smarter than I thought." Riddle's face became more playful. "Few people even in the magical world know this secret."

"Maybe it's not that those people don't know, they just don't dare to say it."

"Hahaha, you are right. Even Dumbledore would not dare to make this secret public."

"What riddles are you playing?" Hermione asked in confusion.

"Almost no one knows the name Tom Riddle, but his other identity is well-known to every household, even more famous than Harry Potter." Aaron swallowed and said slightly bitterly: "Voldemort , or you can also call him the mysterious man."

"What?" Harry said in disbelief, "This is impossible."

Hermione and Ron were trembling. The Dark Lord was right in front of them, and it was impossible not to be afraid.

"Don't you think it's possible, Harry Potter.

Voldemort is my past, present and future! "Riddle said, waving his wand and writing his name in the air: Tom Marvolo Riddle.

The letters flashed red. Riddle waved his arm, and all the letters began to rearrange themselves, turning into a line of words that made several people feel creepy: I am Voldemort.

"The case has been solved, but the truth is always scary." Aaron spread his hands, feeling extremely aggrieved.

I originally wanted to play a smooth game behind the professor, but I didn't expect that I would play in person, and my opponent was so powerful that it was a bit abnormal.

He was a little confused about whether to add all the magic points signed this year to the magic energy. After all, it was simply a fantasy to defeat the sixteen-year-old Dark Lord with just the level of a junior wizard.

"I wasn't going to keep my Muggle father's dirty surname, so I gave myself a new name.

When I become the greatest wizard in history, all wizards will be in awe of this name and dare not mention it. "

"Wow! What a great ambition.

In fact, you did succeed for a while, and many people in the wizarding world were afraid to mention your name.

But unfortunately, the boat capsized in the gutter. "

"That's why I want to meet Harry Potter." Riddle's eyes flashed red, and he walked quickly to Harry Potter, brushed his hair away with his wand, and pointed at Harry. The scar on Li's forehead sneered: "How could a baby without any magical power defeat the greatest wizard in history?

Why were you able to escape unharmed, leaving only a scar, while Voldemort's magic was destroyed? "

"Trust me, Harry Potter himself is probably more curious than you are.

Also, you're not the greatest wizard of all time, I'm sure of that. "

"Albus Dumbledore is the greatest wizard." Harry Potter took courage and said, "He has seen through you a long time ago, and you don't dare to face him at all."

“Indeed, I don’t deny that old guy’s strength.

After I threw the scapegoat Hagrid out, he kept a close eye on me and forced me to leave school to develop.

But I won in the end, and I forced him to leave with just a memory. "

"He will come back, as long as there are people at Hogwarts loyal to him." Hermione said tremblingly.

At the same time, an ethereal and mysterious sound appeared outside the barrier, and a crimson bird flew through the passage to the curtain wall, holding an old hat in its talons.

"Phoenix Fawkes also has the Sorting Hat." Professor McGonagall said excitedly, "Dumbledore must have provided assistance."

"But even the Phoenix can't break this barrier." Professor Snape frowned.

This was indeed the case. Fox was covered in fire, but when he hit the curtain wall, it only caused ripples. The barrier remained solid as a rock.

Listening to the high-pitched chirping of the phoenix, Abe took out his ears disdainfully, then flew into the sky, slapped the phoenix on the face with his paw, and pulled out a few red-gold feathers from it.

The whine sounded, and Fox became furious and even wanted to have a fight with Abe.

But Abe pointed at the barrier and explained a few words confidently, and Fox calmed down his anger and squatted next to Abe obediently.

"What is going on?" Professor Sprout asked puzzledly.

"Who knows, friendly exchanges between magical animals!" Flitwick spread his hands, "Let's break the barrier first! Help Dumbledore reduce his workload before he comes back."


"Dumbledore can't stop my resurrection." In the secret room, Riddle said proudly, and then he looked at Aaron, "With your intelligence, I think you should understand why I asked you to come here!"

"You can guess it." Aaron shook his head, "But I refuse."

"Why?" Riddle sneered, "I have already ruled half of the magical world in the future, and I will definitely not make the same mistake. You have no reason to refuse the Dark Lord's solicitation."

"That's what you think." Aaron said with some embarrassment, "I don't care what the future holds, and I don't want to work under you.

Do not misunderstand.

There is no other reason than that I simply feel you are not worthy. "

This is the truth, his family is a bunch of old monsters, and just one of them would be enough for the Dark Lord in his heyday to drink from.

No matter how bad the world is, the Gaius family can definitely survive on its own with its thousands of years of heritage.

Besides, even the former Voldemort had to work hard for decades before he achieved anything. He couldn't give up his good time and work in secret with Riddle for decades, unless his brain was in the sea.

Wouldn't it be nice to inherit the family property honestly and live a peaceful life?

Even the Dark Lord has no ability to shake the Gaius family, let alone an undeveloped Tom Riddle.

Riddle laughed angrily, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

“It’s clear to me that I’ve never been so sober in my life.

In fact, you recruited me last year, but I still rejected you. "

"It's a pity that you missed an opportunity to reach the sky in one step."

Aaron: ...

Don't think too much about it, your so-called one-stop success doesn't appeal to me at all.

"Do you know the consequences of rejecting me?"

"I know." Aaron took out his wand, "Then do you know the consequences of threatening me?"

"I don't know, but I want to try."

The two of them released a disarming spell at the same time, and the red light and green light collided together.

After a moment of stalemate, Aaron's wand fell to the floor.

"Compared to your peers, you are already considered a genius. You have become a senior magician at the age of thirteen, but there is still a big gap between you and me." Riddle took Harry's wand and said with a smile, " I can give you another chance, but before that you must learn to be respectful."

"Actually, I don't think so."

"The soul left the body." Riddle released a soul-stealing curse and hit Aaron impartially.

But a white wand that suddenly appeared in his hand blocked the spell, but the whole person was sent flying several meters before falling.

"Are you okay?" Hermione ran over to help him and pointed her wand at Riddle, "Everyone is petrified."

"Expelliarmus," Riddle yelled.

"The flames are raging."

Fire joined the battle of spells, allowing Hermione to hold on to the Petrification Curse for a few seconds before it was broken by the Disarming Curse.

The two of them flew out at the same time. Hermione's wand fell out of her hand, and Aaron was not much better. The right hand holding the wand kept shaking.

"You are too weak. You are so weak that I can't even arouse any interest in you."

"I'll do it!" Ron stood up angrily and "passed out."

Without any accident, the curse bounced back, grazing Ron's forehead and hitting the puddle behind him.

"You idiot." Aaron said speechlessly, "Just keep an eye on Ginny and stop coming over to meddle in her own business."

"But I am the only one who can help you now." Ron said eagerly, "I can't understand much, but I know that if I want to save Ginny, I have to defeat him."

"Just be patient."

Aaron stood up, took off the ring from his finger, and threw it aside.

The half-sealed power suddenly surged into the whole body, and the magic energy was upgraded from the intermediate level of senior magician to the basic level of magician.

Feeling the changes in Aaron, Riddle seemed to have discovered some secret, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "This ring... I really admire you, Aaron Gaius.

I didn't expect that you would dare to seal half of your power when facing me. Do you think I won't kill you? "

"Don't get me wrong, I just forgot that this happened."

Riddle's face darkened, and he even felt that he had been underestimated.

"Do you think that after your strength has increased by two levels, you will be my opponent?"

"I'm not that naive." Aaron said calmly, "The strength I have at this stage just gives me more strength to fight back when I face you, or it doesn't hurt so much when I get beaten."

"Although you are somewhat self-aware, your talent really surprised me. As long as you don't die, you can be said to be the Great Mage.

Surrender, Gaius, and you are worthy of my courtesy. "

Aaron ignored him, but picked up the nine-and-three-quarter-inch long vine wood wand on the ground and put it in Hermione's hand, "You go to Harry's side first!"

"I can help."

"But they both need your protection, and so does Ginny Weasley." Aaron explained while winking at her: Don't forget, we still have an enemy we must face.

Hermione's heart skipped a beat, she nodded reluctantly, and then silently walked up to the three of them.

Harry and Ron felt uncomfortable being protected by a girl, but one of them was disarmed and the other's wand had rebound properties, so it really couldn't help.

Aaron used the flying spell to recall his black wand, "Then... let's start the second round!

Although I don't want to admit it, Ron is right. There is only one way in front of me, kill you. "

"Really?" Riddle smiled mysteriously, then walked to the statue and stared at the face of the stone statue of Salazar Slytherin hidden in the darkness.

Realizing what he was going to do, Aaron's face changed slightly, "Hey, hey, isn't this a bit unkind? You don't need to release the basilisk to deal with us!"

"I just want to teach you a lesson. Only those who survive can be qualified to duel with me." Riddle hissed, and the stone statue's mouth slowly opened.

"He's summoning the basilisk," Harry reminded in panic.

"I can see it." Aaron cursed, his hands were not idle, and he immediately carved a white magic circle full of sacred aura on the floor.

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