A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 192: Conceited people are easier to deceive

The magic circle emits white light, dispelling the darkness in the secret room.

But the difference is that this time, crimson flames surged out of the formation, and Aaron consumed more than twice as much magic energy as before.

When the light dissipated, two magical animals appeared on the spot, the white holy dragon and the red phoenix.

Abe flew up to Aaron and flapped his wings as if he wanted to take credit, "How is it? This is the strong support I found."

"I just said why are you so tired?

But are you sure you found this phoenix? "Aaron glanced at Fawkes, who threw the Sorting Hat in front of Harry and rested quietly on his shoulder. The corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily, "I'm too embarrassed to expose you. "

At this time, there was a rumbling sound from above, the statue of Salazar opened its mouth wide, and the sound of the poisonous snake spitting out the message could clearly be heard in everyone's ears.

"Take Ginny and run quickly, don't look back." Aaron said immediately, "Go to the barrier. As long as there is a rooster's crow, the basilisk will not dare to approach."

"Then what do you do?" Harry asked worriedly, "You can't defeat the Basilisk by yourself."

"I have my own way." Aaron took a deep breath, stretched his right hand in mid-air, and took out a silver sword from a red magic circle.

"What are you doing standing around, holding you back?

I am professionally trained and can fight with my eyes closed, but you can't. "

The three of them immediately picked up the cold Ginny, and at this moment Fawkes flew away from Harry's shoulders, and the red figure shot straight to the ceiling.

"Come back, Fawkes." Harry shouted anxiously. The phoenix was very magical, but he didn't think the phoenix could defeat the basilisk. Their sizes were too different.

However, the next scene overturned their understanding and left them stunned.

Fox circled the basilisk, not caring about looking at it, and was completely immune to the basilisk's magic.

The basilisk stood on the shoulder of Salazar's statue, straightened up its body thicker than the tree trunk, opened its sharp fangs, and bit Fox angrily.

Fox, however, did not retreat but advanced, avoiding the fangs and flying to the top of the basilisk's head.

The long golden beak pierced the green scales of the basilisk and pecked it on the head several times. Black blood spilled from above to the ground.

The basilisk was in agony and kept twisting its body, falling from the high stone statue to the floor, causing the ground to tremble.

But Fox didn't stop. Two claws pierced the basilisk's yellow eyes, scratching them until their flesh and blood were bloody. Everyone present felt particularly nauseated.

But when they thought that the basilisk was blind and couldn't use its magic, several people couldn't help feeling a little happy.

Although it has no eyes, the basilisk still has fangs and a huge body, its intimidation has been greatly reduced. At least everyone has the courage to face it directly.

"No, leave that bird, leave that bird." Riddle screamed angrily. He looked at the proud four people and restrained his emotions, "Don't be happy too early, even if Without eyes, the basilisk can still hear and judge your location, and can still smell your scent.

It can kill you easily. "

"Huh? I have to say this. What you are talking about does not include me.

I originally thought I would have to blindfold myself to kill the snake, but I didn't expect that the difficulty dropped by more than half. I was somewhat confident in dealing with a giant snake that couldn't see. "

Riddle gritted his teeth and was about to wave his wand to attack.

"You just said you wouldn't interfere. Could it be that the famous Dark Lord also doesn't keep his word?" Aaron said calmly.

"You..." Riddle sneered, "You don't really think that a phoenix can kill the basilisk, do you?

Even though the basilisk was covered in wounds, it was still easy to kill several little wizards. "

While he was talking, a snake's tail swept over.

Mixed with the thick sound of wind, it was like a green wall rolling over.

The three Harrys immediately put down Ginny and lay down on the ground to avoid the tail. However, Aaron raised the long sword in his hand to block, and half of the silver blade cut into the snake's tail like a hot knife cutting butter.

While leaving a sword wound on the Basilisk, he was also pushed ten meters away before barely stopping.

"Aaron, are you okay?" Harry asked.

“Fortunately, the basilisk is just too big.

Although my sword is sharp, it is difficult to cause fatal injuries. "

The wound on the tail stimulated the basilisk's ferocity. It stood up suddenly, knocked away the phoenix, and then opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Aaron.

The basilisk's mouth opened wide, its two rows of poisonous fangs flashed with cold light, and venom comparable to strong acid seeped out from between the teeth.

Aaron calmly held the sword tightly, ducked sideways when the forked tongue rolled over, and stabbed the sword accurately into the basilisk's jaw, causing black blood to spurt out instantly.

The basilisk screamed in pain and tried to throw Aaron away.

But he held on to the sword tightly and did not let go. At the same time, the first black magic crystal on the hilt began to flash, greedily absorbing the basilisk's blood, not even letting go of the venom.

After holding on for more than a minute, Aaron was bumped against the pillar by the basilisk several times. It wasn't until he saw the second magic crystal light up that he pulled out his sword and distanced himself a little away from the basilisk.

"It's amazing, but is this too exaggerated?" Ron couldn't help but said.

Harry nodded blankly, and Hermione's eyes sparkled with little stars.

At this moment, hissing sounds appeared behind several people. Hermione immediately stood in front of Harry and Ron, nervously raising her wand, "Will the majestic Dark Lord really go back on his word?"

"He's not going back on his word." Harry said with tears in his eyes, "He's letting the basilisk deal with us first."


"Isn't it normal to clean up the garbage on the chessboard first?" Riddle said with a sinister smile, "Gaius is qualified to be my opponent, but you guys are really an eyesore."


Ron swallowed a gulp of saliva and looked at Harry as if he was in a hurry to seek treatment, "What are you talking about!

Aren't you a Parseltongue? You should be able to control a basilisk, right? "

"Hahaha..." Riddle laughed wildly and his expression became particularly ferocious, "Parseltongue can't help you. It only obeys me and the heir of Slytherin who has the blood of Salazar."

The basilisk abandoned Aaron and swooped over with its green body.

"There are many obstacles!"

Hermione cast several obstacle spells in succession, but the pale golden light hit the basilisk and was bounced away.

Even if she conjured some raised stones on the floor, she couldn't stop the rampaging basilisk, it just slowed down its movements.

"A bit of talent, but the basilisk is a top-notch magical creature. With your current magic power, it will only delay your death for a few seconds." Riddle explained gloatingly, finally getting out of the diary and looking at these low-level things. It is also a kind of fun for the first-year wizards to struggle in despair.

"What should we do?" Ron said incoherently, "We don't have Aaron's exaggerated melee capabilities."

"Take Ginny to escape this round first," Hermione said, but looking at the green snake head getting closer and closer, she felt uncertain.

Harry wanted to say something else, but at this moment, a little light flickered inside the Sorting Hat. He reached in with his right hand by mistake and pulled out a shining silver sword. On the hilt was a red gem the size of an egg. .

Different from the long sword in Aaron's hand, the sword in Harry's hand is slightly thinner. Although it is sharp, it is more luxurious and more like prepared for a duel.

"Okay!" Harry calmed down, thinking of Aaron's performance just now, great courage suddenly emerged in his heart.

Hermione and Aaron's performance just now has proved that their current level of magic power cannot deal with this giant snake that has lived for thousands of years, but cold weapons can still cause damage to it.

And the current basilisk is definitely scarred, and it may not be impossible to kill it with a fight.

"Let me try, you guys stay away for a while."

"Are you crazy?" Ron asked in shock.

Harry didn't answer, but just posed, looking head-on at the bloody mouth mixed with venom and blood.


Aaron shouted, and a dragon's roar like a heavenly sound appeared in everyone's ears.

The three-meter-tall holy dragon exuded a white holy light. It pressed its claws on the top of the basilisk's head and forced it to stop a few meters in front of Harry.

Harry looked at the giant dragon so close and couldn't calm down for a moment.

Hermione and Ron were also stunned. They had also seen Abe's transformation scene last year, but at that time it was only over one meter, which was incomparable to what it is now.


Abe roared, and pressed two dragon claws against the upper and lower jaws of the basilisk. A white magic circle appeared in front of him, about to send a dragon's breath into the basilisk's body.

Abe was confident enough that even though the basilisk was several times larger than him, he could definitely roast it with this move.

However, the next moment, a low voice came out of Aaron's mouth: Don't kill it yet. If you kill it, I will have to face the young Voldemort.

I can't beat him now, even if you, Fox, and the other people in the secret room are included, it will probably be too much.

I need time to prepare. In addition, you go find Riddle's diary, but don't act rashly. Our lives and fortunes are at stake.

Abe paused slightly, swallowed back the flames that reached his mouth, then flapped his wings and used his sharp claws to cut a long gash on the basilisk.

A painful hissing sound was heard, and the basilisk twisted its body in pain. As a result, Harry and the others escaped from the snake's mouth.

"What are you doing standing there, stay away now!" Aaron reminded angrily.

Harry nodded hurriedly, followed Ron and Hermione, and took Ginny, whose body was cold, to hide behind a snake pillar at the entrance.

"Was that dragon language just now?" Riddle said with some surprise, "You are indeed gifted, and you even have a magical dragon by your side."

"That's ridiculous. After all, we are a wizard family that has been passed down for thousands of years. We still have some background." Aaron waved his hand and pretended not to care and looked at the two black magic crystals that lit up on the hilt of the sword. A trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"I'm curious, that dragon could have killed the basilisk just now, but why did you stop it?"

"Because... it's fair." Aaron said nonsensically, "You said that I, like you, will do whatever it takes to achieve the goal, but there are some bottom lines that we still have to stick to.

You could have easily killed Harry and the others just now, but you didn't. Even if the basilisk was at a huge disadvantage, you could resist not taking action.

You can keep your promise, and I naturally have to make this duel fair. "

"Hmph!" Riddle raised the corner of his mouth slightly and chuckled: "You are worthy of your noble bloodline. I really saw you right.

Aaron Gaius, as long as you can defeat the basilisk, I will not kill you today. It is a pity for someone like you to die.

Wait! I will definitely visit you after I rule the magic world. I hope you can make a wiser choice then. "


I feel a little flattered for some reason!

Sure enough, conceited people are easier to deceive.

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