A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 228 Descendants of the True Savior (1/2)

Chapter 228 Descendants of the True Savior

Aaron refused very decisively. Klea was the eldest daughter of the same reclusive family, the Darwin family, and he and he were childhood sweethearts, but he had never thought of forming a family with her one day in the future.

"No way!" Lisanna said half-jokingly, "You and Leon have always had a good relationship!"

"I have a good relationship with him, but the premise is that I don't have any ideas about her sister." Aaron said with some sadness and anger, "I was only seven years old at that time, and he decisively killed my brother just because he pinched Klea's face. Throw aside your affection and challenge me aggressively, and the boat of friendship will capsize at the drop of a hat.”

"But you won!" Vico said, "I remember your grandpa was still praising you."


There are many types of winning points, one of which is called a tragic victory. Aaron cried in despair, "My sister's potential in front of my sister is infinite. I only managed to beat him down at the cost of a bruised face. From then on, I didn't dare to have any physical contact with Klea." . "

"Son." Lisanna couldn't help laughing and patted Aaron on the shoulder, "That was all a few years ago. Now that you have grown up, you shouldn't be so worried.

And Klea has said more than once that she will marry you when she grows up, and she still has this idea even now.

We have also discussed with the patriarch of Darwin. As long as you agree, you can get engaged immediately and enter the marriage hall together after you become adults. "

Hearing this, Aaron was confused and completely stunned.

what's the situation? Is my charm that great?

But thinking of the love letters he received at Hogwarts, he had to admit this humbly.

"Where's Leon? What did he say?"

Aaron desperately hopes that this good brother can play the role of a sister-controller. As long as he says no, he can politely refuse: It's not that my brother doesn't agree, it's your brother that doesn't agree.

"I don't know!" Vico shrugged, "He happened to not be at home when we arrived, but it's not his turn to care.

Klea herself agreed, and both parents agreed that unless he wanted his sister to die alone, he would convince himself. "

"Now all that's left is your opinion. You know better than us who Klea is. Her character, family background, abilities and appearance are all perfect..."

"I don't agree." Aaron interrupted Lisanna, "I have always regarded her as my sister."

"Alas!" Vico sighed, looked at his son with a complicated expression, and sighed: "I told your mother the same thing at the beginning, but it turns out that feelings can be cultivated."

Aaron: ...

Lisanna smiled meaningfully, "Everything is possible in the future."

Aaron pursed his lips and decided not to dwell on it. He would deal with it first.

Everything is possible in the future, but the future is still far away.

There are still five years until he reaches adulthood. Who knows what will happen in these five years.

After a moment of silence, Aaron smiled and nodded, "I understand, I will consider it."

"Then we will notify the Darwin family." Vico asked tentatively.

"Huh? I just said I would consider it, but I didn't say I agreed immediately!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"Well... I personally think it's better to let things take their own course. After all, we are still young..."

"Are you trying to delay time?" Lisanna said helplessly, "I know this is a bit sudden for you, but we really think she is the best candidate."


Aaron took a deep breath, then looked at his parents, "Then, can you please consider my feelings to some extent?

You also said that this is just an option, but this attitude makes you want me to walk into the grave of marriage immediately.

I'm only thirteen years old! Klea is still one year younger than me! "

Hearing this, the two looked at each other and fell into silence.

After more than ten seconds, Vico said seriously: "We won't force you to make a decision, but keep this list for the head office!"

"This is okay." Aaron quickly collected the brown paper on the table and put it back into the document bag, "Just put it in my bedroom. You can always be satisfied with this!"

Lisanna didn't say anything, she just felt a little regretful.

After Aaron came down from upstairs, he saw Vico with a serious face. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. This was the first time that he felt the majesty of the patriarch from his father.

“The secrets that the Gaius family has guarded for thousands of years are finally being handed over to the next generation.

Tell me, Aaron Gaius, are you ready? "

Aaron was extremely speechless, speaking as if I could postpone it until I was ready.


"That's good, come with me!"

"Don't I need to change my clothes or make some preparations?"


Vico strode out of the living room and led Aaron to the door of the treasure house.

Lisanna followed the two of them silently. Abe, who was holding her in her arms, seemed to feel the solemn atmosphere and behaved particularly well-behaved.

He took out a black key from his arms and handed it to Aaron, "It's better for you to open this door yourself."

Aaron took the key, carefully inserted it into the keyhole, and turned it slowly.

Although he was not really prepared, he was still a little excited that he was about to come into contact with the core of the family.

"Calm down." A hand pressed on Aaron's shoulder, Vico smiled at his son and shook his head, "You have walked through this door countless times."

"But this time it's different."

"It's indeed different. How about you guess what's inside?"

Aaron rolled his eyes at Vico and pushed the door open directly.

The truth is right in front of him, and he has no intention of guessing!

"My son is much happier than you." Lisanna chuckled and walked in with Abe.

As soon as a few people entered, the door to the secret room quickly closed and disappeared into this space.

Aaron stared at the space floating in the void with wide eyes, and swallowed involuntarily.

This secret room seems to be built in the center of the universe, boundless, like an independent world, full of mystery.

A giant tree stands in the center of the world. Above it is a sky full of stars. Almost every leaf is connected to a star, covering the entire starry sky.

Below it is a magnificent altar, with giant trees rooted in it, exuding brilliant brilliance from time to time.

A huge book was slowly turning in front of the altar. Various styles and graphics continued to appear and disappear on the pages, as if there was no way to finish writing.

"This is so spectacular!"

"I had the same sigh as you when we first met." Vico walked to the altar and saluted respectfully to the huge book.

"Come here and pay your respects. This is the true history of the family."

Aaron did as he was told, but for some reason he felt joy and excitement from the book.

“You should also be able to tell that this tree is the emblem of the Gaius family.

Can you think of anything? "

Aaron frowned, "Is it possible that the origin of the Gaius family is related to this tree?"

"No." Vico shook his head meaningfully, "To be precise, this tree was created by Gaius.

Thousands of years ago, an unprecedented genius appeared in the magical world, who was our ancestor.

He had no surname, but his name was passed down as a surname to future generations. "

"Father." Aaron said impatiently, "I know everything you said."

“Okay, then tell me something you don’t know.

Gaius was able to control his own magic power at birth. He became a senior magician at the age of four, a mage at the age of six, a magister at the age of nine, a grand magus at the age of twelve, and a holy magus at the age of sixteen. realm, entering the divine realm when reaching adulthood. "

"This is impossible." Aaron said in disbelief, "Even if God feeds it himself, it is impossible for it to grow so fast."

"Son." Vico smiled contemptuously, "Do you believe in the existence of God?"

"Uh..." Aaron replied uncertainly: "Maybe it doesn't exist!"

"God exists, and Satan also exists." Vico pointed to the book behind him, "There are detailed records on it."

Aaron blinked and turned to look at his mother in shock, "Please tell me this is a joke."

Lisanna smiled and said nothing.

"Well, it looks like it's not a joke.

Why do you say this? "

"Let you be mentally prepared. After Gaius stepped into the divine realm, he was vaguely aware of a higher level of barrier.

In order to go further, he chose to leave this world and explore a new path.

But the exploration was not destined to be smooth sailing. During the process, he often saw gods, big and small, fighting in the universe, either for faith, to occupy resources, or because of ridiculous personal grudges.

I don’t know when the protracted divine war started, but it seems to never end.

Countless planets collapsed, split, and were reorganized in fierce battles. Reality and virtuality were intertwined, and the turbulence of time and space could be seen everywhere.

He was also forced to get involved, but his talent was too high and his strength was too strong. Not only did he not suffer any damage, he actually calculated the opponent's abilities during the battle and integrated them into himself.

With the help of battles, he constantly perfected his laws, successfully broke through to higher levels, and even mastered the permissions of a part of the universe. "

"This...is this so exaggerated?" Aaron was so shocked that he was speechless. After a while, he finally spoke with difficulty, "This is not what the story books say."

Vico curled his lips disdainfully, "Don't be too limited in your thinking. There will always be someone who can surpass your imagination."

Aaron was immediately speechless, "You continue."

"He ended the war between the gods with his absolute strength, but he did not kill anyone. Instead, he organized them to sign a contract."

Aaron: ...

No wonder my family likes to use contracts to talk things over!

The reason has been found, it’s an ancestral inheritance!

“The gods perform their respective duties and are not allowed to interfere with the rights of others without reason, nor are they allowed to kill mortals at will. Since then, the good and evil in the world have reached a balance.

By the way, these people include the so-called God. "Vico said teasingly, "Although it has prevented the world from being continuously destroyed, the world itself is already overwhelmed and crumbling.

Our ancestors noticed this and wanted to heal the universe, but all they could do was to slow down the collapse of the universe. "

"Then what?" Aaron asked eagerly.

"Then Gaius returned to this world." Vico said with emotion, "He did not build himself into a god, but lived as an ordinary person, and even his magic power was not revealed at all.

While feeling life, he fell in love with a woman and formed a happy wizard family.

In addition to getting married and having children, Gaius also took on three talented apprentices and taught them different types of magic. "

"Wait, stop it." Aaron suddenly thought of something, "Three apprentices? It can't be..."

"Yes, it's them." Vico said with his fingers, "Darwin is responsible for spreading knowledge and recording all correct history.

Ishkar is responsible for prevention and protection. Once the world is covered by war, they will take emergency measures as soon as possible to protect all wizards, including Muggles.

As for Klein, who is responsible for intimidation, it is their credit that the world has not been invaded by external forces so far.

Gaius is responsible for establishing connections with other worlds, and it is not without reason that the four hidden families have always been watching and helping each other. "

"So this is ah!"

Aaron used to find it surprising why the relationship between their families could last for thousands of years without deterioration.

Now that the case has been solved, the relationship between master and apprentice thousands of years ago was similar to that of father and son. It is a bit far-fetched to explain that their families are distant relatives.

"Do you think it's over here?"

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not." Vico smiled and shook his head, "After his wife passed away, he walked towards the stars again.

He felt that his life was exciting enough, so he wanted to do something more meaningful.

He handed over his authority, sacrificed his body and soul, and repaired the gap in the universe.

In fact, only he can do this, not because he has partial permission to the universe, nor because of his great strength, but because he is the only one willing to do it.

Because in the eyes of those superior gods, it is only a matter of time before the universe collapses.

Gods who are powerful enough will go to other universes to create new divine realms, and the same goes for gods who are not powerful enough, but their living space is much smaller. If they are unlucky, they can only survive under the protection of others. "

After listening, Aaron couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

He knew that the first generation ancestors of his family would be great, but in his opinion, no matter how great they were, they would be saving the world. If it was more exaggerated, they would be saving the galaxy. If the God of Magic worked harder, it would not be impossible.

But he never imagined that his ancestors were saving a universe. How awesome were they?

"It's so great, but if it were me, I wouldn't learn from him." Aaron sighed, "I don't have the abilities of my ancestors, nor do I have his ideological awareness.

Perhaps the sacrifice seemed significant to him, but it was something I would probably never do. "


As soon as he finished speaking, Aaron received a slap on the head.

"Sometimes sacrifice is necessary." Vico angrily educated his son, "The Gaius family is what it is today because of the sacrifices of its ancestors."

"I'm not wrong!" Aaron said aggrievedly, "Dad, you know me. The spirit of sacrificing yourself to save the world has nothing to do with me."

"That's good if you think so." Lisanna breathed a heavy sigh of relief. "It's his business to have great ancestors. Mother hopes you can be more selfish."

Hearing this, Vico rolled his eyes speechlessly.

That's true, but is it really appropriate to be so straightforward?

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